000. Better Python 59 Ways
000. Python Built-in Functions
000. Python Standard Library
000. Useful External Packages
001. Hello World & Semicolon in Python
003. Type System of Python & Variable Declaration & Built-in Types
004. Number Literal Expression & Type
005. Arithmetic Operator & Increment, Decrement Operator in Python
006. String Literal Expression & Type
008. Bytes Literal Expression & Type
009. String-Bytes Convert
010. Bool Literal Expression & Type
012. List, Tuple Literal Expression & Type
013. Indexing & Slicing of Sequences, Comparison of List and Tuple
014. Negative Index & Stride in Slicing
015. Concat & Multiplication of Seqeneces
016. String as a Sequence
017. Dictionary, Set Literal Expression & Type
018. Unpacking of Iterables
019. Other Interactions for Iterables
020. Bool Condition of Built-in Types
021. Relational Operator & Relational Operator Chaining
022. Logical Operator & in & is
023. if & elif & else Statement
024. Ternary, Walrus Operator
027. break & continue Statement
033. Function - Keyword Only, Positional Only Argument
034. Function - Inner Function, Function as a Value
035. Function - Lexical Scope, Nested Scope, Closure
036. Function - Function Scope
038. Built-in Function - type & Type Casting Functions
039. Built-in Function - range
040. Built-in Function - len
041. Built-in Function - enumerate
042. Built-in Function - map, filter
043. OOP - Class & Instancing & Constructor
044. OOP - Class Level Logic
045. OOP - Class Inheritancing & Method Overrding & super()
046. OOP - @property, setter, deleter
047. Built-in Function - hasattr, getattr, setattr
049. Error - Error Handling
050. Error - raise Statement & Custom Error
051. Error - Abstract Method Representation with NotImplementedError
052. Underscore - for Value Ignore
053. Underscore - for Private
054. Underscore - for Magic Method
055. Modularization - Module & Import
056. Modularization - Package & __init__.py
057. Modularization - import - as
058. Constant Representation
058. Modularization - import for interpreter
060. Iterator & iter() & next()
061. Yield Expression & Generator & Generator Expression
065. Context Manager(with - as)
101. Fundamentals of Built-in Library - typing
102. Fundamentals of Built-in Library - dataclass
103. Fundamentals of Built-in Library - abc
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