Releases: MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Analysis
Releases · MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Analysis
Minor release for a bug fix related to trying to run analysis on only one year of data.
Minor Enhancements
- Adding new config file for run on Cori-KNL. #548
Bug fixes
This update is largely a combination of clean-up and some minor enhancements. The one major analysis task that was added provides vertical profiles of mean T, S and potential density averaged through time and across ocean regions.
Major Enhancements
- Add regional depth profiles #516
Minor Enhancements
- Allow main vs. ref comparison to use a cached main in addition to a cached ref analysis run #494
- Consolidate base directory for diagnostics (obs, mapping and mask files) into one config option #500
- Add potential density to WOCE transect plots #498
- Change reference run to control run #496
- Remove code related to deprecated "autoclose" option #501
- Make output during setup-and-check phase less verbose #511
- Fix PEP8 issues in the whole code #518
Bug fixes
Highlights include analysis of surface biogeochemistry, eddy kinetic energy and iceberg concentration as well as enhancement of transect plots.
Major Enhancements
- Lat and lon axes for transect plots #437
- Task to plot iceberg concentration #320
- Task for surface climatology maps of ocean biogeochemistry fields #433
- Transect contour plots #450
- Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) climatology analysis #447
Minor Enhancements
- Added a utility for making an MPAS to Antarctic mapping file #446
- Updated the location, depth and seasons for SOSE transects #462
- Added climatologyMapBGC to docs #471
- Switched to using an entry point for the mpas_analysis package #477
- Added a subtask for computing region masks on the fly #482
- Split TimeSeriesAntarcticMelt into multiple subtasks #483
- Enhance "error bars" for observations in Antarctic melt time series plots #489
- Break the MOC into several subtasks #487
Minor clean-up
- Disabled HDF5 locking in example job scripts #443
- Updated license file #444, #448
- Refactored BGC so it is one task, not one per field #453
- Updated the list of public observations #456
- Removed depricated inplace arg to xarray ds rename calls #480
- Clean up documentation #485
Bug fixes
- Bug fix in climatology anomalyRefYear #442
- Bug fix in interpolating transect segments #439
- Fixed error reporting on tasks #449
- Updated observations XML for EKE #454
- Fixed some errors and warnings that come up during CI #465
- Fixed Read The Docs and updated to python 3.6 #466, #467, #469
- Fixed detecting periodic lat/lon descriptors #475
- Explicitly set colormap type (indexed or continuous) in config options #473
- Fixed CI under python 2 #478
- Update to CI to python 3.7 #479
- Add periodic image to BGC obs data #486
- Catches zero arguments #491
The first official public release!
Major Enhancements
- Add climatology maps for ocean-heat-content anomalies #342
- Add a task to compute climatologies of mixed layer depth and compare with SOSE #353
- Add tasks for plotting velocity magnitude and components against SOSE #355
- Add task to plot Bottom PT, S and PD against Schmidtko et al. (2014) observations #369
- Add script to download obs+mapping+region_mask files from public server #375
- Document all tasks and all sections of config file #397
- Add SOSE potential density task #366
- Add WOCE and SOSE potential temperature and salinity transect tasks #327
- Add a task for plotting geojson transects #368
- Add script to plot online MOC #415
Minor Enhancements
- Update script for SOSE preprocessing #354
- Add a script for generating README and bibtex files for each obs. dataset #367
- Add to the documentation as a quick start guide #373
- Add a publicObs tag to all tasks with obs. on public server #379
- Add autogenerated page for each obs. data set #391
- Add config file to bottom of main webpage #404
- Add new colormaps #410
Minor clean-up
- Update author list #341
- Update example config files for Edison #343
- Change list of ice shelves to a more useful one #346
- Remove unused timeCacheSubdirectory config option #356
- Updates mpas-o_in and mpas-seaice_in names #363
- Remove old QU240 run, add new QU240wLI on edison #374
- Make line colors consistent across plots #378
- Update obs in theta config file #376
- Update many entries in the observation database #387
- Switch scripts that download obs. data to use "requests" package #392
- Update MHT legend text with Trenberth reference #395
- Update default color maps #394
- Add climatologyMapSosePotentialDensity to docs #405
- A general clean-up pull request #408:
- Fix some missing packages in the README
- Generalize indexNino34 to be labeled correctly if a user chooses nino3 or nino4 as regions
- Change temperature to potential temperature in many places
- Move the obs paths/files from [oceanObservations] and [seaIceObservations] to the individual tasks
- Removed empty bibtex files from the documentation; don't autogenerate them
- Moved [regions], [plots] and [html] toward the top of config.default
- Make the --purge flag only delete directories known to MPAS-Analysis
- Remove "displayToScreen" option #412
- Add enhancements and clean-up SOSE, Schmidtko and geojson tasks #416
- Log task progress to file and instead display progress bar #417
- Update example config files; fix list of mapping files #434
Bug fixes
- Fix bug in importing StringIO #361
- Fix bounds on sea-ice time series from cache file #365
- Fix legend plotting when obs are available #398
- Update all multifile datasets to use ncrcat #411
- Fix file prefix for SOSE climatology task with ref runs #423
- Fix climatology computations with single months #427
- Fix periodic boundary in polar plots of lat/lon data #430
The minor release includes a number of bug-fixes and enhancements.
Major Enhancements
- A task for plotting the sea surface height vs. obs #308
- Tasks to plot MPAS T and S at various depths vs. ARGO obs. #316
- Maked mpas_analysis an installable package #160
- Added license information to the repo and to each file #160
- Add a table of observations to the docs #335
Minor Enhancements
- Utility script for making MPAS to lat/lon mapping files #304
- Optionally add bolus velocity to MOC #312
- A script for generating a table of observational data sets in the docs #333
- User-specified tick start and stride for time axes #337
Minor clean-up
- Switch from relative to absolute imports #307
- Change diff color map to be white near zero #311
- Use common color map setup for all plots with color maps #313
- Renames the MPAS-Seaice and makes associated clean-up to docs #314, #326
- Add support for specifying the anomaly ref year #317
- Clean-up of Documentation #331
Bug fixes
This release:
- Splits climatology maps into more subtasks
- Adds a task for plotting climatology maps for Antarctic melt rates
- Adds analysis tasks for plotting SOSE T and S
- Adds Antarctic melt time series
- Supports comparison with a reference run
Minor clean-up includes:
- Ploting no more than 300 pluses in OHC plot
- Changing to mask directory instead of individual mask files
- Fixing decoding of string in python 3 when rerunning time series
- Fixing first file for time series
- Cleaning up the nino34 index task
- Adding "only_" prefix to "generate" config option; clarifying output from --list command line option
- Checking for missing variables in MPAS time series
- Reading meridional heat transport lat bins from either of 2 streams
- Splitting OHC, temperature and salinity anomalies into separate tasks
- Adding -4 flag to force NetCDF4 output format from NCO
This release:
- adds a job script and example config file for Anvil (the E3SM nodes on Blues as Argonne)
- adds a job script and example config file for Theta at Argonne
- updates the example config files on Edison to a more recent run (both a long E3SM beta2 and a shorter beta3)
- switches parallel tasks to using multiprocessing instead of subprocess
- fixes example config files to specify the correct mapping directory where pregenerated mapping files can be found
- adds support for prerequisite tasks and subtasks
- adds a task for computing MPAS climatologies for all variables in a given component in one call to ncclimo
- adds a subtask for remapping climatologies to the comparison grid
- cleans up the documentation, fixing some missing packages that were causing the ReadTheDocs build to fail
- adds a task for extracting time series with ncrcat
- updates the MOC time series to iterate through monthly mean data manually, rather than using an xarray multi-file data set (which tends to lead to memory errors or other problems within dask).