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Releases: M2Team/NanaZip

NanaZip 1.0 Preview 4 (

01 Dec 14:48
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This preview version of NanaZip merged the changes from 7-Zip 21.06 and 7-Zip ZStandard branch. Also we provide the NanaZip Preview in the Windows Store for helping users to test NanaZip.


  • Update Italian, Russian and Polish Translations. (Contributed by Blueberryy, Maicol Battistini and ChuckMichael.)
  • Provide 7-Zip execution alias for helping users to migrate to NanaZip. (Suggested by AndromedaMelody.)
  • Adjust file association icon. (Suggested by 奕然.)
  • Merge features from 7-Zip ZStandard branch. (Suggested by fcharlie. Thanks to Tino Reichardt.)
  • Update 7-Zip to 21.06. (Noticed by Dan, lychichem and sanderdewit. Thanks to Igor Pavlov.)
  • Fix compression level display issue in the compress dialog. (Thanks to SakuraNeko.)
  • Make every file extension have own file type in file type association definitions for solving #53. (Thanks to oxygen-dioxide.)
  • Disable virtualization:ExcludedDirectories for resolve #34. (Thanks to AndromedaMelody.)
  • Reduce the compilation warnings.
  • Change the configuration for NanaZipPackage project for solve the issue when referencing the Windows Runtime Components.
  • Update Mile.Cpp.


Download 40174MouriNaruto.NanaZipPreview_1.0.88.0_gnj4mf6z9tkrc.msixbundle and open it.

Kenji Mouri

NanaZip 1.0 Preview 3 (

16 Oct 14:59
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This is the third preview version of NanaZip. The icon of NanaZip has been finally updated, and I also fixed some issues people met in NanaZip.


NanaZip 1.0 Preview 3 (

  • Enable parsing the NSIS script support in the NSIS archives. (Suggested by alanfox2000. Thanks to myfreeer.)
  • Simplify the separator layout in the context menu implementation.
  • Fix app still displays in folder context menu, resulting in empty entry that doesn't do anything when no options that could interact. (Thanks to shiroshan.)
  • Fix the application crash in some cases caused by some issues in the exception handler implementation from VC-LTL 5.x. (Thanks to mingkuang.)
  • Update new icons. (Designed by Alice (四月天), Chi Lei, Kenji Mouri, Rúben Garrido and Sakura Neko.)
  • Make main NanaZip package contains all resources.
  • Fix the command line help string. (Thanks to adrianghc.)


Download 40174MouriNaruto.NanaZip_1.0.46.0_gnj4mf6z9tkrc.msixbundle and open it.

Kenji Mouri

NanaZip 1.0 Preview 2 (

01 Oct 04:28
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This is the second preview version of NanaZip 1.0. The command line version of NanaZip has been finally added in the first time, and I also fixed some issues people met in NanaZip.

Known issues

  • You may meet the application crash in some cases in NanaZip 1.0 Preview 2 because there are some issues in the exception handler implementation from VC-LTL 5.x. I need to wait mingkuang (the author of VC-LTL) to fix it.
  • Some users have reported that the visual assets of the software (such as the logo) do not match the Microsoft Fluent Design System experience, and we are contacting our designers to ensure that we can update our visual assets in subsequent releases.


NanaZip 1.0 Preview 2 (

  • Remove IObjectWithSite in shell extension implementation to reduce the complexity and crashes.
  • Add altform-lightunplated assets for display the contrast standard mode icon in the taskbar instead of contrast white icon. (Thanks to StarlightMelody.)
  • Remove Windows.Universal TargetDeviceFamily for solving the minimum OS requirements display issue. (Thanks to 青春永不落幕.)
  • Enable NanaZipC and NanaZipG in AppX manifest. (Thanks to be5invis.)
  • Change "The operation can require big amount of RAM (memory)" error dialog to warning dialog. (Thanks to Legna.)


Step 1: Install the self signing certificate.

Download MouriNaruto.cer in the attachment and execute Certutil -addStore Root "[The path of MouriNaruto.cer]" in the Command Prompt which is run as the Administrator.

Step 2: Install the NanaZip

Download NanaZipPackage_1.0.31.0_x86_x64_arm64.msixbundle and open it.

Kenji Mouri

NanaZip 1.0 Preview 1 (

25 Sep 11:43
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This is the first preview version and of NanaZip. I will try to publish this version to Windows Store in the recent days.

Known issues

  • You may meet the application crash in some cases in NanaZip 1.0 Preview 1 because there are some issues in the exception handler implementation from VC-LTL 5.x. I need to wait mingkuang (the author of VC-LTL) to fix it.
  • Windows may show the contrast white icon in the taskbar when you using the contrast standard mode.


NanaZip 1.0 Preview 1 (

  • Modernize the build toolchain with MSBuild for using MSIX packaging and parallel compilation support.
  • Use VC-LTL 5.x toolchain to make the binary size even smaller than the official 7-Zip because we can use ucrtbase.dll directly and the optimizations from modern compile toolchain.
  • Add the context menu support in Windows 10/11 File Explorer.
  • New icons and minor UI tweaks.


Step 1: Install the self signing certificate.

Download MouriNaruto.cer in the attachment and execute Certutil -addStore Root "[The path of MouriNaruto.cer]" in the Command Prompt which is run as the Administrator.

Step 2: Install the NanaZip

Download NanaZipPackage_1.0.25.0_x86_x64_arm64.msixbundle and open it.

Kenji Mouri