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Supported Tensorflow Ops

Operations - Arithmetic

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Add add
AddN addN
AddV2 AddV2
BiasAdd BiasAdd
Div div
DivNoNan divNoNan
FloorDiv floorDiv
FloorMod FloorMod
Maximum maximum
Minimum minimum
Mod mod
Mul mul
Pow pow
RealDiv RealDiv
SquaredDifference squaredDifference
Sub sub

Operations - Basic math

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Abs abs
Acos acos
Acosh acosh
Asin asin
Asinh asinh
Atan atan
Atan2 atan2
Atanh atanh
Ceil ceil
ClipByValue clipByValue
Complex Complex
ComplexAbs ComplexAbs
Cos cos
Cosh cosh
Elu elu
Erf erf
Exp exp
Expm1 expm1
Floor floor
Imag Imag
LeakyRelu leakyRelu
Log log
Log1p log1p
Neg neg
Prelu prelu
Prod Prod
Real Real
Reciprocal reciprocal
Relu relu
Relu6 relu6
Round round
Rsqrt rsqrt
Selu selu
Sigmoid sigmoid
Sign sign
Sin sin
Sinh sinh
Softplus softplus
Sqrt sqrt
Square square
Tan tan
Tanh tanh
Not mapped isFinite
Not mapped isInf
IsNan isNaN
Not mapped logSigmoid
Not mapped step

Operations - Control Flow

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
EmptyTensorList EmptyTensorList
Enter Enter
Exit Exit
If If
LoopCond LoopCond
Merge Merge
NextIteration NextIteration
StatelessIf StatelessIf
StatelessWhile StatelessWhile
Switch Switch
TensorArrayCloseV3 TensorArrayCloseV3
TensorArrayConcatV3 TensorArrayConcatV3
TensorArrayGatherV3 TensorArrayGatherV3
TensorArrayReadV3 TensorArrayReadV3
TensorArrayScatterV3 TensorArrayScatterV3
TensorArraySizeV3 TensorArraySizeV3
TensorArraySplitV3 TensorArraySplitV3
TensorArrayV3 TensorArrayV3
TensorArrayWriteV3 TensorArrayWriteV3
TensorListConcat TensorListConcat
TensorListFromTensor TensorListFromTensor
TensorListGather TensorListGather
TensorListGetItem TensorListGetItem
TensorListPopBack TensorListPopBack
TensorListPushBack TensorListPushBack
TensorListReserve TensorListReserve
TensorListScatter TensorListScatter
TensorListScatterV2 TensorListScatterV2
TensorListSetItem TensorListSetItem
TensorListSplit TensorListSplit
TensorListStack TensorListStack
While While

Operations - Convolution

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
_FusedConv2D _FusedConv2D
AvgPool AvgPool
AvgPool3D avgPool3d
Conv1D conv1d
Conv2D conv2d
Conv2DBackpropInput Conv2DBackpropInput
Conv3D conv3d
DepthwiseConv2d depthwiseConv2d
DepthwiseConv2dNative DepthwiseConv2dNative
Dilation2D Dilation2D
FusedDepthwiseConv2dNative FusedDepthwiseConv2dNative
MaxPool MaxPool
MaxPool3D maxPool3d
MaxPoolWithArgmax maxPoolWithArgmax
Not mapped conv2dTranspose
Not mapped conv3dTranspose
Not mapped pool
Not mapped separableConv2d

Tensors - Creation

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Fill fill
LinSpace linspace
Multinomial Multinomial
OneHot oneHot
Ones ones
OnesLike onesLike
RandomUniform RandomUniform
Range range
TruncatedNormal truncatedNormal
Zeros zeros
ZerosLike zerosLike
Not mapped eye

Operations - Dynamic

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
ListDiff ListDiff
NonMaxSuppressionV2 NonMaxSuppressionV2
NonMaxSuppressionV3 NonMaxSuppressionV3
NonMaxSuppressionV4 NonMaxSuppressionV4
NonMaxSuppressionV5 NonMaxSuppressionV5
Where Where

