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This branch is 63 commits behind FlowiseAI/Flowise:main.


Flowise Docker Hub Image

Starts Flowise from DockerHub Image


  1. Create .env file and specify the PORT (refer to .env.example)
  2. docker compose up -d
  3. Open http://localhost:3000
  4. You can bring the containers down by docker compose stop

🔒 Authentication

  1. Create .env file and specify the PORT, FLOWISE_USERNAME, and FLOWISE_PASSWORD (refer to .env.example)
  2. Pass FLOWISE_USERNAME and FLOWISE_PASSWORD to the docker-compose.yml file:
        - PORT=${PORT}
  3. docker compose up -d
  4. Open http://localhost:3000
  5. You can bring the containers down by docker compose stop

🌱 Env Variables

If you like to persist your data (flows, logs, apikeys, credentials), set these variables in the .env file inside docker folder:

  • DATABASE_PATH=/root/.flowise
  • APIKEY_PATH=/root/.flowise
  • LOG_PATH=/root/.flowise/logs
  • SECRETKEY_PATH=/root/.flowise
  • BLOB_STORAGE_PATH=/root/.flowise/storage

Flowise also support different environment variables to configure your instance. Read more