This tool is for comparing .NET assemblies between different versions of the assemblies. It was developed to generate a report of what have changed between two releases of a software product. This can be useful if you have external components depending on your library, and you want to catch the breaking changes before disaster strikes.
AsmDiff.NET is able to scan for
- Additions
- New properties added
- New classes added
- Changes
- Renamed properties
- Changed datatypes
- Deletions
- Removed classes
- Removed properties
The application is a single binary file and a folder containing the HTML template.
You can find the latest release under the release tab above.
- xxHashSharp (
- ILMerge (
The outputformat of the report are either in HTML or JSON, which you are able to specify from one of the command arguments. Be default there are two color themes, a dark and a light one. If neither of the default ones satisfies your needs, you are able to create your own theme.
Examples of the HTML reports
Usage: AsmDiffNET [OPTIONS]
-h, --help show this message and exit
-s, --source=VALUE this is the OLD version of the library. Either a path to a specific assembly or
a folder which contains assemblies
-t, --target=VALUE this is the NEW version of the library. Either a path to a specific assembly or
a folder which contains assemblies
-f, --filter=VALUE specify a filter which will exclude other classes which doesn't reference
what's specified in the filter (eg. System.Reflection.Assembly)
-p, --pattern=VALUE specify a regex pattern which will exclude all files which
doesn't match the regular expression
-o, --output=VALUE specify output format, JSON or HTML. Default: HTML
--flags=VALUE specify which kind of analysis you want the application to do.
Options: (a = Addtions, c = Changes, d = Deletions)
Ex. `flags=ad` will only search for and include
Additions and Deletions from the analysis of the assemblies.
Default: `flags=cd`
--theme=VALUE specify either a filename within Assets\Themes
or a path to a CSS file.
Default options: light, dark
Default: `theme=light`
--title=VALUE the given title will be displayed at the top of the HTML report
--maxdepth=VALUE descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below the current
--filename=VALUE the name the tool will use for naming the result file, excluding the file extension.
The filename is used as the name for the namedpipe as well.
Want to contribute? Great!
Feel free to submit issues and pull requests.
AsmDiff.NET is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license text.