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File metadata and controls

78 lines (60 loc) · 2.09 KB


High performance PHP workerman/webman with TypeScript react as its ui framework, and for the bundler, we use the lightning fast vite.


This boilerplate uses PHP ^7.2, Webman 1.4.9, Node.js ^16, TypeScript 4.8.4, React 18.2.0, React Router 6.4.2, Vite 3.1.8

Getting Started

Install the required packages & libraries with the following command:

$ composer install

$ npm install
// or you could use pnpm
$ pnpm install

Run the command below to start the php server:

$ php start.php

And finally run this command to start watching changes from react ui:

$ npm run watch
// or you could use pnpm
$ pnpm watch

Project Structure

├── app             # Webman Main Folder with your usual MVC pattern
│   ├── controller   
│   ├── middleware   
│   ├── model        
│   └── view         
│       └── www     # Bundled version of React from "views" directory and also the actual "public" path
├── config          # Configuration for Webman
├── node_modules    # Installed NPM packages
├── process         # Webman boilerplate
├── public          # Temporary "public" directory, will be processed later by vite
├── runtime         # Webman boilerplate
├── support         # Webman boilerplate
├── vendor          # Installed Composer packages
└── views           # React Main Folder, edit your UI here

Deploying to Production

Using Docker

Modify Dockerfile as you see fit.
Run the following command to create docker image while passing everything in .env as build-arg:

$ docker build --tag <your-project-name> \
    $(for i in `cat .env`; do out+="--build-arg $i " ; done; echo $out;out="") \

Run the next command to run the image:

$ docker run --name <your-project-name> \
    --publish <your-host-port>:80 \
    --tty \
    --detach \