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File metadata and controls

240 lines (160 loc) · 6.52 KB



Get started

Warn : I recommend knowing how to use JS, if you are a beginner you can learn with this :

  1. First, create a mod. If you haven't did it all are explained HERE

  2. In the folder of the mod, add a folder named "js" and add a file that a .js file that end with "_.js" it's important (don't forget the underscore "_")

Tips : If you want that your file is executed after that the game is started add "_" at the start of the js file.

  1. Now you have to code so you can start with this code base :
exports.onStart = async () => {
    console.log("Hello world!");

exports.onClosed = async () => {
    console.log("Game stopped");
  1. Interact with the game :

First, in the function "exports.onStart" add a "shortcut" for use easly the gameAPI object :

exports.onStart = async () => {
    const gameAPI = exports.modInfos.gameScriptToJSAPI;

Actually you need to wait that the city is loaded AND that the mods are connected so after created the "shortcut" add this :

    console.log('mod connected!');

So you can replace the "console.log('mod connected!');" by a code that interact with the game!

For example if you want to teleport the player you can do this :

// teleport the player to x=0 y=70 z=0 :
gameAPI.player.position.set(0, 70, 0);

You can also just increment the initial position like this :

// Here "playerY" is equal to the Y player position
let playerY = gameAPI.player.position.getY();

// Adding 20 to the Y player position :
gameAPI.player.position.setY(playerY + 20);

Now you can teleport the player but there is more usefull, you can communicate with a custom .SF script!

To do this, first add a SF script to your mod by adding in your mod folder a folder named "SF" and in this new folder a text file with the extension ".SF"

In this file add this code :

Global Character cPlayer1;
Global Character cPlayer2;

Function onJSMessage (CityArray textArgs, CityArray numberArgs) {
    // The first argument :
    Text actionType( textArgs.Get(0) );

State Base() {
        @ifMessage "MY-MOD-ID" onJSMessage;


IMPORTANT : replace the "MY-MOD-ID" by a unique id which makes a reference to your mod, for example if you do a banana mod use "banana_mod", "banana_world" ....

Actually in this code the function "onJSMessage" is executed when you send a message by your JS code.

If you don't know how works the SF scripts there is a doc HERE

So in your JS code add your mod id like this :

let modId = "MY-MOD-ID"; // Replace "MY-MOD-ID" by the same id that you use in your .SF script

To interact you can do this :

await gameAPI.sendMessage(modId, "jumping");

Now to intercept the message in the .SF script replace the "onJSMessage" function by this :

Function onJSMessage (CityArray textArgs, CityArray numberArgs) {
    // The first argument :
    Text actionType( textArgs.Get(0) );

    if(actionType == "jumping") {
        PressButton(Character=cPlayer1, #Jump);

Actually your JS code tell to your .SF script to make the player jumping.

If you want you can send integers and floats :

In the JS code :

await gameAPI.sendMessage(modId, "jumping");

await gameAPI.sendMessage(modId, "spawnNPC", 5); // Sending "spawnNPC" and the number 5

In the .SF script :

Function onJSMessage (CityArray textArgs, CityArray numberArgs) {
    // The first argument :
    Text actionType( textArgs.Get(0) );

    if(actionType == "jumping") {
        PressButton(Character=cPlayer1, #Jump);
    if(actionType == "spawnNPC") {

        // Get the first number sended (for the first use .Get(0), the second .Get(1) ...)
        Number numberOfNPCToSpawn( numberArgs.Get(0) );

        While( numberOfNPCToSpawn > 0) {
            numberOfNPCToSpawn = numberOfNPCToSpawn - 1;
            // Spawn NPC :
            CreateAiCharacter("FrankHoney", "Special", cPlayer1.GetPosition(), 0);


Now you know how to use this api, if you want to know all the features I did a list of all functions here :

All API Features

Detect when the mod is called

exports.onStart = async () => {
    console.log("Hello world!");

Detect when the game is closed

exports.onClosed = async () => {
    console.log("Game stopped");

the gameAPI object

To get the api

(do it in the exports.onStart function)

const gameAPI = exports.modInfos.gameScriptToJSAPI;

Functions of connections :

// The function gived will be executed when the JS-API is connected and reconnected(the API is reconnected when the player reload the city), if the JS-API is already connected the function will be directly executed
gameAPI.onConnected( async (ev) => {
    console.log('mod connected!');
    // To never execute this function again :

// The function gived will be executed when the JS-API is disconnected
gameAPI.onDisconnected( async (ev) => {
    console.log('mod disconnected');
    // To never execute this function again :
gameAPI.isConnected() // Return true or false

Player functions :

// **************************** The position : ****************************
const playerPos = gameAPI.player.position;

let posX = playerPos.getX();
let posY = playerPos.getY();
let posZ = playerPos.getZ();

playerPos.setZ(posZ + 5);

playerPos.set(-5, 70, 20);

// **************************** The rotation : ****************************
let playerRotation = gameAPI.player.rotation.get();

Interact with .SF scripts :

const modId = "UNIQUE_MOD_ID";
await gameAPI.sendMessage(modId, "hello", 5, 1.3, "hello");

// the gameAPI.sendMessage() function return a promise, when the message is totally received the promise end