PoltavaAirCondition - is school science project that won 3 place in Ukrainian MAN tour in Kyiv in 2022🏆. It is aimed to observe local air quality 🌱 and provide all accessible data to the user via interactive map 🗺 Web page is totaly adaptive for any types of devises🖥.
The map of air quality sensors contains markers that have links to special data-pages for each sensor where structured in charts data of air quality placed. Legenda took place in left bottom corner.
- The map is rendering automaticaly with using Leaflet API
- Page does not colect cache what allows it to re-render each 5-10 mints with new information on pointers
PoltavaAirCondition provides data of air polution sorted by hours in range of 24 hour in next charts:
- First three charts are generated automaticaly with using data from lokal database created with MySQL and using Charts.js
- The bottom table with temperature, air presure and ect. is generated automaticaly using OpenWeather API
Here is google-speed-insights test resultes for PC and Mobile devises are provided: