diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index bf38da18..7ba2069b 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ build-benchmarking: build-tinygo @echo "Building \"$(RUNTIME_WASM_BENCHMARKS)\" (no-debug)"; \ WASMOPT="$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(WASMOPT_PATH)" $(TINYGO_BUILD_COMMAND_NODEBUG) -tags benchmarking -o=$(BUILD_PATH)/$(RUNTIME_WASM_BENCHMARKS) $(RUNTIME_TEMPLATE_DIR)/runtime.go +build-parachain-release: build-tinygo + @echo "Building parachain.wasm (no-debug)"; \ + WASMOPT="$(CURRENT_DIR)/$(WASMOPT_PATH)" $(TINYGO_BUILD_COMMAND_NODEBUG) -o=$(BUILD_PATH)/parachain.wasm runtime/templates/parachain/runtime.go + test-coverage: @set -e; \ ./scripts/coverage.sh diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-collator-alice.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-collator-alice.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d856c90 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-collator-alice.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-produce-blocks.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-produce-blocks.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a1a3a74a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-produce-blocks.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain-transfer.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain-transfer.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e95730c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain-transfer.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64d606a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-default-explorer.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-default-explorer.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7296823 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-default-explorer.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot-2.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot-2.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b350fd30 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot-2.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4161b583 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-events.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-events.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61e33165 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-events.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-init.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-init.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4a38112 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-init.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73aa82fb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-switch-from-relay-chain-to-parachain.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-switch-from-relay-chain-to-parachain.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..205b5452 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-switch-from-relay-chain-to-parachain.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-alice.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-alice.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ecf1ded Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-alice.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-bob.png b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-bob.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c2c65fb Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/docs/assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-bob.png differ diff --git a/docs/docs/tutorials/run-local-parachain.md b/docs/docs/tutorials/run-local-parachain.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bb5f8b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/docs/tutorials/run-local-parachain.md @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +--- +layout: default +permalink: /tutorials/start-a-parachain/ +--- + +# Run a local Parachain + +This tutorial demonstrates how to run a local Parachain with a Gosemble runtime, connected to a local Substrate Relay Chain. + +## Before you begin + +Before you begin, verify that: + +1. You have [installed](../development/install.md) all the repository dependencies. +2. Open a terminal shell on your machine. +3. Change to the root directory to the locally cloned Gosemble repository. + + +## Prepare the Relay Chain + +First, we will begin with preparing the Relay chain, as it is a required prerequisite for the Parachain. + +Head to the `polkadot-sdk` subdirectory, and execute the following command: + +```bash +cd polkadot-sdk +cargo build --release -p polkadot +``` + +The first time will take around 10 minutes to complete the build. +Once the build is complete, generate a new raw chain specification for the Relay Chain: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode --raw > rococo-local-cfde.json +``` + +## Start the Relay Chain + +You will need two separate terminals in order to run the Relay Chain, as it requires at least two nodes. + +Open two terminals. Run the following command to start the first (Alice) relay node: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot --chain rococo-local-cfde.json --alice --tmp +``` + +You should see a similar output to this: + +![Relay Chain Alice logs](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-alice.png) + +In order for the second node (Bob) to connect to Alice, you will need Alice's `local node identity address`. Check your logs and **copy** Alice's address. + +In the second terminal, run the following command to start Bob's relay node + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot --chain rococo-local-cfde.json --bob --tmp --port 30334 --bootnodes /ip4/ +``` + +You should see a similar output to this: + +![RelayChain Bob logs](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/relay-chain-bob.png) + +If the number of `finalized` blocks is increasing, this means your local Relay Chain network is producing new blocks and successfully reaching consensus. + +## Build the Gosemble Parachain runtime + +Now that you have started the Relay Chain, open another terminal to the default Gosemble directory. + +The following command build the preconfigured runtime parachain template, found +[here](https://github.com/limechain/gosemble/runtime/templates/parachain/runtime.go). + +```bash +make build-parachain-release +``` + +## Build the Parachain node + +The next step is to build the parachain node. + +The following command builds the Parachain node and uses the Gosemble runtime as a runtime. + +```bash +make parachain-build +``` + +The first time will take around 10 minutes to complete the build. + +## Create the Parachain chain specification and collator validation logic + +Head to the `polkadot-sdk` subdirectory: + +```bash +cd