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Installation instructions for ei-attractor

Please follow all the following instructions carefully. Skip through the relevant sections only if you know what you are doing.

Download and initialize the repository

You will need git to clone this repository using git. After cloning, you need to initialize the submodules that the repository depends on by running git submodule init and git submodule update.

How to compile the documentation only

The documentation source files are in the doc directory. After downloading and initializing the repository (see previous step), do the following steps:

  1. (optional) Install virtual environment, create an empty one and activate it. This is highly recommended, but if you do not want to do this step, use the --user parameter to pip when running the next steps.
  2. In the root of the project, run pip install -r requirements_doc.txt. This will use requirements_doc.txt to install Sphinx and associated package.
  3. Change your working directory to doc and run make html. Only the HTML version of the documentation has been tested.

The documentation files are in _build/html and the main page is index.html. If you would like to install the whole project (and run simulations, build figures, etc.) follow the next steps.

Install the project

The model requires some prerequisites, in particular, it requires some non-python packages and some python packages.

Install non-Python packages

  • C/C++ compiler.
  • NEST simulator == 2.2.0 (and ideally not using the later versions, since there have been API changes). It is recommended to do the installation process inside the Python virtual environment that you are going to use for simulations.
  • The HDF5 library. Most Linux/Unix distributions come with HDF5 installed. However, it might be worth to check the version and update to the latest one (>= 1.8.12). On Windows, you need to help yourself as you can...
  • SWIG >= 3.0. This is not required by the project, but it is required by the gridcells package and so is also listed here.

Install Python packages

There are a number of requirements, but once you have installed the non-Python packages, change to the root of the project and do these two steps (it is recommended to do this in a virtual environment to avoid clashes with other python packages):

  1. pip install -r requirements_first.txt
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure that there are no errors during the process and that all the packages are installed successfully.

Make sure PyNEST is properly installed

Try to change directory to somewhere outside of the NEST installation root directory. Then try to run python and import the nest package: import nest. If you see something like:

>>> import nest

              -- N E S T --

  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
  Version 2.2.2 Jun  2 2015 09:37:25

This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

Problems or suggestions?
  Website     :
  Mailing list: [email protected]

Type '' to find out more about NEST.

Then the installation was successful. If you see an import error:

>>> import nest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named nest

then there is a problem. There are several ways how to troubleshoot this. One option is to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to the installed package. However, if you are using the virtual environment (highly recommended anyway), the best solution is to do the following steps:

  1. Activate your virtual environment
  2. After installing NEST itself (make and make install), change to directory pynest inside the NEST source package and run pip install. This should install all the necessary Python bindings into your virtual environment. After this, change directory to outside the NEST source package and repeat the steps above to test whether PyNEST is present.

Install the grid cell NEST module

It is also necessary to compile and install the gridcells NEST module, which is a set of C++ classes describing the behavior of single neurons within the simulator kernel. The module is present in grid_cell_model/nest/gridcells. Please follow the instructions in Writing an extension module on the NEST website. There is no need to set up anything related to SLI (unless you want to use SLI). After successful installation, do not forget to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the location of the installed module (on OSX the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable; see the instructions).

To test the module, run python and run import nest; nest.Install('gridcellsmodule'). You should get this output:

>>> import nest; nest.Install('gridcellsmodule')

              -- N E S T --

  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
  Version 2.2.2 Jun  2 2015 12:39:12

This program is provided AS IS and comes with
NO WARRANTY. See the file LICENSE for details.

Problems or suggestions?
  Website     :
  Mailing list: [email protected]

Type '' to find out more about NEST.

Jun 02 13:19:24 Install [Info]:
    loaded module Grid cells NEST module

Running a demo simulation

Change directory to grid_cell_model/simulations/simulation_demo and run ./ -h. This should print the help and description of the simulation parameters. The typical usage of the way simulations are submitted in this project is ./ -v DEBUG --time=1e3 --ntrials=1 workstation output_dir.

This will run the simulation and save data into an appropriate directory in output_dir. If you get any errors, you need to go back to the previous steps and make sure they are all completed successfully. If this step is successfull you will find some HDF5 file(s) in the output directory and you are ready to run your own simulations.