- uuid id context iframe
- preprocess
- upadte popup button: record + time change + stats (fps, frametime)
- ctrl+f: Favors current file, open tabs and scrollbar current hightlight
- debug outside main
- replay / accumulate
- shader usage per frame "highlighting" (strike/depreacate)
- deleted createshader
- icon for shader type (tabs)
- tree fold/unfold
- hlsl
- Per Document cursor position save
- Session save: cursor position, tab opened, tree fold state, search/tree pos
- Session save: "reload draft" dialog
- buton for fold/unfold tree/search
- menu on variable: "add Slider" or use synthclipse
- SET CURRENT VERSION PER SHADER: versionning shader changes
- versionning settings versions.
- versionning release (allow user to choose version of renderbugle.)
- webgl hooks plugins
- shader editor register messaging
- shader editor into its repo
- shader editor with huge complex shader demo page, shadertoy like page
- electron app : only solution for mobile an other browsers (vorlonjs websocket like)
- query already in use when use uses queries... (no op for queries?)
- Uniforms Blocks on webgl2
- mobile webrtc fallback strenghtens
- iframe and multiple iframe
- editwhen only one shader not "resused": http://learningwebgl.com/lessons/lesson16/index.html
graph value watcher: uniform, pixel from framebuffer at x,y
store framebuffer ID per program, glreadspixel of program framebuffer when user Picks
capture and zoom on pixel from framebuffers (zoom + under mouse value trick)
opt out system (allow website that doesn't want to be edited to prevent user to view it.) ?
- frame timeline (prepass (special framebuff), pass color framebuffe, postproc (quad or single tri render))
- stop at frame number X
- stop at uniform value X
Async search using tokenized glsl from glespreprocessor (worker https://github.com/bvaughn/js-worker-search)
Color Search / Logs
Search Anywhere
"Anything" lower tab (important notif and code context info: errors, lint, perf compil, etc)
- user plugins
- gl state record (all frame, incremental (only store change from last frame)) with search, filter, diff visualizer:
- linear order of gl calls
- tree with where root nodes are:
- draw calls
- shader
- blend change
- framebuffer change
- etc.
- webgl capabilities emulator (change max texture unit etc, with profile like iOS, gpus, etc), include getcontext option
- debug gl error (each webgl call followed with a glError, gl validate shaderprogram, validate framebuffers)
- all call speed (using gpu timer on each gl call)
- draw call speed (time only drawArray/drawElement)
- "state diff" detect (stop when diff with "states record" loaded)
- state record on particular call frame (listen allframe but record/stop on the one with 'pattern')
- webgl render replay/mirror (record all state, all resources, and be able to replay it without the user js app and/or mirror it no a separate computer (websocket...))
- real time framebuffer display as thumbnail/pip on user side main canvas (like debug deferred without user having to do it, with user able to select it (show shadowmap FB, show ssao FB, etc)
- frame buffer zoom (hover pixel on canvas, and get a thumbnail of pixel around the mouse pos zoomed on top right as thumbnail/pip)
- lose webgl context with a button
- resources switch with 'basic' resources ( switch all/one texture with 2x2 pixel image, and or with 2-triangle mesh, or/and a basic shader, or/and rtt size changer): allow for state change cost, and fragment/vertex fill rate limit detection. Allow for user provided ( images, mesh, etc) like say you debug a webgl blur shader, you can change the framebuffer input with a user texture
- Render analysis ( graph that split states by framebuffer and show framebuffer dependency to final framebuffer ). Tag "state group" as preprocess/ post process / forward as blocks .(useful for plugins), pause/edit blocks (can start with user hooks with name like "ssao", "earlyz", etc).
- " session reload": save shader selected, cursor position, shader view (vs collapsed or not),
- force shader replace on load / shader edit history on reload
- code snippets + "include" them in glsl: custom vizualizer (each engine its own), see shadertoy printf, noise as histogram, etc
- code helpers in bottom line overlay: lint, man, etc
- watcher for values (mostly uniforms but could be a pixel from framebuffer) (with visualiser: graph (float, vec2, vec3), matrix (view/proj) a la http://www.realtimerendering.com/blog/improved-graphics-transforms-demo/, matrix compute, etc.). graph time is frame number and each frame states are inspectable
- watcher for framebuffers (depth (1/z), normal (*2-0.5), etc.) and same visualiser for "code breakpoint" (normal, depth, 1/x, etc) when click on value, defaulting on using regexp (normal|nrm|norm)
- show hlsl (on windows using shader_debug extension)
- webasm glsl reference compiler (allow to catch bad/non standard shader code) https://github.com/AlexAltea/glslang.js
- precision changer by all shader or by variable (varying too)
- code block comment/uncomment
- real time define switch (def/undef) and shader debug/ release switch (the #pragma Problem)
- perf hint (madd, "uniform flow block" coloring, texture fetch line color, unused uniform in red)
- glsl webgl & webgl "quickcard" hotkey display
- migrate from codemirror to monaco (once monaco has proper touch support and real easy build)
Ref |
Snippets |
https://github.com/silexlabs/unifile |
https://github.com/jjNford/chrome-ex-oauth2 |
https://github.com/netresearch/assetpicker |
uppy for upload ? |
watch http://smoothiecharts.org/builder/
token regex https://nickdrane.com/build-your-own-regex/
shadertoy: https://www.shadertoy.com/api https://github.com/patuwwy/ShaderToy-Chrome-Plugin https://github.com/mattdesl/shadertoy-export https://github.com/halvves/shaderpen
Functionnalities on GLSL / export / shader toy http://synthclipse.sourceforge.net/user_guide/shadertoy.html
https://github.com/evanw/webgl-recorder // shadertoy api https://www.shadertoy.com/api https://www.shadertoy.com/api/v1/shaders?key=NtHtww
Bookmarks https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12272372/how-to-style-icon-color-size-and-shadow-of-font-awesome-icons http://unixpapa.com/js/testkey.html https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/compiling/Building-Projects.html#building-projects https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#api https://github.com/vuejs/vue-devtools/blob/master/shells/electron/app.js