Reload faster. Press sneak while sprinting to dive and slide.
3 - Immediately reload and your reload time is reduced to 2 seconds.
5 - Instantly reload until you die.
7 - Your team receives instant reload for 30 seconds.
General options:
- Relative duration to reduce the base reload time by (e.g. ifduration
is -2 seconds, the reload time is reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds).dive-cooldown
- Duration of dive ability cooldown.
Killstreak options:
- Relative duration to reduce the base reload time by (similarly toduration
, this applies to the original 5 second reload time).ks-7-team-duration
- Duration of team instant-reload on 7 killstreak.
- Paintball:
- commando:
duration: ~+-2s
dive-cooldown: 7s
ks-3-duration: ~+-3s
ks-7-team-duration: 30s