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[PlaceholderAPI] EliteMobs placeholders

MagmaGuy edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 8 revisions

The following is the full list of PAPI placeholders for EliteMobs.

%elitemobs_player_combat_tier% Displays the combat tier of a player, meaning the tier used for spawning Elite Mobs around the player.

%elitemobs_player_active_guild_rank_numerical% Displays the active guild rank for the player in number form. Beware that the active guild rank may be lower than the actual maximum guild rank if the player lowers it on purpose.

%elitemobs_player_maximum_guild_rank_numerical% Displays the maximum guild rank for the player in number form. Beware that this may be higher than the guild rank they have active if they lowered it on purpose.

%elitemobs_player_active_guild_rank_name% Displays the name of the active guild rank. This is the option you probably want to use if you want to display a player's active guild rank.

%elitemobs_player_maximum_guild_rank_name% Displays the name of the maximum guild rank. This is the option you probably want to use if you want to display a player's maximum guild rank.

%elitemobs_player_money% Displays how much currently a player has.

%elitemobs_player_top_tier% Displays the highest threat tier out of any online players.

%elitemobs_player_top_guild_rank% Displays the name of the online player with the highest guild rank.

`%elitemobs_player_shortened_guild_rank% Displays the shortened version of the prestige and active guild ranks, specifically for chat or other locations where rank names can't take up too much space (scoreboards). By default, uses a fleur de lis and a star unicode to represent the prestige level and active guild rank respectively, and uses roman numerals for the numbers. This is 100% configurable in the AdventurersGuild.yml configuration file.

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