A Blazor wrapper for types and interfaces used in and defined in the standard WebIDL specification. Among these are declarations that define specific behavior for interfaces and the standard exception definition types used across all WebIDL based APIs.
The sample project can be demoed at https://kristofferstrube.github.io/Blazor.WebIDL/
On each page you can find the corresponding code for the example in the top right corner.
The specification defines the types and names for all the standard exceptions and the standard names for DomExceptions.
It also provides a way to make JSInterop calls that automatically throw these typed errors when a standard exception is thrown in JS.
In Programs.cs
, we can inject a service to make Error Handling JSInterop easy in each of our pages/components. In Blazor WASM, we additionally need to call a function in Program.cs
before being able to use Error Handling JSInterop. This is only needed for WASM, as JSInterop in WASM can return IJSObjectReferences
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
// Setting up other services before this.
var app = builder.Build();
// For Blazor WASM you need to call this to make Error Handling JSInterop.
await app.Services.SetupErrorHandlingJSInterop();
await app.RunAsync();
This can be used to catch strongly typed JS errors from Blazor. An example could be trying to access the clipboard which can fail in many ways.
@using KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebIDL.Exceptions;
@inject IErrorHandlingJSRuntime ErrorHandlingJSRuntime
@inject ILogger Logger
@code {
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (!firstRender) return;
var result = await ErrorHandlingJSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("navigator.clipboard.readText");
catch (NotAllowedErrorException exception)
Logger.LogWarning(exception, "The user has not given permission to read the clipboard.");
catch (DOMException exception)
Logger.LogError(exception, $"{exception.Name} (which is a DOMException): \"{exception.Message}\"");
catch (WebIDLException exception)
Logger.LogError(exception, $"{exception.GetType().Name}: \"{exception.Message}\"");
The standard WebIDL specification make definitions that are used across all API specifications that use WebIDL for defining their interfaces.
Declarations like Iterable
, Asynchronously iterable
, Maplike
, Setlike
define expected behavior and methods that should apply to the interfaces that use these definitions. This wrapper defines C# interfaces for these declarations that have implementations for the expected methods. This makes it easy and safe to implement wrappers for interfaces that define i.e. Setlike behavior.
We have currently implemented 2 interfaces for the Setlike
declaration called IReadonlySetlike
and IReadWriteSetlike
where IReadWriteSetlike
inherits from IReadonlySetlike
They can be used like this to make a very simple wrapper for the JS Set
public class Set : IReadWriteSetlike<Set>
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IJSObjectReference JSReference { get; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IJSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public bool DisposesJSReference { get; }
public static async Task<Set> CreateAsync<T>(IJSRuntime jSRuntime, IEnumerable<T>? iterable = null)
var jSInstance = await jSRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>("constructSet", iterable);
return new Set(jSRuntime, jSInstance, new() { DisposesJSReference = true });
public Set(IJSRuntime jSRuntime, IJSObjectReference jSReference, CreationOptions options)
JSRuntime = jSRuntime;
JSReference = jSReference;
DisposesJSReference = options.DisposesJSReference;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
await IJSWrapper.DisposeJSReference(this);
Feel free to open issues on the repository if you find any errors with the package or have wishes for features. Read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to best contribute to the repository.
This project is used in the following projects:
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.Streams
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.DOM
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.MediaCaptureStreams
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.WebAudio
And it is planned to be used in these projects:
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.FileAPI
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.FileSystem
- https://github.com/KristofferStrube/Blazor.FileSystemAccess
How this project was developed is explored in this article from my blog:
This repository was build with inspiration and help from the following series of articles: