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List of Tone Words for Prompting

The tone, or quality of feeling, can go a long way in creating great outputs from a Prompt. The tone conveyed by a word can range according to its general meaning.

Tone Word Definition
Amiable Friendly, sociable.
Amused Pleasurably entertained, interested, or diverted.
Appreciative Feeling or expressive of gratitude.
Benevolent Desiring to help others; charitable.
Brave Possessing or displaying courage; confident.
Calm Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.
Cheerful Noticeably happy and optimistic.
Cheery In good spirits; bright and lively.
Compassionate Showing deep sympathy and concern for others.
Complimentary Expressing praise or admiration.
Confident Having strong belief or full assurance; certain.
Content Satisfied; not desiring more.
Determined Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
Disciplined Showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working.
Eager Very interested and enthusiastic about something.
Ecstatic Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
Elated Very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits.
Elevated Exalted or noble; lofty.
Encouraging Giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
Energetic Showing or involving great activity or vitality.
Enthusiastic Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment or approval.
Excited Very enthusiastic and eager.
Exuberant Filled with lively energy and excitement.
Fanciful Overly imaginative and unrealistic.
Friendly Kind and pleasant.
Happy Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Hopeful Feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
Ideal Perfectly suitable; conforming to an ultimate standard.
Jocular Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.
Jovial Cheerful and friendly.
Joyful Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness.
Laudatory Expressing praise and commendation.
Lighthearted Cheerful and carefree.
Loving Showing deep affection or great care.
Optimistic Hopeful and confident about the future.
Passionate Showing or caused by strong feelings or beliefs.
Peaceful Free from disturbance; tranquil.
Playful Fond of games and amusement; lighthearted.
Pleasant Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
Proud Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction in achievements.
Reverent Feeling or showing deep and solemn respect.
Romantic Characterized by the expression of love.
Soothing Having a gently calming effect.
Surprised Feeling mild astonishment or shock.
Sympathetic Feeling or showing sympathy and compassion.
Vibrant Full of energy and enthusiasm.
Whimsical Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing way.
Witty Quick and inventive verbal humor.
Warm Showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness.
Welcoming Behaving kindly to guests or new arrivals.
Tone Word Definition
Aggressive Ready or likely to attack or confront; hostile.
Aggravated Annoyed or exasperated.
Agitated Feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
Angry Having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance.
Annoyed Slightly angry; irritated.
Antagonistic Showing active opposition or hostility.
Anxious Feeling worry, nervousness, or unease.
Apathetic Showing or feeling no interest or concern.
Apprehensive Anxious or fearful that something bad will happen.
Belligerent Hostile and aggressive.
Boring Not interesting; tedious.
Brash Self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.
Cold Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.
Confused Unable to think clearly; bewildered.
Contrary Opposite in nature or meaning; contradictory.
Desolate Bleak, dismal emptiness or loneliness.
Disappointed Sad or displeased because expectations were not met.
Disgruntled Angry or dissatisfied.
Disgusted Feeling or expressing revulsion.
Disheartened Losing determination or confidence.
Disinterested Apathetic; not interested or concerned.
Distressed Suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
Dormant Inactive, as if asleep or suspended.
Enraged Very angry; furious.
Envious Feeling or showing envy.
Fatalistic Believing events are predetermined and inevitable.
Foreboding Fearful apprehension of something bad.
Frantic Wild or distraught with fear or anxiety.
Frustrated Distressed or annoyed by inability to achieve something.
Furious Extremely angry.
Gloomy Dark; depressing; lacking hope.
Grim Forbidding or uninviting; harsh.
Haughty Arrogantly superior and disdainful.
Holier-than-thou Characterized by an attitude of moral superiority.
Hurtful Causing distress to someone’s feelings.
Indifferent Having no particular interest or concern.
Indignant Anger or annoyance at perceived unfair treatment.
Inflammatory Intended to arouse angry or violent feelings.
Insulting Disrespectful or scornfully abusive.
Irate Feeling or characterized by great anger.
Irreverent Showing a lack of respect for serious things.
Leery Cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions.
Melancholy Pensive sadness, often with no obvious cause.
Mocking Making fun of someone in a cruel way; derisive.
Mournful Feeling or expressing sadness, regret, or grief.
Numb Deprived of feeling or responsiveness.
Obnoxious Extremely unpleasant or offensive.
Outraged Fiercely angry or shocked.
Overbearing Domineering in an unpleasant way.
Paranoid Suspicious or mistrustful without justification.
Passive Accepting or allowing what happens without active response.
Peevish Easily irritated by unimportant things.
Quarrelsome Given to or characterized by quarreling.
Regretful Feeling or showing regret.
Resentful Feeling bitterness at having been treated unfairly.
Rude Offensively impolite or ill-mannered.
Sarcastic Marked by using irony to mock or convey contempt.
