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Strike Out System

MaynardMiner edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

SWARM has a unique system for bench marking.

SWARM is capable of instituting "bans" on miners, barring them from certain pools for the following reasons:

-no hashrate

-poor connection

-high rejections [based on -rejections argument]

If SWARM detects any of the following, a "strike" is added against miner. The strike system works as thus:

First strike:

-Notification On Screen- Reason is supplied

-A .txt is posted in "timeout" folder.

-If reason was for high rejections- a "rejections" txt is posted in timeout folder.

Strike two:

-Notification On Screen- Reason is supplied.

-A .txt is posted in "timeout" folder.

-If reason was for high rejections- a "rejections" txt is posted in timeout folder.

-miner, and all of it data/details recorded by SWARM is convert to JSON, then sent to:


-hashrate.txt of algorithm is deleted.

-Notification during next and subsequent switches that miner is being blocked from the pool it was last mining on, along with the algo it was mining with.

-SWARM will "skip" over that combination of pool/algorithm.

Strike Three:

-Notification On Screen- Reason is supplied.

-A .txt is posted in "timeout" folder.

-If reason was for high rejections- a "rejections" txt is posted in timeout folder.

-miner, and all of it data/details recorded by SWARM is convert to JSON, then sent to: .\algo_block\algo_block.txt

-hashrate.txt of algorithm is deleted.

-Notification during next and subsequent switches that algorithm and miner combination is being blocked from all pools.

-SWARM will "skip" over that combination of miner/algorithm.

To reset the strikes, simply institute a benchmark command:

benchmark [algorithm]

To reset all timeouts:

benchmark timeout

These commands can be done remotely.

-Timeout parameter will automatically reset all the current bans every [x] hours, where [x] is the integer specified. This will cause all miners that were banned/timed out to be benchmarked.