Game | Version | ChangeLog | Known Bugs | Manual | Credits |
TDA | WIP | Link | Link | Link | Link |
TDO | WIP | Link | Link | Link | Link |
* Abarrat:
by playtesting and by providing servers
and advertising the mod!
* abcdefg30:
Helped a lot and more than I can count
with lua and github and engine updates.
* Penev92:
Made an unbelievable amount of work! to update TDA
to the latest engine version! Thank you sir you
brought TDA back to life!
* MustaphaTR:
Helped me with github and also spoted
a lot of bugs, donated code for turning off\on
weather effects.
* Reaperrr:
with out him this mod would have been dead! He
updated my mod to the latest OpenRa engine
Version, and because of that this mod has a future!
* SoScared:
For streaming and advertising the mod!
* Voidwalker:
for doing a huge work on spawnmanager trait!
* Westwood studios and especially Joseph D. Kucan
and Frank Klepacki.
Helped From:
* Frame_limiter:
for donating code for the rifleman that
throws granades.
* Nolt:
for helping me with 3DSMax.
Voice Actors:
* Flamewh33l:
voice for the "Researcher" (not included yet)
Music Authors:
* Moods:
MainMenu Theme - djent march!
PlayTest Participants:
* Polemos
* Abarrat
* Shpooky
* MustaphaTR
* You ;)
Supported by:
* My Girlfriend (for not killing me).
* My big brother.