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MagmaGuy edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

Creating arenas

Key Description Values Default
isEnabled Sets if the arena is enabled true / false true
arenaName Sets then name of the arena STRING none
corner1 Sets the first corner of the arena LOCATION none
corner2 Sets the second corner of the arena, must be diametrically opposed from corner1 LOCATION none
startLocation Sets the start location of the arena LOCATION none
exitLocation Sets the exit location of the arena LOCATION none
waveCount Sets the amounts of waves the arena has INTEGER none
delayBetweenWaves Sets the delay, in seconds, between waves INTEGER 0
spawnPoints Sets the spawn points STRING LIST [1] none
bossList Sets the list of bosses that spawn on waves STRING LIST [2] none
rawArenaReward Sets the rewards given at the end of waves Universal EliteMobs loot table [3] none
minimumPlayerCount Sets the minimum amount of players an arena must have before starting INTEGER 1
maximumPlayerCount Sets the maximum amount of players an arena can have INTEGER 100
arenaMessages Sets the messages that run between waves Special format [4] none
cylindricalArena Sets if the arena uses a cylindrical shape (default is cuboid) true / false false
permission Sets the permission required to use the arena STRING none

[1] Spawn points: Uses the following format: name=pointName:location=world_name,x,y,z. Example: name=north:location=em_adventurers_guild,219.5,71,273.5

[2] Boss list: Uses the following format: wave=x:spawnPoint=Y:boss=bossfilename.yml. Example: wave=1:spawnPoint=north:boss=wood_league_wave_1_melee.yml

[3] Arena messages: Uses the following format: wave=X:message=your message here. Example: wave=1:message=&2This is the first wave!

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