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Arguments (Miner Configuration)

MaynardMiner edited this page May 28, 2019 · 41 revisions

##SWARM Arguments##

Miner arguments are added to either swarm(UNIX), SWARM.bat(Windows), or on miner flight sheet in extra config arguments box (HiveOS).


No launch necessary. HiveOS launched program for you. You simply need to add arguments to your flight sheet. If you are lost on which arguments to use / add- both ./swarm and ./swarm.bat have "cheat" sheet of starting arguments.


Open swarm file, and edit with arguments. There is a cheat sheet inside file for bare minimum arguments. Next you launch SWARM. It is HIGHLY ADVISED if you want to use ALL features of SWARM, to use sudo ./swarm and launch as root.


Open SWARM.bat file, and edit arguments. Launch the .bat file. SWARM will handle the rest.

A full list of arguments is here:

Sample Starting Arguments

NOTE All arguments in [] are meant to be selected by user. I am simply listing the common options that can be used.

-RigName1 Swarm -Location [US/Europe/Asia] -PoolName [blockmasters,nlpool,ahashpool,blazepool,hashrefinery,phiphipool,zergpool,zpool] -Type [[AMD1] or [NVIDIA1] or [AMD1,NVIDIA2]] -Wallet1 1DRxiWx6yuZfN9hrEJa3BDXWVJ9yyJU36i -Donate .5

If you wish to use HiveOS, add -Farm_Hash xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Once Background agent launches, worker should appear in HiveOS. You can then create a flight sheet for SWARM, and launch it.

JSON Configuration

SWARM can run using a .json instead of arguments.

HiveOS Flight Sheet

HiveOS Flight can accept a .json for arguments. Upon starting, it will create a file name config.json in main directory, which is what SWARM will use for user parameters.

Manual Start

If using Windows or Linux, and you are not using HiveOS flight sheets, you can still use .json. You only need to simply create the file "config.json" but copy/pasting the contents of default.json (listed above), and changing parameters to your desired setup.