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Move-Flow is an crypto asset streaming protocol built in Move language on Aptos blockchains.

Move-Flow is able to transfer assets on chain according to predefined rules. With one transaction, funds will flow from your wallet to the recipient real-time(by second), to conduct timely financial transactions without intermediaries..

This is the Typescript SDK for the protocol.

You can find docs here

Install sdk

pnpm install @moveflow/aptos-sdk

Usage Example

Init SDK

Init Stream Object with Ed25516 Private key, this kind of stream object can execute transaction directly.

import { Stream, aptos } from "@moveflow/aptos-sdk";
const pair = new aptos.Ed25519PrivateKey(test_private_key);
const account = aptos.Account.fromPrivateKey({
  privateKey: pair,
const stream = new Stream(account, Network.TESTNET);

Init Stream Object with simple address, this kind of stream object can only return the prepared transaction.

const stream = new Stream(sender_address, Network.TESTNET);

Create a new payment(stream) stream

const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const interval = 60;

let options = new CreateStreamParams({
  execute: true,
  coin_type: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin",
  _remark: "nothing",
  name: "one test stream",
  is_fa: false,
  stream_type: StreamType.TypeStream,
  recipient: AccountAddress.from(default_to_address),
  deposit_amount: 10_000_000,
  cliff_amount: 1_000_000,
  cliff_time: now + 450,
  start_time: now + 300,
  stop_time: now + 300 + interval * 60 * 12,
  auto_withdraw: false,
  auto_withdraw_interval: 600,
  pauseable: OperateUser.Both,
  closeable: OperateUser.Both,
  recipient_modifiable: OperateUser.Sender,
const sig = (await stream.createStream(options)) as TransactionResponse;

await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

const execute_tx = (await client.getTransactionByHash({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
})) as UserTransactionResponse;

assert(execute_tx.success, "transaction should be done");

If you create based common coin , you should pass with params:

is_fa:false and coin_type:"0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"

And if you want to build with fa-coin should pass : is_fa:true and asset_type:"0x355efcd852a0757eb4289f25b4627f368e72bae178d719ad6f7b435c7f201e59".

Param stream_type can be used split payment stream or stream stream.

Batch Create streams(payment)

const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const interval = 60;

let test_batch_count = 10;

let names = [];
let recipients = [];
let deposit_amounts = [];
let cliff_amounts = [];

for (let i = 0; i < test_batch_count; i++) {
  recipients.push(AccountAddress.from(`0x` + i.toString().padStart(64, "0")));

const tx = (await stream.batchCreateSteam(
  new BatchCreateParams({
    execute: true,
    is_fa: true,
    _remark: "nothing",
    stream_type: StreamType.TypeStream,
    cliff_time: now + 450,
    start_time: now + 300,
    stop_time: now + 300 + interval * 60 * 12,
    auto_withdraw: false,
    auto_withdraw_interval: 600,
    pauseable: OperateUser.Both,
    closeable: OperateUser.Both,
    recipient_modifiable: OperateUser.Sender,
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;

await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: tx.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

console.log("batch hash : ", tx.hash);

You can build as many as 200 streams in one transaction. One import tips you should know: You must set enough gas with one transaction.

Pause one stream

const sig = (await stream.pauseStream(
  new StreamOperateParams({
    execute: true,
    is_fa: true,
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;
console.log("pause transaction: ", sig.hash);
await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

Resume one stream

const sig = (await stream.resumeStream(
  new StreamOperateParams({
    execute: true,
    is_fa: true,
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;
console.log("pause transaction: ", sig.hash);
await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

Close one stream

const sig = (await stream.closeStream(
  new StreamOperateParams({
    execute: true,
    is_fa: true,
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;
console.log("pause transaction: ", sig.hash);
await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

Extend one stream

const stream_info = (await stream.fetchStream(stream_id)) as any;
console.log("current stop_time : ", stream_info.stop_time);
console.log("current interval : ", stream_info.interval);
const new_extend_time =
  Number(stream_info.stop_time) + Number(stream_info.interval) * 120;
console.log("new stop_time : ", new_extend_time);

const sig = (await stream.extendStream(
  new StreamOperateParams({
    execute: true,
    extend_time: new_extend_time,
    coin_type: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin",
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;
console.log("extend transaction: ", sig.hash);

fetch one stream info

const stream_id =

const stream_info = await stream.fetchStream(stream_id);

withdraw stream

const sig = (await stream.withdrawStream(
  new StreamOperateParams({
    execute: true,
    coin_type: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin",
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;
console.log("withdraw transaction: ", sig.hash);

await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: sig.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

Batch withdraw streams

const tx = (await stream.batchWithdrawStream(
  new BatchWithdrawParams({
    is_fa: false,
    stream_ids: [
    coin_type: "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin",
    execute: true,
)) as PendingTransactionResponse;

await client.waitForTransaction({
  transactionHash: tx.hash,
  options: {
    checkSuccess: true,

console.log("batch withdraw tx : ", tx.hash);

Get registered coin configs

const configs = await stream.getRegisteredCoinConfigs();
console.log("configs", configs);