astarb |
astarb |
Return the x of the equation x = A x + b |
/ (division) |
Base.:(/) |
(max,+) division operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix. |
full |
full , dense , Array |
Transform a (max,+) sparse matrix to a (max,+) dense matrix. |
howard |
howard mpeigen |
Return eigenvalues and eigenvectors from a sparse matrix using Howard algorithm. |
inv |
Base.inv , Base.:(^,-1) |
Compute the inverse of the (max,+) matrix |
karp |
howard mpeigen |
Karp algorithm is not implemented since Howard algorithm is faster. |
LaTeX , show MIME"text/latex" |
Output a (max,+) matrix to LaTeX code. |
# (maxplus) |
MP |
Create a (max,+) number or dense array or sparse array. |
& (min) |
Base.min |
Return the min of two (max,+) scalars or matrix. |
- (minus) |
Base.:(-) |
(max,+) minus unary and binary operators on scalar, dense or sparse matrix. |
mnorm |
norm |
Compute the norm of a (max,+) dense or sparse matrix. |
mptrace |
tr |
Compute the trace of a (max,+) dense or sparse matrix. |
percent0, %0 | , zero , mp0 , MaxPlus.ε |
Return the (max,+) element zero. |
percent1, %1 | , one , mp1 , mpe |
Return the (max,+) element one. |
percenteye, %eye |
eye |
Return the (max,+) identity matrix. |
mpI |
The diagonal elements used for creating (max,+) identity matrix. |
percentones, %ones |
ones |
Return the once (max,+) matrix or column vector. |
percenttop, %top |
mptop |
Return the min+ element zero. |
percentzeros, %zeros |
spzeros |
Return the zero (max,+) sparse matrix or column vector (Julia builtin). |
zeros |
Return the zero (max,+) dense matrix or column vector. |
+ (plus) |
Base.:(+) |
(max,+) plus operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix. |
plus |
plus |
Compute the (max,+) matrix A^+ |
plustimes |
plustimes |
Convert a (max,+) number or matrix to a standard number or matrix (where plus and times operators are the classic operators). |
^ (power) |
Base.:(^) |
Compute the power of a (max,+) number or matrix. |
| |
Display a (max,+) number or sparse or dense matrix. |
SparseArrays.sparse |
Create a (max,+) sparse matrix or convert a (max,+) dense matrix. |
\ (residu) |
Base.:(\) |
Return the x of the equation A x = b |
semihoward |
semihoward |
Critical cycles |
star |
star |
Compute the (max,+) matrix A^* |
* (times) |
Base.:(*) |
(max,+) times operator on scalar, dense or sparse matrix. |
typeof |
Base.typeof |
Return the type of the (max,+) number. |