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⚠️ wildfly-deploy-gradle-plugin is not maintained!

This repository will be archived soon as I stopped working with java application server for some time now. Feel free forking the repo and getting in touch if you need some hints :)


Gradle Plugin for deploying Files to Wildfly

❗ Plugin needs some tests for productive use, keep in mind :)


Successfully tested/known to work: Wildfly 10, Wildfly 14, Wildfly 15
Jboss7: Use <version>-jboss7
Wildfly 15: Use <version>-wildfly15

If you have problems using cli batches, try the -wildfly15 branch (see: #12).

Since version 0.3.0 the api changed slightly, please consule Do not depend on build task, lazily resolve file #22 if you need details.

basic example (gradle kotlin-dsl)

Add deploy-wildfly-plugin to plugins:

plugins {
    id("com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.deploy-wildfly-plugin") version "<version>"

Setup task with configuration:

task("deploy", DeployWildflyTask::class) {
    host = "localhost"
    port = 9090
    user = "mgmt_user"
    password = "mgmt_password"
    deploymentName.set(                //cli: --name=$runtimeName
    runtimeName.set(tasks.war.get().archiveFileName) //cli: --runtime-name=$runtimeName
    // filepath, here a war example

Trigger task: ./gradlew deploy

If you wan't to deploy to multiple targets you can create multiple tasks like this:

task("deployDev") {
    //config dev
task("deployQa") {
    //config qa

You can also deactivate force and/or reload:

task("deploy") {
        // [...]
        reload = false
        force = false
        // [...]

You can also undeploy an existing deployment with the identical name beforehand

    undeployBeforehand = true

You can also restart the wildfly after the deployment (and await it), analogous to the reload mechanism

    reload = false // default for reload is true, so deactivate it first
    restart = true
    awaitRestart = true

You can also deploy to WildFly in domain mode, but only one server group per task

    domainServerGroup = "main-server-group"

gradle groovy example

import com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.DeployWildflyTask

plugins {
    id("com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.deploy-wildfly-plugin") version "0.2.10"

group = "x.y"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

dependencies {

task deploy(type: DeployWildflyTask) {
    host = "localhost"
    port = 9090
    user = "mgmt_user"
    password = "mgmt_password"
    deploymentName =
    runtimeName = + "-" + version + ".war"
    // filepath, here a war example
    file = "${buildDir}/libs/${}-${version}.war"

task deployDomain(type: DeployWildflyTask) {
    host =
    port = deploy.port
    user = deploy.user
    password = deploy.password
    deploymentName =
    runtimeName = tasks.war.archiveFileName
    file = tasks.war.archiveFile
    // redeploy if artifact with same name already deployed
    undeployBeforehand = true
    // server group of domain mode
    domainServerGroup = "main-server-group"
    // ask to restart servers after deploy instead of only reload them
    restart = true
    reload = false

gradle kotlin example

import com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.DeployWildflyTask

plugins {
    id("com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.deploy-wildfly-plugin") version "0.2.10"

group = "x.y"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

dependencies {
    testCompile("junit", "junit", "4.12")

configure<JavaPluginConvention> {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

task("deploy", DeployWildflyTask::class) {
    host = "localhost"
    port = 9090
    user = "mgmt_user"
    password = "mgmt_password"
    deploymentName.set(                 //cli: --name=$runtimeName
    runtimeName.set(tasks.war.get().archiveFileName) //cli: --runtime-name=$runtimeName
    // Using war.archiveFile will make the deploy task depend on the war task implicitly, no need for dependsOn("war")

ExecuteWildflyTask - execute commands on the cli

The ExecuteWildflyTask let's you execute commands on the target cli

groovy example

import com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.ExecuteWildflyTask

task wildflyExecute(type: ExecuteWildflyTask) {
    host = ""
    port = 9990
    user = "testuser"
    password = "123"
    commands = ["deployment-info", "deployment-info"]

kotlin example

import com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.ExecuteWildflyTask

task("wildflyExecute", ExecuteWildflyTask::class) {
    host = ""
    port = 9990
    user = "testuser"
    password = "123"
    commands = listOf("deployment-info", "deployment-info")

Build and use locally build wildfly-deploy-gradle-plugin

Building and publishing can be done with:

$ ./gradlew clean build publish

This will deploy the locally build plugin jar into your local maven repo and also into build/lib.

To use your locally build plugin you can just override the plugin resolutionStrategy inside your settings.gradle(.kts) file.



import com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.ExecuteWildflyTask

plugins {
    id("com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.deploy-wildfly-plugin") version "0.2.8"
task executeCommands(type: ExecuteWildflyTask) {
    host = "localhost"
    port = 9990
    user = "testuser"
    password = "1234"
    commands = ["ls"]


pluginManagement {
    resolutionStrategy {
        eachPlugin {
            if ( == "com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin.deploy-wildfly-plugin") {
                useModule("com.mkring.wildlydeplyplugin:wildfly-deploy-gradle-plugin:0.2.9") //adapt version if needed
    repositories {
        maven {
            // this is the build folder of your local wildfly-deploy-gradle-plugin repository, you might need to adapt this
            url = uri("build/lib")
        // or
