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Welcome to the homepage of the Imperial College London Computational Statistics and Machine Learning reading group. We meet Thursdays at 16:00 in Huxley 218 or online on MS Teams.

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Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
13/03/25 Xinzhe Luo TBD
06/03/25 Lapo Rastrelli TBD
27/02/25 Sangwoong Yoon TBD
20/02/25 Matias Altamirano TBD
13/02/25 Hamidreza Kamkari A Geometric View of Data Complexity: Efficient Local Intrinsic Dimension Estimation with Diffusion Models Hamidreza et al.
06/02/25 Zonghao Chen TBD
05/12/24 Ziyan Wang Policy Learning from Tutorial Books via Understanding, Rehearsing and Introspecting Ziyan Wang et al.
28/11/24 Jiajun He, Wenlin Chen, Mingtian Zhang Training Neural Samplers with Reverse Diffusive KL Divergence Jiajun He et al.
21/11/24 Shavindra Jayasekera Elucidating LLMs: exploring techniques for intepretability in language models
07/11/24 Michael Li Multistage Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Michael Li et al.
17/10/24 Yingzhen Li Martingale posterior distributions Edwin Fong et al. slides


Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
13/06/24 Jiayi Shen Probabilistic Modeling for Knowledge Transfer
21/03/24 Mengyue Yang Invariant Learning via Probability of Sufficient and Necessary Causes Mengyue Yang et al.
07/03/24 Naoki Kiyohara Beyond Attention: Unravelling the Potential of State Space Models for Sequential Data Processing slides
29/02/24 Xiongjie Chen Augmented Sliced Wasserstein Distances Xiongjie Chen et al.
08/02/24 Aras Selvi Extending the Scope of Wasserstein Machine Learning
01/02/24 Matthieu Meeus Did the Neurons Read Your Book? Document-level Membership Inference for LLMs Matthieu Meeus et al.
25/01/24 Mingxuan Yi Divergence Minimizations: From Sample Space to Parameter Space
18/01/24 T. Anderson Keller Traveling Waves in Brains and Machines
07/12/23 Fabrizio Russo Shapley-PC: Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning with Shapley Values
30/11/23 Xavier Sumba-Toral Connecting the dots: a journey of message passing in PGMs and MPNNs for approximate inference
23/11/23 Guoxuan Xia Window-Based Early-Exit Cascades for Uncertainty Estimation: When Deep Ensembles are More Efficient than Single Models Guoxuan Xia et al.
16/11/23 Tobias Schroeder Energy Discrepancy: Fast Training of Energy-Based Models without MCMC Tobias Schroeder et al.
09/11/23 Stathi Fotiadis Image generation with shortest path diffusion Ayan Das et al.
02/11/23 Tim Z. Xiao What do we want from a generative model and how do we get it from a VAE?
26/10/23 Yingzhen Li On the Identifiability of Markov Switching Models Carles Balsells-Rodas et al.


Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
13/07/23 Jin Xu Deep Stochastic Processes via Functional Markov Transition Operators Jin Xu et al.
01/06/23 Dinghuai Zhang GFlowNets: Exploration for Structured Probabilistic Inference slides
25/05/23 Jiaye Teng Predictive Inference with Feature Conformal Prediction Jiaye Teng et al.
11/05/23 Panagiotis Tigas Differentiable Multi-Target Causal Bayesian Experimental Design Yashas Annadani et al.
06/04/23 Fadhel Ayed Over-parameterised Shallow Neural Networks with Asymmetrical Node Scaling: Global Convergence Guarantees and Feature Learning Francois Caron et al.
30/03/23 Zijing Ou The modern arts of discrete EBMs training and inference slides
23/03/23 Nihir Vedd, Zijing Ou, and Xing Liu Casual discussion about the indication of GPT-4 to AI developments and research
09/03/23 Martin Jørgensen Bézier Gaussian Processes for Tall and Wide Data Martin Jørgensen et al.
02/03/23 Jose Folch Neural Diffusion Process Vincent Dutordoir et al.
23/02/23 Guoxuan Xia Augmenting Softmax Information for Selective Classification with Out-of-Distribution Data Guoxuan Xia et al.
16/02/23 Max Weissenbacher Heating up decision boundaries: isocapacitory saturation, adversarial scenarios and generalization bounds Bogdan Georgiev et al.
09/02/23 Cristopher Salvi Recent developments in signature kernel methods
19/01/23 Vahid Balazadeh Partial Identification of Treatment Effects with Implicit Generative Models Vahid Balazadeh et al.
24/11/22 Harrison Zhu Diffusion Models from an SDE Perspective
17/11/22 Wenlin Chen Meta-learning Adaptive Deep Kernel Gaussian Processes for Molecular Property Prediction Wenlin Chen et al.
10/11/22 Kevin H. Huang Quantifying the Effects of Data Augmentation Kevin H. Huang et al.
03/11/22 Anish Dhir Combiner: Full Attention Transformer with Sparse Computation Cost Hongyu Ren et al.
27/10/22 Tycho van der Ouderaa Pathfinder: Parallel quasi-Newton variational inference Lu Zhang et al.


Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
23/06/22 Carles B. Rodas Nonlinear ICA slides
16/06/22 Tycho van der Ouderaa Modern Laplace Approximations for Deep Learning
09/06/22 Hamzah Hashim and Alexander Pondaven Convolutional Neural Processes for Inpainting Satellite Images
19/05/22 Wenlong Chen Tutorial on (Stochastic Gradient) MCMC
12/05/22 Artem Artemev Adaptive Cholesky Gaussian Processes Simon Bartels et al.
05/05/22 Galen Wilkerson Spontaneous Emergence of Computation in Network Cascades
28/04/22 Anish Dhir Out of distribution generalisation using calibration


Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
09/07/21 Yanni Papandreou On Mahalanobis distance in functional settings Berrendero et al.
02/07/21 Cris Salvi On signature methods
25/06/21 Adam Howes Small-area estimation with aggregated Gaussian processes Adam Howes
18/06/21 Juliette Unwin Multilevel Monte Carlo methods Michael B. Giles
11/06/21 Michael Komodromos Scalable Nonparametric Sampling from Multimodal Posteriors with the Posterior Bootstrap Edwin Fong et al.
04/06/21 Harrison Zhu Multi-resolution Spatial Regression for Aggregated Data with an Application to Crop Yield Prediction Harrison Zhu et al.
28/05/21 Andrew Connell Detecting changes in mean in the presence of time‐varying autocovariance Euan T. McGonigle et al..
14/05/21 George Wynne CovNet: Covariance Networks for Functional Data on Multidimensional Domains
07/05/21 Isak Falk
30/04/21 Swapnil Mishra
23/04/21 Tim Wolock
16/04/21 Thomas Mellan Gaussian Process Nowcasting: Application to COVID-19 Mortality Reporting
09/04/21 Tresnia Berah Validated Variational Inference via Practical Posterior Error Bounds
02/04/21 break
26/03/21 Harrison Zhu Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm
19/03/21 Xenia Miscouridou Modelling sparsity, heterogeneity, reciprocity and community structure in temporal interaction data
26/02/21 Michael Gaussian Processes for Survival Analysis Tamara Fernández
12/02/21 Jonathan Image Representations Learned With Unsupervised Pre-Training Contain Human-like Biases Ryan Steed & Aylin Caliskan
05/02/21 Adriaan Convolutional Gaussian Processes Mark van der Wilk et al.
29/01/21 Kate Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation Nicolas Courty et al.
04/12/20 Jonathan Bayesian Deep Ensembles via the Neural Tangent Kernel Bobby He, Balaji Lakshminarayanan and Yee Whye Teh
27/11/20 Kai Training Agents using Upside-Down Reinforcement Learning Rupesh Kumar Srivastava et al.
20/11/20 James Estimation of active pharmaceutical ingredients content using locally weighted partial least squares and statistical wavelength selection Sanghong Kim et al.
13/11/20 Daniel GENNI: Visualising the Geometry of Equivalences for Neural Network Identifiability Daniel Lengyel et al.
06/11/20 Janith Meta-Learning Symmetries by Reparameterization Allan Zhou, Tom Knowles & Chelsea Finn
23/10/20 Kate A continual learning survey: Defying forgetting in classification tasks Matthias De Lange et al. An Introduction to Continual Learning
16/10/20 Hans JDINAC: joint density-based non-parametric differential interaction network analysis and classification using high-dimensional sparse omics data Jiadong Ji et al.
09/10/20 Joe Avoiding the Hypothesis-Only Bias in Natural Language Inference via Ensemble Adversarial Training Joe Stacey et al.


