- Compiling-Config System (fully customizeable)
- Syntaxhighlighting (parsed from the include directory / fully customizeable)
- Autocomplete (parsed from the include directory)
- Intellisense (parsed from the include directory)
- Sourcepawn Templates (customizeable)
- Copying after/before compiling (& Pre/Post commandlines)
- FTP Upload
- Serverstart Feature
- Code folding
- Editor Docking
- API Reference (plus link to API-websites)
- Highlight Deprecated 1.6 Syntax
- Brackethighlighting
- Auto-Indentation (active and passive)
- Errors/Warnings List
- Syntax Reformatter (Syntax Tidy)
- Auto-Updating (by default disabled since it could be dangerous)
- Lysis Decompiler (Improved Version)
- smx Dissassembler (Fixed)
- RCon Querying
- Dynamic Autocomplete/Intellisense from all opened include-files [NEW]
- Auto bracket-closing
- Object Browser
- Translations in multiple languages