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Arguments (Miner Configuration)

MaynardMiner edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 41 revisions

Miner Arguments

Miner arguments are added to either swarm(UNIX), SWARM.bat(Windows), or on miner flight sheet in extra config arguments box (HiveOS).


No launch necessary. HiveOS launched program for you.

The next step is adding your arguments. A full list of arguments is here:

SWARM help file for arguments

You add the arguments, then close the "". Here is an example setup, which is the basic setup on Windows (BTC):

NOTE All arguments in [] are meant to be selected by user. I am simply listing the common options that can be used.

powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\swarm.ps1 -RigName1 Swarm -Location [US/Europe/Asia] -PoolName [blockmasters,nlpool,ahashpool,blazepool,hashrefinery,phiphipool,zergpool,zpool] -Type [[AMD1] or [NVIDIA1] or [AMD1,NVIDIA2]] -Wallet1 1DRxiWx6yuZfN9hrEJa3BDXWVJ9yyJU36i -Donate .5 -Farm_Hash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Hive OS

You simply just add arguments to extra arguments box within in your custom miner wallet on OR add it to your SWARM.[version].conf file. This is example of basic setup (BTC):

-RigName1 SWARM -Location [US/Europe/Asia] -PoolName [nlpool,blockmasters,ahashpool,blazepool,hashrefinery,phiphipool,zpool] -Type [[AMD1] or [NVIDIA1] or [AMD1,NVIDIA2]] -Wallet1 1DRxiWx6yuZfN9hrEJa3BDXWVJ9yyJU36i -Donate .5

Launch is removed. HiveOS launches miner. You are just entering arguments.

Note on additional arguments for AMD:

-If you are experiencing issue with AMD:

Use -CLPlatform [0,1,2], and that may help. The issue may be that SWARM is incorrectly detecting CLplatform. However, I have had no recent reports of it doing so.