The tone, or quality of feeling, can go a long way in creating great outputs from a Prompt. The tone conveyed by a word can range according to its general meaning.
Tone Word | Definition |
Amiable | Friendly, sociable. |
Amused | Pleasurably entertained, interested, or diverted. |
Appreciative | Feeling or expressive of gratitude. |
Benevolent | Desiring to help others; charitable. |
Brave | Possessing or displaying courage; confident. |
Calm | Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions. |
Cheerful | Noticeably happy and optimistic. |
Cheery | In good spirits; bright and lively. |
Compassionate | Showing deep sympathy and concern for others. |
Complimentary | Expressing praise or admiration. |
Confident | Having strong belief or full assurance; certain. |
Content | Satisfied; not desiring more. |
Determined | Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. |
Disciplined | Showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working. |
Eager | Very interested and enthusiastic about something. |
Ecstatic | Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. |
Elated | Very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits. |
Elevated | Exalted or noble; lofty. |
Encouraging | Giving someone support, confidence, or hope. |
Energetic | Showing or involving great activity or vitality. |
Enthusiastic | Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment or approval. |
Excited | Very enthusiastic and eager. |
Exuberant | Filled with lively energy and excitement. |
Fanciful | Overly imaginative and unrealistic. |
Friendly | Kind and pleasant. |
Happy | Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. |
Hopeful | Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event. |
Ideal | Perfectly suitable; conforming to an ultimate standard. |
Jocular | Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful. |
Jovial | Cheerful and friendly. |
Joyful | Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness. |
Laudatory | Expressing praise and commendation. |
Lighthearted | Cheerful and carefree. |
Loving | Showing deep affection or great care. |
Optimistic | Hopeful and confident about the future. |
Passionate | Showing or caused by strong feelings or beliefs. |
Peaceful | Free from disturbance; tranquil. |
Playful | Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted. |
Pleasant | Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. |
Proud | Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction in achievements. |
Reverent | Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect. |
Romantic | Characterized by the expression of love. |
Soothing | Having a gently calming effect. |
Surprised | Feeling mild astonishment or shock. |
Sympathetic | Feeling or showing sympathy and compassion. |
Vibrant | Full of energy and enthusiasm. |
Whimsical | Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing way. |
Witty | Quick and inventive verbal humor. |
Warm | Showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness. |
Welcoming | Behaving kindly to guests or new arrivals. |
Tone Word | Definition |
Aggressive | Ready or likely to attack or confront; hostile. |
Aggravated | Annoyed or exasperated. |
Agitated | Feeling or appearing troubled or nervous. |
Angry | Having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance. |
Annoyed | Slightly angry; irritated. |
Antagonistic | Showing active opposition or hostility. |
Anxious | Feeling worry, nervousness, or unease. |
Apathetic | Showing or feeling no interest or concern. |
Apprehensive | Anxious or fearful that something bad will happen. |
Belligerent | Hostile and aggressive. |
Boring | Not interesting; tedious. |
Brash | Self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way. |
Cold | Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional. |
Confused | Unable to think clearly; bewildered. |
Contrary | Opposite in nature or meaning; contradictory. |
Desolate | Bleak, dismal emptiness or loneliness. |
Disappointed | Sad or displeased because expectations were not met. |
Disgruntled | Angry or dissatisfied. |
Disgusted | Feeling or expressing revulsion. |
Disheartened | Losing determination or confidence. |
Disinterested | Apathetic; not interested or concerned. |
Distressed | Suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain. |
Dormant | Inactive, as if asleep or suspended. |
Enraged | Very angry; furious. |
Envious | Feeling or showing envy. |
Fatalistic | Believing events are predetermined and inevitable. |
Foreboding | Fearful apprehension of something bad. |
Frantic | Wild or distraught with fear or anxiety. |
Frustrated | Distressed or annoyed by inability to achieve something. |
Furious | Extremely angry. |
Gloomy | Dark; depressing; lacking hope. |
Grim | Forbidding or uninviting; harsh. |
Haughty | Arrogantly superior and disdainful. |
Holier-than-thou | Characterized by an attitude of moral superiority. |
Hurtful | Causing distress to someone’s feelings. |
Indifferent | Having no particular interest or concern. |
Indignant | Anger or annoyance at perceived unfair treatment. |
Inflammatory | Intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. |
Insulting | Disrespectful or scornfully abusive. |
Irate | Feeling or characterized by great anger. |
Irreverent | Showing a lack of respect for serious things. |
Leery | Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions. |
Melancholy | Pensive sadness, often with no obvious cause. |
Mocking | Making fun of someone in a cruel way; derisive. |
Mournful | Feeling or expressing sadness, regret, or grief. |
Numb | Deprived of feeling or responsiveness. |
Obnoxious | Extremely unpleasant or offensive. |
Outraged | Fiercely angry or shocked. |
Overbearing | Domineering in an unpleasant way. |
Paranoid | Suspicious or mistrustful without justification. |
Passive | Accepting or allowing what happens without active response. |
Peevish | Easily irritated by unimportant things. |
Quarrelsome | Given to or characterized by quarreling. |
Regretful | Feeling or showing regret. |