Operations - Evaluation

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
TopKV2 TopKV2
Unique Unique
UniqueV2 UniqueV2
Not mapped confusionMatrix
Not mapped inTopKAsync
Not mapped topk

Tensorflow - Graph

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Const Const
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars
Identity Identity
IdentityN IdentityN
NoOp NoOp
Placeholder Placeholder
PlaceholderWithDefault PlaceholderWithDefault
Print Print
Rank Rank
Shape Shape
ShapeN ShapeN
Size Size
Snapshot Snapshot
StopGradient StopGradient

Operations - Logical

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Equal equal
Greater greater
GreaterEqual greaterEqual
Less less
LessEqual lessEqual
LogicalAnd logicalAnd
LogicalNot logicalNot
LogicalOr logicalOr
NotEqual notEqual
Select Select
SelectV2 SelectV2
Not mapped logicalXor

Operations - Hashtable

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
HashTable HashTable
HashTableV2 HashTableV2
LookupTableFind LookupTableFind
LookupTableFindV2 LookupTableFindV2
LookupTableImport LookupTableImport
LookupTableImportV2 LookupTableImportV2
LookupTableSize LookupTableSize
LookupTableSizeV2 LookupTableSizeV2

Operations - Images

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
CropAndResize cropAndResize
ResizeBilinear resizeBilinear
ResizeNearestNeighbor resizeNearestNeighbor
Not mapped flipLeftRight
Not mapped rotateWithOffset

Operations - Matrices

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
_FusedMatMul _FusedMatMul
BatchMatMul BatchMatMul
BatchMatMulV2 BatchMatMulV2
Einsum Einsum
MatMul matMul
Transpose transpose
Not mapped dot
Not mapped norm
Not mapped outerProduct

Operations - Moving Average

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Not mapped movingAverage

Operations - Normalization

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
FusedBatchNorm FusedBatchNorm
FusedBatchNormV2 FusedBatchNormV2
FusedBatchNormV3 FusedBatchNormV3
LogSoftmax logSoftmax
Softmax softmax
SparseToDense sparseToDense
Not mapped batchNorm
Not mapped moments

Operations - Reduction

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
All all
Any any
ArgMax argMax
ArgMin argMin
Bincount bincount
DenseBincount denseBincount
Max max
Mean mean
Min min
Prod prod
Sum sum
Not mapped logSumExp

Tensors - RNN

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name

Operations - Scan

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Cumsum cumsum

Operations - Segment

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Not mapped unsortedSegmentSum

Tensors - Slicing and Joining

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Concat concat
ConcatV2 ConcatV2
Gather gather
GatherNd GatherNd
GatherV2 GatherV2
Pack Pack
Reverse reverse
ReverseV2 ReverseV2
ScatterNd ScatterNd
Slice slice
SparseToDense SparseToDense
Split split
SplitV SplitV
StridedSlice StridedSlice
Tile tile
Unpack Unpack
Not mapped booleanMaskAsync
Not mapped stack
Not mapped unstack

Operations - Spectral

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
FFT fft
IFFT ifft
IRFFT irfft
RFFT rfft

Operations - Signal

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Not mapped frame
Not mapped hammingWindow
Not mapped hannWindow
Not mapped stft

Operations - Linear Algebra

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
Not mapped bandPart
Not mapped gramSchmidt
Not mapped qr

Tensors - Transformations

Tensorflow Op Name Tensorflow.js Op Name
BatchToSpaceND batchToSpaceND
BroadcastArgs broadcastArgs
BroadcastTo broadcastTo
Cast cast
DepthToSpace depthToSpace
ExpandDims expandDims
MirrorPad MirrorPad
Pad pad
PadV2 PadV2
Reshape reshape
SpaceToBatchND spaceToBatchND
Squeeze squeeze
Not mapped setdiff1dAsync