--this is for secret messaging. GO to the chat and type the following: /console after that, paste the script in, also, read the end of the script for a surprise :D
--But, you might want to sort the script out -- but it might be fine for some people if you use a normal executor
--thank you for chosing extcotical
print('script is loading')
if ('script is loading') then print('script is on/or is still loading!') else print('extcotical is already running!') end if ('extcotical is already running') then
end if ('extcotical is already running') then local myName = 'yourUsernameHere' local args = {[1] = 1} --roblox Packs end
a = myName q = Start print(x , y) print('Extcoticals MEGA GUI SCRIPT')
remotePath = game:GetService("replicated storage").Aero.AeroRemoteServices.ClickService.Click:FireServer
(unpack(args))-- look up on the chat bar /console and then look at the messages :)
--you can edit the print('EditHereWithAnyText')