Resentful | Feeling bitterness at having been treated unfairly. |
Rude | Offensively impolite or ill-mannered. |
Sarcastic | Marked by using irony to mock or convey contempt. |
Scornful | Feeling or expressing contempt or derision. |
Snide | Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. |
Snooty | Showing disapproval or contempt toward others. |
Somber | Dark in color or tone; gloomy. |
Stubborn | Unwilling to change or quit; obstinate. |
Testy | Easily irritated; somewhat bad-tempered. |
Threatening | Having a hostile or frightening quality. |
Uncertain | Not completely confident or sure. |
Uneasy | Feeling worried or unsure. |
Unfriendly | Not friendly. |
Unsympathetic | Not showing or feeling sympathy. |
Upset | Unhappy, disappointed, or worried. |
Violent | Using or involving physical force to harm. |
Worried | Anxious or troubled about potential problems. |
Tone Word | Definition |
Amused | Finding something funny or entertaining. |
Bantering | Exchanging remarks in a good-humored teasing way. |
Bitter | Angry or hurt due to unfair treatment. |
Caustic | Sarcastic in a scathing, bitter way. |
Comical | Amusing; funny. |
Condescending | Showing an attitude of patronizing superiority. |
Contemptuous | Showing contempt; scornful. |
Critical | Expressing disapproving or fault-finding comments. |
Cynical | Distrustful of human sincerity or motives. |
Disdainful | Showing contempt or lack of respect. |
Droll | Oddly amusing in a wry way. |
Facetious | Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor. |
Giddy | Dizzy with excitement or frivolity. |
Humorous | Causing laughter and amusement. |
Ironic | Using or characterized by irony. |
Irreverent | Lacking respect for normally serious things. |
Joking | Speaking or acting in jest. |
Kidding | Being playful or facetious. |
Malicious | Intending to do harm; spiteful. |
Mock-heroic | Imitating a heroic style to satirize a non-heroic subject. |
Mocking | Making fun of someone or something in a cruel way. |
Patronizing | Treating with apparent kindness but with superiority. |
Pompous | Irritatingly grand or self-important. |
Quizzical | Indicating mild or amused puzzlement. |
Ribald | Referring to sexual matters in a humorous, irreverent way. |
Ridiculing | Subjecting something to dismissive language or behavior. |
Sad | Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. |
Sardonic | Grimly mocking or cynical. |
Satiric | Using ridicule to expose or criticize. |
Scornful | Expressing contempt or derision. |
Sharp | Intended to have a biting, unpleasant effect. |
Silly | Lacking common sense or judgment; foolish. |
Taunting | Provoking or challenging with insulting remarks. |
Teasing | Making fun of or attempting to provoke playfully. |
Threatening | Having a deliberately frightening quality. |
Tongue-in-cheek | Without really meaning what is said; ironic or playful. |
Witty | Quick, inventive humor. |
Tone Word | Definition |
Aggravated | Worsened or made more serious. |
Alarmed | Frightened or worried that something unpleasant may happen. |
Brave | Ready to face danger or pain; courageous. |
Barren | Bleak and lifeless. |
Grave | Very serious or solemn. |
Hollow | Empty or without substance. |
Hopeless | Feeling or causing despair about something. |
Melancholic | Feeling or expressing pensive sadness. |
Mournful | Expressing sadness, regret, or grief. |
Pessimistic | Tending to see the worst aspect; lacking hope. |
Pitiful | Deserving or arousing pity. |
Poignant | Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. |
Remorseful | Filled with regret or guilt. |
Solemn | Deeply earnest or serious. |
Somber | Dark, gloomy, or depressing. |
Staid | Sedate, respectful, and unadventurous. |
Upset | Unhappy, disappointed, or worried. |
Tone Word | Definition |
Admonitory | Giving or conveying a warning. |
Allusive | Working by suggestion rather than explicit mention. |
Apathetic | Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. |
Authoritative | Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected. |
Baffled | Completely bewildered or puzzled. |
Candid | Truthful and straightforward; frank. |
Ceremonial | Relating to formal events or rituals. |
Clinical | Objective, analytical; without emotional attachment. |
Conventional | Following traditional forms or genres. |
Detached | Separate or disconnected; impartial. |
Didactic | Intended to teach or instruct. |
Disbelieving | Unable or unwilling to accept something as true. |
Distant | Aloof or reserved; remote in manner. |
Dramatic | Striking in appearance or effect; expressive. |
Earnest | Showing sincere and intense conviction. |
Expectant | Having or showing excitement for something about to happen. |
Factual | Concerned with what is actually the case; objective. |
Formal | Observing conventional forms and rules. |
Forthright | Direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest. |
Impersonal | Not influenced by personal feelings; neutral. |
Informative | Providing useful or interesting information. |
Incredulous | Unwilling or unable to believe something. |
Matter-of-fact | Unemotional and practical; straightforward. |
Objective | Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions. |
Obsequious | Obedient or attentive to an excessive degree. |
Persuasive | Good at persuading someone to do or believe something. |
Pretentious | Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance. |
Provocative | Causing a strong reaction, especially deliberately. |
Questioning | Showing an interest in learning or clarifying. |
Resigned | Accepting something unpleasant that cannot be changed. |
Restrained | Characterized by reserve; unemotional. |
Scholarly | Involving or relating to serious academic study. |
Serious | Demanding careful consideration; solemn. |
Suspenseful | Arousing excited expectation or uncertainty. |
Urgent | Requiring immediate action or attention. |
Vexed | Annoyed, frustrated, or worried. |
Wistful | Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. |
Zealous | Having or showing great energy or enthusiasm. |