The GaidenMagic system in c-skillsys is a remake of B.Mag
and W.Mag
in Fire Emblem: Gaiden. The related code is mainly stored in:
Gaiden magic config lists have been actively adapted for FEB. Now users can directly use existing FEB form and patch to set unit gaiden magic list and item hp cost.
We have put several config options to increase the freedom for developers. You can change the functionality via the following configs in configs.h:
: enables the gaiden magic system.MUST_BE_MAGIC
: allows none-magic weapons exist in B.Mag list.REQUIRES_WRANK
: determines whether the character can use magic that exceeds his weapon rank.AI_EN
: allows AI to use B/W magic.EXT_CONF_EN
: enables external magic list config table:gGaidenChaxConfigs
To improve the user experience for non-wizardry developers, the configs above can be directly modified by gKernelDesigerConfig
via FEB patch free from custom build.
C-SkillSys supports the same table as old skillsys, which can be directly setup by FEB:
: give unit magic on considering their level, can be configured by FEB form Gaiden-style Spell.gGaidenWeaponCostList
: set hp cost for item, can be directly configurable via existing FEB patch: GaidenSpellCostTable.
On this basis, we have added a new dynamic table to increase the freedom of configuration:
: equip magic by:- character index
- class index
- unit level
- unit faction
- skill
- event flag
can only support weapons.B.Mag
supoorts non-magic weapons under the configuration ofCONFIG_GAIDEN_MAGIC_MUST_BE_MAGIC
can only supoort staff items.
To following sections are mainly for wizardry.
The whole gaiden magic system in c-skillsys is built based on battle weapon-slot expansion. Based on vanilla function SetBattleUnitWeapon()
, weapon slot 9-15 are allocated to gaiden B.Mag, and 16-22 to W.Mag. And kernel may find the related magic by function GetGaidenMagicItem()
. For more details, see Weapon slot expansion section in
Both gaiden B.Mag and W.Mag hold their unique action seperated from existing combat/staff action to better handle weapon selection and hp cost issues:
// configs.h
#define CONFIG_UNIT_ACTION_EXPA_GaidenMagicCombat 0x24
#define CONFIG_UNIT_ACTION_EXPA_GaidenMagicStaff 0x25
In order to reduce the modification of item effect functions, we directly insert a action transform in action routine, TryChangeGaidenMagicAction()
, in which we may judge on gActionData.itemSlotIndex
, and transform to gaiden magic action for gaiden magic weapon slots.
The item use effect (DoItemUse()
) and action (ActionStaffDoorChestUseItem()
) routine is just introduced the minimal modification: We just replace the function call on item-getter in item-use to AutoGetItemUseActionItem()
C-SkillSys hold a seperate HP-cost system in battle-sys. For more details, see Hp cost section in
You need to take note that the unrestrained expansion of gGaidenChaxConfigs
may cause potential performance issue. The weak GBA CPU may suffer a lot of time to calculate the magic list for each unit especially when the AI calculates each enemies' combat radius to obtain dangerous area. Related call stack:
// 1
AiAttemptOffensiveAction -->
AiFillReversedAttackRangeMap -->
GetUnitMaxRange -->
GetGaidenMagicList -->
// 2
CpPerform_EquipBest -->
GetItemMaxRange -->
GetGaidenMagicList -->