From c4666ff92b4ddd74accd056995b72fa44247e293 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JoPapp <> Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 16:34:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Delete techcodes.csv --- input_data/techcodes.csv | 175 --------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 175 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 input_data/techcodes.csv diff --git a/input_data/techcodes.csv b/input_data/techcodes.csv deleted file mode 100644 index 180180c..0000000 --- a/input_data/techcodes.csv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -tech_code,tech_name,colour -BACKSTOP,Backstop technology,aliceblue -BO3PRP00X,Biofuel production,aqua -BIOIMP00X,Biomass imports,azure -BIOPRP00X,Biomass extraction/production/refining,bisque -BIOCHC01N,Biomass & Waste plant with CCS (new),blanchedalmond -BIOCHP01O,Biomass & Waste plant (old),brown -BIOCHP01N,Biomass & Waste plant (new),cornsilk -COAIMP00X,"Coal imports (inland transport, maritime freight)",darkmagenta -COADIP00X,Coal process (non-power sector),darkorange -COAPRP00X,Coal extraction (mining),darkred -COASCC01N,Coal power plant with CCS (new),darkseagreen -COASCP01O,Coal power plant (old),dimgray -COASCP01N,Coal power plant (new),ghostwhite -CO1IMP00X,Crude Oil imports,grey01 -CO1DIP00X,Crude Oil process (non-power sector),grey03 -CO1PRP00X,Crude Oil extraction,grey05 -CO1RCP00X,Crude oil refinery capacity,grey07 -EL1TRP00X,Transmission technology (Secondary to Tertiary),grey11 -EL2DIP00,Distribution technology (Distribution to final electricity demand),grey13 -EL3DIP00X,Distribution technology (Distribution to final current-unelectrified demand), -EL4DIP00X,Distribution technology (Distribution Mini-grid to final current-unelectrified demand), -GEOCVP01O,Geothermal power plant (old),ivory -GEOCVP01N,Geothermal power plant (new),lightpurple -HFOIMP00X,Heavy Fuel Oil imports,lightsalmon -HFODIP00X,Heavy Fuel Oil process (non-power sector),lightskyblue -HFOGCP01O,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) (old),lightslategrey -HFOGCP01N,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) (new),limegreen -HYDLSP00X,Large hydropower plant (Dam),mediumpurple -HYDMSP00X,Medium hydropower plant (Run-of river),mediumslateblue -HYDSSP00X,Small hydropower plant,mediumturquoise -LFOIMP00X,Light Fuel Oil imports,midnightblue -LFODIP00X,Light Fuel Oil process (non-power sector),mistyrose -LFORCP00X,Light Fuel Oil stand alone (1kW),mustard -LFORCP01O,Light Fuel Oil power plant (old),navy -LFORCP01N,Light Fuel Oil power plant (new),palegreen -LFOMGRID1,Light Fuel Oil (mini-grid) Future electrified,pearl01 -LFOSALON1,Light Fuel Oil (Stand Alone) Future electrified,pearl02 -NGAIMP00X,Natural gas imports (inland/offshore pipeline),pearl03 -LNGIMP00X,Natural gas imports (LNG),pearl05 -NGADIP00X,Natural gas process (non-power sector),peru -NGAPRP00X,Natural gas extraction,pinksalmon -NGACCC01N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - CCS (new),polar -NGACCP01O,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) (old),polargreen -NGACCP01N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) (new),rosybrown -NGAGCP01O,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) (old),sienna -NGAGCP01N,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) (new),springgreen -URNPWP01O,Nuclear power plant (old),whitesmoke -URNPWP01N,Nuclear power plant (new),yellowgreen -SOLCNP01X,CSP (without storage),grey -SOLCSP01X,CSP (with storage),lavender -SOLARP00X,Solar potential,lightgrey -SOLPUP00X,Solar PV (utility),mediumorchid -SOLPRP00X,Solar PV (roof top),navajowhite -SOLPSP00X,Solar PV with storage,pearl04 -SOLMGRID1,Solar (Mini-Grid) Future electrified,pearl05 -SOLPRSAL1,Solar (Stand Alone1) Future electrified,pearl06 -SOLPRSAL2,Solar (Stand Alone2) Future electrified,pearl07 -SOLPRSAL3,Solar (Stand Alone3) Future electrified,pearl08 -SOLPRSAL4,Solar (Stand Alone4) Future electrified,pearl09 -SOLPRSAL5,Solar (Stand Alone5) Future electrified,pearl10 -URNIMP00X,Uranium imports,polarorange -URNPRP00X,Uranium extraction,silver -WINPRP00X,Wind potential,yellow -WINONP00X,Wind (onshore),beige -WINOFP00X,Wind (offshore),burlywood -COALAGG,Coal,black -OILAGG,Oil,gray -GASAGG,Gas,orange -HYDAGG,Hydro,aqua -NUCAGG,Nuclear,polarbluelight -OREAGG,Other renewables,lightgreen -BACAGG,Backstop,coral -BIOAGG,Biofuel and Biomass production,bisque -COALPROD,Coal Production,darkgrey -CRUDPROD,Crude Oil production,coral -GASPROD,Natural gas extraction,sienna -SOLCSP,Solar CSP,lightgoldenrodyellow -SOLPV,Solar PV,yellow -WIND,Wind,navy -BIOM,Biomass,lightgreen -CO2,CO2,black -Transmission & Distribution,Transmission & Distribution,magenta -LNGEXP00X,Natural gas exports (Liquification terminal),indianred -DZAELMARBP00,Algeria - Morocco Historic EL trade link,polarorange -ESPELMARBP00,Spain - Morocco Historic EL trade link,silver -EGYELSDNBP00,Egypt - Sudan Historic and Planned EL trade link,tomato -EGYELJORBP00,Egypt - Jordan Historic EL trade link,yellow -EGYELSAUBP00,Egypt - Saudi Arabia Planned EL trade link,beige -LBYELEGYBP00,Libya - Egypt Historic EL trade link,burlywood -MARELDZABP00,Morocco - Algeria Historic EL trade link,black -TUNELDZABP00,Tunisia - Algeria Historic EL trade link,gray -DZAGAITABP00,Algeria - Italy Historic NG trade link,orange -DZAGAPRTBP00,Algeria - Portugal Historic NG trade link,aqua -DZAGAESPBP00,Algeria - Spain Historic and Planned NG trade link,polarbluelight -DZAGAMARBP00,Algeria - Morocco Historic NG trade link,lightgreen -DZAGATUNBP00,Algeria - Tunisia Historic NG trade link,blueviolet -EGYGATURBP00,Egypt - Turkey Historic and Planned NG trade link,polarorange -ISRGAEGYBP00,Israel - Egypt Planned NG trade link,silver -LBYGAITABP00,Libya - Italy Historic NG trade link,tomato -NGAGADZABP00,Nigeria - Algeria Planned NG trade link,beige -CO1R1P00X,Crude oil refinery 1,grey11 -CO1R2P00X,Crude oil refinery 2,grey13 -power_trade,power_trade,pinksalmon -gas_trade,gas_trade,polarpurple -BDIELRWABP00,Burundi - Rwanda EL existing trade link,indianred -CODELBDIBP00,DRC - Burundi EL existing and planned trade link,polarorange -CODELRWABP00,DRC - Rwanda EL existing and planned trade link,silver -ETHELKENBP00,Ethiopia - Kenya EL planned trade link,tomato -ETHELDJIBP00,Ethiopia - Djibouti EL existing trade link,yellow -ETHELSDNBP00,Ethiopia - Sudan EL existing trade link,beige -KENELUGABP00,Kenya - Uganda EL existing and planned trade link,burlywood -KENELTZABP00,Kenya - Tanzania EL existing and planned trade link,black -RWAELBDIBP00,Rwanda - Burundi EL existing trade link,gray -RWAELTZABP00,Rwanda - Tanzania EL planned trade link,orange -TZAELBDIBP00,Tanzania - Burundi EL planned trade link,aqua -TZAELKENBP00,Tanzania - Kenya EL planned trade link,polarbluelight -TZAELUGABP00,Tanzania - Uganda EL existing trade link,blueviolet -UGAELKENBP00,Uganda - Kenya EL existing and planned trade link,polarorange -UGAELTZABP00,Uganda - Tanzania EL existing and planned trade link,silver -UGAELRWABP00,Uganda - Rwanda EL