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File metadata and controls

329 lines (236 loc) · 10.2 KB

Documentation For CT_Analysis_Library

Installation instructions:

To install globally run with sudo, else on a virtualenv just:

pip3 install .


  • Python3
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • scipy
  • sklearn
  • statsmodels
  • pymc3
  • xlrd



A custom exception for when there is no data in any of the scanned folders


This is a custom object made for holding CT Data


This is the initialise function for the CTData object, this will only need called once.

  • param folder the folder to look for data in
  • param rachis a boolean to decide to load in rachis data or not


Grabs the dataframe inside the class

  • returns a copy of the dataframe used in this class


this function gathers together all the data of interest

  • param folder is a starting folder
  • returns tuple of (seed files, rachis files)


This is an additional phenotype which is of someuse for finding out the relationship between the dimension variales


this function returns a dataframe of grain *param*eters and optionally of the rachis top and bottom

  • param grain_files is the output from gather_data
  • param rachis_files is an optional output from gather_data also
  • returns a dataframe of the information pre-joining


Following *param*eters outlined in the CT software documentation I remove outliers which are known to be errors

  • param remove_small a boolean to remove small grains or not
  • param remove_large a boolean to remove larger grains or not


Grabs a tuple of grain files and rachis

  • returns a tuple of grain files and rachis files


Because Biologists like to give data which are not normalised to any degree this function exists to attempt to correct the grouping columns, after standardisation this shouldn’t be needed anymore, but kept for legacy issues that could arise!


So important part of this function is that we accept that the data is what it is that is to say: rtop, rbot and Z are all orientated in the proper direction

It’s main purpose is to join split spikes by rachis nodes identified in the analysis process

  • param grain_df is the grain dataframe to take on-board


This function is targeted at removing a percentile of a dataframe it uses a column to decide which to measure against. By default this will remove everything above the percentile value

  • param df is the dataframe to manipulate
  • param column is the attribute column to base the removal of
  • param target_percent is the percentage to aim for
  • param bool_below is a default param which if set

to True will remove values below rather than above percentage


This function should do something akin to adding additional information to the data frame

  • note there is some confusion in the NPPC about whether to use

folder name or file name as the unique id when this is made into end-user software, a toggle should be added to allow this

  • param excel_file a file to attach and read data from
  • param join_column if the column for joining data is different then it should be stated




This will aggregate features (specified by attributes) into their medians on a per-spike basis.

Makes direct changes to the dataframe (self.df)

  • param attributes list of features to average
  • param groupby how the data should be aggregated


This will attempt to identify spikes which are not performing as expected

The default criteria for this is simply a count check So it requires that aggregate_spike_averages has been run

  • returns a dataframe with candidates for manual investigation



The powers or Box_Cox transform

Appears to be something which could really help with the kind of skewed data which this library seeks to assist with.

  • param values_array a numpy array of numbers to be transformed


This is to conform with the likes of PCA, the following text is borrowed from: Some code also also heavily borrowed from this page and I take minimal credit for it.

PCA is effected by scale so you need to scale the features in your data before applying PCA. Use StandardScaler to help you standardize the dataset’s features onto unit scale (mean = 0 and variance = 1) which is a requirement for the optimal performance of many machine learning algorithms. If you want to see the negative effect not scaling your data can have, scikit-learn has a section on the effects of not standardizing your data.

uses: \dfrac{x_i – mean(x)}{stdev(x)} assumes Normal Distribution

To try and fit a normal distribution I am applying log scales of log_2

  • param df the data to be standarised
  • param features the list of features to standardise
  • param groupby how the columns should be grouped
  • returns scaled values


This function will perform a PCA and return the principle components as a dataframe.

Read this for more information

  • param n_components components to check form
  • param df dataframe of the data to analyse
  • param features features from the dataframe to use
  • param groupby the column in the df to use
  • param standardise=False asks whether to standardise the data prior to PCA
  • returns a dataframe of the data, the pca object and the scaled data for reference


Creates a dataframe of the PCA weights for each attribute

  • returns a pca table



Except to trigger when a graph is given wrong args


Plots a difference of means graph

  • param trace a trace object
  • param **kwargs keyword arguments for matplotlib
  • returns a plot axes with the graph plotted


Plots a forest plot

  • param trace a trace object
  • param name1 the name of the first group
  • param name2 the name of the second group
  • returns a forestplot on a gridspec


This should just create a single boxplot and return the figure and an axis, useful for rapid generation of single plots Rather than the madness of the plural function

Accepts Kwargs for matplotlib and seaborn

  • param data a CTData object or else a dataframe
  • param attribute the attribute to use in the boxplot
  • param **kwargs keyword arguments for matplotlib
  • returns a figure and axes


What’s a QQ plot?

  • param vals the values to use in the qqplot
  • param plot the plot to place this on


Simple histogram function which accepts seaborn and matplotlib kwargs returns a plot axes

  • param data a CTData object or else a dataframe
  • param attribute the attribute to use in the histogram
  • param **kwargs keyword arguments for matplotlib
  • returns an axes


Plots the PCA of the data given in a 2D plot

  • param pca the pca object
  • param dataframe the dataframe from the pca output
  • param groupby the variable to group by in the plot
  • param single_plot a boolean to decide to multiplot or not
  • return a seaborn plot object


Helper function to fix bad arguments before they get used in evaluations

  • param arg arguments to check if fine or not



Implements and uses the hypothesis test outlined as a robust replacement for the t-test

for reference

  • param group1 a numpy array to test
  • param group2 a numpy array to test
  • param group1_name the name of the first group
  • param group2_name the name of the second group
  • returns a summary dataframe


Null Hypothesis is that X came from a normal distribution

which means: If the p-val is very small, it means it is unlikely that the data came from a normal distribution

As for chi-square: chi or ttest?

  • param vals the values to test for normality
  • returns a boolean to indicate if normal or not


Performs the standard t-test and returns a p-value

  • param group1 the first group to compare
  • param group2 the second group to compare
  • returns a p-value of the ttest