Scornful Feeling or expressing contempt or derision.
Snide Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way.
Snooty Showing disapproval or contempt toward others.
Somber Dark in color or tone; gloomy.
Stubborn Unwilling to change or quit; obstinate.
Testy Easily irritated; somewhat bad-tempered.
Threatening Having a hostile or frightening quality.
Uncertain Not completely confident or sure.
Uneasy Feeling worried or unsure.
Unfriendly Not friendly.
Unsympathetic Not showing or feeling sympathy.
Upset Unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
Violent Using or involving physical force to harm.
Worried Anxious or troubled about potential problems.
Tone Word Definition
Amused Finding something funny or entertaining.
Bantering Exchanging remarks in a good-humored teasing way.
Bitter Angry or hurt due to unfair treatment.
Caustic Sarcastic in a scathing, bitter way.
Comical Amusing; funny.
Condescending Showing an attitude of patronizing superiority.
Contemptuous Showing contempt; scornful.
Critical Expressing disapproving or fault-finding comments.
Cynical Distrustful of human sincerity or motives.
Disdainful Showing contempt or lack of respect.
Droll Oddly amusing in a wry way.
Facetious Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor.
Giddy Dizzy with excitement or frivolity.
Humorous Causing laughter and amusement.
Ironic Using or characterized by irony.
Irreverent Lacking respect for normally serious things.
Joking Speaking or acting in jest.
Kidding Being playful or facetious.
Malicious Intending to do harm; spiteful.
Mock-heroic Imitating a heroic style to satirize a non-heroic subject.
Mocking Making fun of someone or something in a cruel way.
Patronizing Treating with apparent kindness but with superiority.
Pompous Irritatingly grand or self-important.
Quizzical Indicating mild or amused puzzlement.
Ribald Referring to sexual matters in a humorous, irreverent way.
Ridiculing Subjecting something to dismissive language or behavior.
Sad Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.
Sardonic Grimly mocking or cynical.
Satiric Using ridicule to expose or criticize.
Scornful Expressing contempt or derision.
Sharp Intended to have a biting, unpleasant effect.
Silly Lacking common sense or judgment; foolish.
Taunting Provoking or challenging with insulting remarks.
Teasing Making fun of or attempting to provoke playfully.
Threatening Having a deliberately frightening quality.
Tongue-in-cheek Without really meaning what is said; ironic or playful.
Witty Quick, inventive humor.
Tone Word Definition
Aggravated Worsened or made more serious.
Alarmed Frightened or worried that something unpleasant may happen.
Brave Ready to face danger or pain; courageous.
Barren Bleak and lifeless.
Grave Very serious or solemn.
Hollow Empty or without substance.
Hopeless Feeling or causing despair about something.
Melancholic Feeling or expressing pensive sadness.
Mournful Expressing sadness, regret, or grief.
Pessimistic Tending to see the worst aspect; lacking hope.
Pitiful Deserving or arousing pity.
Poignant Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
Remorseful Filled with regret or guilt.
Solemn Deeply earnest or serious.
Somber Dark, gloomy, or depressing.
Staid Sedate, respectful, and unadventurous.
Upset Unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
Tone Word Definition
Admonitory Giving or conveying a warning.
Allusive Working by suggestion rather than explicit mention.
Apathetic Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Authoritative Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected.
Baffled Completely bewildered or puzzled.
Candid Truthful and straightforward; frank.
Ceremonial Relating to formal events or rituals.
Clinical Objective, analytical; without emotional attachment.
Conventional Following traditional forms or genres.
Detached Separate or disconnected; impartial.
Didactic Intended to teach or instruct.
Disbelieving Unable or unwilling to accept something as true.
Distant Aloof or reserved; remote in manner.
Dramatic Striking in appearance or effect; expressive.
Earnest Showing sincere and intense conviction.
Expectant Having or showing excitement for something about to happen.
Factual Concerned with what is actually the case; objective.
Formal Observing conventional forms and rules.
Forthright Direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest.
Impersonal Not influenced by personal feelings; neutral.
Informative Providing useful or interesting information.
Incredulous Unwilling or unable to believe something.
Matter-of-fact Unemotional and practical; straightforward.
Objective Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
Obsequious Obedient or attentive to an excessive degree.
Persuasive Good at persuading someone to do or believe something.
Pretentious Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance.
Provocative Causing a strong reaction, especially deliberately.
Questioning Showing an interest in learning or clarifying.
Resigned Accepting something unpleasant that cannot be changed.
Restrained Characterized by reserve; unemotional.
Scholarly Involving or relating to serious academic study.
Serious Demanding careful consideration; solemn.
Suspenseful Arousing excited expectation or uncertainty.
Urgent Requiring immediate action or attention.
Vexed Annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
Wistful Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.
Zealous Having or showing great energy or enthusiasm.