This directory include instructions and templates for building container pods that will scrape data from kubernetes and openshift into a mohawk server, the openshift setup will also integrate the Mohawk metrics into Openshift UI console.
oc project kube-system
# run setup script
# ROUTER_IP is the IP address of the compute node running the haproxy.
# e.g. ROUTER_IP= bash ./
ROUTER_IP=<ip of mohawk route> bash ./
# Add cluster admin role to system:anonymous
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kube-system-cluster-admin \
--user system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default --clusterrole cluster-admin
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kube-system-cluster-admin \
--user system:anonymous --clusterrole cluster-admin
# Get and run template
kubectl create -f Projects/mohawk-container/mohawk-k8s.yaml