composes music based on AI
Piano is a musical instrument that produces music by sequence of notes.
A standard piano has 9 octaves and 88 keys.
A note is the pitch and duration of a sound, and also it is commonly represented in musical notation.
example => {C,C#,D,D#,E ,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B}
A octave is set of notes of particular frequencies.
Octaves are numbered from 0 to 8
Each octave have 12 keys/notes
Example => 4th octave => {C4,C#4,D4,D#4,E4 ,F4,F#4,G4,G#4,A4,A#4,B4}
So, the notes present in an octave are => {C, C#, D, D#, E, F ,F#, G ,G#, A, A#, B}
A full step movement is a jump between three notes skipping the note in the middle, example a full step movement of C will end at D.
A half step movement is a jump between two notes, example a half step movement of C will be C#.
By using the formula => (2 full steps + 1/2 step + 3 full steps + 1/2 step)
on the above octave,
we get => {C, D E, F, G ,A, B, C}
This is known as a scale, and since the octave befins from C, therefore this is the Cmajor Scale.
This can be denoted in the following ways-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
From this the 1st 3rd and 5th note form a major chord.(A chord is a collection of notes in a specific order.) Major- 1 3 5 Cmajor- C E G
For more information check (
Exceptiions => 0th octave has two keys and 8th octave has one key in standard piano
sequence of notes is given by example(Harry Potter Theme Music) =>
"-B E G F# E B A F# E G F# Eb E -B
-B E G F# E B +D +Db +C Ab +C B Bb Eb G E
G B G B G +C B Bb F# G B Bb Eb E B
G B G B G +D +Db +C Ab +C B Bb Eb G E"
so there are three tpyes of octave in a sequence.
- main octave => let say 4th
- prev octave => main-1 => 3th
- next octave => main+1 => 5th
so here +D = D5 and Ab = G# and -B = B3
please refer above diagram clearly to understand better...
every note has a particular frequency.
- For Python
we use Beep(frequency,duration) in python for windows to produce sound of a particular frequency.
import winsound
frequency = 2500 # Set Frequency To 2500 Hertz
duration = 1000 # Set Duration To 1000 ms == 1 second
winsound.Beep(frequency, duration)
find function for linux is the task to be done
- For Javascript
check out this blog Generate Sounds using Javascript!
- play music based on notes
- developer usuable library
- notes generated music to mp3 file
- music generation base don AI
- For Python 3
- for Javascript
TASK 1 : creating relevant class of various objects needed in our project
TASK 2 : creating various functions needed in out classes
TASK 3 : testing on both linux and windows
- composer
- input_notes_sequence()
- set_octave()
- play()
- composer
- note
- format_note()
- note
- octave
- note_to_octave_list()
- nth_octave_list()
- octave
- frequency
- nth_octave_frequency_dict()
- note_to_frequency()
- frequency
- we take raw input as list and main octave number
example => ["C#","-D","F"," ","C#4","D3","F4"]
then formats the input notes according to main octave
then fetch the frequencies according to notes
at last play them