existing trade link,tomato -ETHGADJIBP00,Ethiopia - Djibouti NG planned trade link,beige -TZAGAUGABP00,Tanzania - Uganda NG planned trade link,bisque -BWAELZAFBP00,Botswana - South Africa EL existing trade link,indianred -CODELZAFBP00,DRC - South Africa EL planned trade link,polarorange -CODELZMBBP00,DRC - Zambia EL existing trade link,silver -LSOELZAFBP00,Lesotho - South Africa EL existing trade link,tomato -MOZELZAFBP00,Mozambique - South Africa EL existing trade link,yellow -MOZELSWZBP00,Mozambique - Swaziland EL existing trade link,beige -MOZELZWEBP00,Mozambique - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,burlywood -NAMELZAFBP00,Namibia - South Africa EL existing trade link,black -ZAFELSWZBP00,South Africa - Swaziland EL existing trade link,gray -ZAFELZWEBP00,South Africa - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,orange -ZMBELZWEBP00,Zambia - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,aqua -AGOELCODBP00,Angola - DRC EL planned trade link,polarbluelight -BWAELZMBBP00,Botswana - Zambia EL planned trade link,blueviolet -BWAELNAMBP00,Botswana - Namibia EL planned trade link,polarorange -BWAELZWEBP00,Botswana - Zimbabwe EL planned trade link,silver -MWIELMOZBP00,Malawi - Mozambique EL planned trade link,tomato -MWIELTZABP00,Malawi - Tanzania EL planned trade link,beige -NAMELZMBBP00,Namibia - Zambia EL planned trade link,bisque -NAMELZWEBP00,Namibia - Zimbabwe EL planned trade link,grey11 -TZAELZMBBP00,Tanzania - Zambia EL planned trade link,grey13 -ZMBELTZABP00,Zambia - Tanzania EL planned trade link,pinksalmon -BENELNERBP00,Benin - Niger EL planned trade link,polar -BENELGHABP00,Benin - Ghana EL planned trade link,polarbluelight -GHAELBENBP00,Ghana - Benin EL planned trade link,polardark -NERELBENBP00,Niger - Benin EL planned trade link,polardust -TGOELBENBP00,Togo - Benin EL existing trade link,polargreen -BFAELNERBP00,Burkina Faso - Niger EL planned trade link,polarpurple -CIVELBFABP00,Cote dī Ivoire - Burkina Faso EL existing trade link,powderblue -GHAELBFABP00,Ghana - Burkina Faso EL planned trade link,red -NERELBFABP00,Niger - Burkina Faso EL existing and planned trade link,rosybrown -CIVELSLEBP00,Cote dī Ivoire - Sierra Leone EL planned trade link,saddlebrown -CIVELGHABP00,Cote dī Ivoire - Ghana EL planned trade link,sandybrown -CIVELLBRBP00,Cote dī Ivoire - Liberia EL planned trade link,seagreen -GHAELCIVBP00,Ghana - Cote dī Ivoire EL existing trade link,sienna -MLIELCIVBP00,Mali - Cote dī Ivoire EL planned trade link,skyblue -GMBELGNBBP00,Gambia - Guinea Bissau EL planned trade link,slategray -GMBELSENBP00,Gambia - Senegal EL planned trade link,smurf -TGOELGHABP00,Togo - Ghana EL planned trade link,springgreen -GHAELTGOBP00,Ghana - Togo EL existing and planned trade link,tan -GHAELMLIBP00,Ghana - Mali EL planned trade link,thistle -GINELMLIBP00,Guinea - Mali EL planned trade link,turquoise -GINELSENBP00,Guinea - Senegal EL planned trade link,wheat -SENELMRTBP00,Senegal - Mauritania EL planned trade link,whitesmoke -NGAGABENBP00,Nigeria - Benin Historic NG trade link,lightsalmon -NGAGAGHABP00,Nigeria - Ghana Historic NG trade link,lightskyblue -NGAGANERBP00,Nigeria - Niger Historic NG trade link,lightslategrey -NGAGATGOBP00,Nigeria - Togo Historic NG trade link,lightteal -CMRELTCDBP00,Cameroon - Chad EL planned trade link,navy -CODELCOGBP00,DRC - Congo EL existing trade link,lightgreen -MOZGAZAFBP00,Mozambique - South Africa Historic NG trade link,polarbluelight -GEOTHERMAL,Geothermal,polarorange -CRUDREF,Crude oil Refinery,grey09