Date Presenter Paper Author(s) Notes
17/10/19 George Approximate Inference Turns Deep Networks into Gaussian Processes Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan et al.
24/10/19 Onur Random Tessellation Forests Shufei Ge et al.
31/10/19 Arinbjörn A Scalable Laplace Approximation for Neural Networks Hippolyt Ritter, Aleksandar Botev and David Barber
07/11/19 Kate Reconciling modern machine learning practice and the bias-variance trade-off Mikhail Belkin, Daniel Hsu, Siyuan Ma and Soumik Mandal
14/11/19 Alex An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: The SPDE approach Finn Lindgren, Håvard Rue and Johan Lindström
21/11/19 Sesh Lost Relatives of the Gumbel Trick Matej Balog et al.
Break for workshop
05/12/19 Daniel Modelling the Dynamics of Multiagent Q-Learning in Repeated Symmetric Games: a Mean Field Theoretic Approach Shuyue Hu, Chin-Wing Leung, Ho-fung Leung
12/12/19 Tim A Model to Search for Synthesizable Molecules John Bradshaw et al.
20/01/20 Jonathan The Kernel Interaction Trick: Fast Bayesian Discovery of Pairwise Interactions in High Dimensions Raj Agrawal et al.
31/01/20 Emily Boosting Variational Inference Guo et al.
07/02/20 George Determinantal point processes for machine learning (chapters 2 and 4) Alex Kulesza and Ben Taskar
14/02/20 Kate On Bayesian new edge prediction and anomaly detection in computer networks Silvia Metelli and Nicholas Heard
28/02/20 Adriaan A scalable bootstrap for massive data Ariel Kleiner et al.
06/03/20 Isak Super-Samples from Kernel Herding Yutian Chen, Max Welling and Alex Smola
13/03/20 break
20/03/20 Jonathan & Arinbjörn Benchmarking Bayesian Deep Learning with Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis Angelos Filos et al.
27/03/20 Kate Integrated Clustering and Anomaly Detection (INCAD) for Streaming Data Sreelekha Guggilam et al.
03/04/20 Emily Deep Unsupervised Clustering with Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders Nat Dilokthanakul et al.
10/04/20 break
17/04/20 Daniel Exploring Generalization in Deep Learning Neyshabur et al.
24/04/20 Jonathan Unsupervised Data Augmentation for Consistency Training Qizhe Xie et al.
01/05/20 Kai Discovering the Compositional Structure of Vector Representations with Role Learning Networks Paul Soulos et al. Slides
08/05/20 Bank holiday break
15/05/20 Sesh Alleviating Label Switching with Optimal Transport Pierre Monteiller et al.
22/05/20 Hans A latent Markov model for detecting patterns of criminal activity Francesco Bartolucci et al.
29/05/20 Isak Introduction to Coresets: Accurate Coresets Ibrahim Jubran et al. Slides
05/06/20 Adriaan Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks Charles Blundell et al.
12/06/20 Kai The frontier of simulation-based inference Kyle Cranmer et al. Slides
19/06/20 Daniel Sharp Minima Can Generalize For Deep Nets Laurent Dinh et al.
26/06/20 Janith A General Theory of Equivariant CNNs on Homogeneous Spaces Taco S. Cohen, Mario Geiger & Maurice Weiler
03/07/20 Alex On the Almost Sure Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Non-Convex Problems Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nadav Hallak, Ali Kavis & Volkan Cevher
10/07/20 Kate Nonparametric Variational Auto-encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning Prasoon Goyal et al.
17/07/20 Harrison Bayesian Probabilistic Numerical Integration with Tree-Based Models Harrison Zhu et al.
24/07/20 Zaf Deep active inference agents using Monte-Carlo methods Zafeirios Fountas et al.
31/07/20 Kai Transforming task representations to allow deep learning models to perform novel tasks Andrew K. Lampinen & James L. McClelland Slides
07/08/20 Aravind Estimation and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects using Random Forests Stefan Wager & Susan Athey
14/08/20 Summer break
21/08/20 Summer break
28/08/20 Adriaan Monte Carlo (importance) sampling within a benders decomposition algorithm for stochastic linear programs Gerd Infanger Whiteboard notes
04/09/20 Jonathan NGBoost: Natural Gradient Boosting for Probabilistic Prediction Tony Duan et al.
11/09/20 Chatura Probabilistic Value-Deviation-Bounded Integer Codes for Approximate Communication Phillip Stanley-Marbell & Paul Hurley
25/09/20 Janith On the Generalization of Equivariance and Convolution in Neural Networks to the Action of Compact Groups Risi Kondor & Shubhendu Trivedi