polkadot-sdk +``` + +Generate the parachain chainspec configuration: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot-parachain build-spec --disable-default-bootnode > plain-parachain-chainspec.json +``` + +Generate the raw specification: +``` +./target/release/polkadot-parachain build-spec --chain plain-parachain-chainspec.json --disable-default-bootnode --raw > raw-parachain-chainspec.json +``` + +With the local Relay Chain running and the raw chain specification for the parachain template updated, +you are ready to start the parachain collator node and export information about its runtime and genesis state. + +The Relay Chain needs the parachain-specific runtime validation logic to validate parachain blocks. +You can export the runtime for a parachain collator node by running a command similar to the following: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot-parachain export-genesis-wasm --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json para-2000-wasm +``` + +Additionally, the Relay Chain needs to know the genesis state of the parachain. +You can export the entire genesis state in a hex-encoded format by running a command similar to the following: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot-parachain export-genesis-state --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json para-2000-genesis-state +``` + +## Start the Parachain collator node + +Open another terminal in the `polkadot-sdk` subdirectory. + +In order for the collator to connect to the Relay Chain, you will need Alice's address. Copy Alice's address. + +Replace **ALICE_ADDRESS** and execute the following command: + +```bash +./target/release/polkadot-parachain \ +--collator \ +--alice \ +--force-authoring \ +--chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json \ +--tmp --port 40333 --rpc-port 8844 \ +-- --port 30343 --rpc-port 9977 \ +--bootnodes /ip4/ +``` + +You should see a similar output to this: + +![Parachain collator Alice logs](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-collator-alice.png) + + +## Register the Parachain + +With the local Relay Chain and collator node running, you are ready to connect the parachain on the local Relay Chain. + +For this tutorial, you can use a `Sudo` transaction and the **Polkadot/Substrate Portal**. +Using a `Sudo` transaction enables you to bypass the steps required to acquire a parachain or parathread slot. + +1. Open [https://polkadot.js.org/apps/](https://polkadot.js.org/apps/). +2. Click the **Polkadot** logo. + + ![Click Polkadot Logo](../assets/images/tutorials/polkadot-js-click-logo.png) + +3. Switch to local network + 1. Scroll down to **Development** tab. + 2. Open the **Development** tab and select **Local Node**. + 3. Click **Switch**. + + ![Switch to Development network](../assets/images/tutorials/polkadot-js-switch-dev-local-network.png) + +4. Relay Chain Local Network Explorer + + If your page is similar to the image below, you have successfully connected to your local Relay Chain node. + + ![Relay Chain network explorer](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-default-explorer.png) + +5. Reserve a Parathread slot + + 1. Click **Network** + 2. Click **Parachains** + 3. Click **Parathreads** + 4. Click **ParaId** + ![RelayChain Reserve Slot](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot.png) + 1. Select **Alice** + 2. Click **Submit** + ![RelayChain Reserve Slot 2](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-reserve-slot-2.png) + 3. Review the transaction and click **Sign and Submit** + + +## Initialize the Parachain + +1. Click **Developer** and select **Sudo**. + ![RelayChain Sudo](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo.png) + +2. Select `parasSudoSwapper` and `sudoScheduleParaInitialize(id, genesis)`. +3. Execute the transaction: + + Fill the following parameters: + + 1. `id`: 2000 + 2. `genesisHead`: Click file upload and upload the genesis state you exported for the parachain - `para-2000-genesis` file. + 3. `validationCode`: Click file upload and upload the WebAssembly runtime you exported for the parachain - `para-2000-wasm` file. + 4. `paraKind`: Select `Yes`. + 5. Click **Submit Sudo** + ![RelayChain Sudo Init](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-init.png) + 6. Review the transaction details and **Sign and Submit** the transaction. + +4. Click **Network** and **Explorer**. + +5. Check the list of recent events for successful `sudo.Sudid` and `paras.PvfCheckAccepted` and click the event to see details about the transaction. +![RelayChain Sudo Events](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-relay-chain-sudo-events.png) + +6. Wait for a new epoch to start. Then, the parachain will connect to the Relay Chain. The parachain collator node +should begin producing blocks. + + Check the Parachain terminal: + ![Parachain produce blocks](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/parachain-produce-blocks.png) + +## Connect to the Parachain and Submit a transaction + +Up to this point, you have used the Polkadot/Substrate Portal to connect to the local network and to +submit transactions to the local Relay Chain. +Now that you have a Parachain running, which is connected to the Relay Chain, +you can use the Polkadot/Substrate Portal to submit transactions to the Parachain. + +1. Click the **Rococo Local Testnet** logo. +2. In **Development** tab, choose **Custom** and select `ws://` +3. Click **Switch**. +![Switch from RelayChain to Parachain](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-switch-from-relay-chain-to-parachain.png) + +Now you are connected to the Parachain. The logo should say **Rococo Parachain Local**. +![Polkadot.js Connected to Parachain](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain.png) + +### Submit a transfer transaction + +1. Hover over **Accounts** and click **Accounts** +2. Now you see the balances of all the accounts. Let's issue a transfer from **Alice**. +3. Click **Send** + + Fill the following arguments and submit the transaction: + + 1. Send to Address: `Charlie` + 2. Amount: `1000000` + 3. Click **Make Transfer** + 4. Review the transaction and then click **Sign and Submit**. + +![Parachain Transfer](../assets/images/tutorials/parachain-to-relay-chain/polkadot-js-parachain-transfer.png) + +If the transaction was successful, you have a working parachain. + diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml index 67b1280a..5d9ac932 100644 --- a/docs/mkdocs.yml +++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml @@ -169,5 +169,6 @@ nav: - Tutorials: - Start a Network: ./tutorials/start-a-network.md - Transfer funds: ./tutorials/transfer-funds.md + - Run a local Parachain: ./tutorials/run-local-parachain.md - Reference: - Resources: ./reference/resources.md \ No newline at end of file