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PyLists4C: Python-style lists for the C language


This library provides a Python-style (within the limits of the C language syntax of course) lists implementation, as doubly-linked lists:

  • List items are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate values.
  • List items can be of any standard C data type, plus:
    • strings,
    • sub-lists (thus enabling trees data structures)
    • and self-contained (= without pointers) structs of variable sizes.
  • A list can contain different data types at the same time.

Beyond Python lists emulation, you'll also find:

  • List initialization with a powerful constructor or from C language tables
  • Conversion from or to arrays
  • List deduplication, sorted insertion (with optional removal of duplicate values) or shuffling
  • List joining (beyond concatenation or extension) or splitting
  • Stacks (push/pop) and queues (enqueue/dequeue) management aliases
  • Statistics and debugging, including memory allocation followup


  • Over 60 base functions,
  • Plus over 320 convenience type-oriented functions and intuitive aliases,
  • High modularity so your linker only includes what you use in your own executables,
  • Identical behavior across Unix-like and Windows operating systems for your programs portability,
  • Extensive documentation with examples for almost everything,
  • And friendly BSD license, for open and free usage.

Base functions overview

Base function Aliases Description
Creating a list
LIST* MyList = NULL; Creates an empty LIST
listCreateElement() Creates an unlinked LIST element (rather for internal use)
list() Creates a LIST from a Python-style LIST declaration string
listFromTable() Converts a C language table into a LIST
Adding & changing elements
listAppend() listPush()
Adds an element at the end of a LIST
listInsertFirst() listPrepend() Adds an element at the start of a LIST
listInsert(n) Inserts an element at the Nth position of a LIST
listInsertSorted() Inserts an element in a sorted LIST
listInsertList(n) Inserts a copy of the elements of a LIST at the Nth position of another LIST
listChange(n) Changes the value of the element at the Nth position of a LIST
listChangeSlice(n, m) Changes the elements at the defined LIST slice with those from the second LIST
Displaying lists
listStr() listAscii()
Returns a pointer to a string containing a Python-style LIST representation
listFreeStr() Frees the memory allocated to a Python-style LIST representation
listPrint() Prints a Python-style LIST representation to stdout
listDebug() Prints all LIST details to stderr
Getting list information
listLen() Returns the number of elements in a LIST
listStats() Fills statistics about a LIST in one walkthrough
listStatsPrint() Prints statistics about a LIST to stdout
Searching for elements
listContains() Tests if a value appears in a LIST
listCount() Returns the number of elements with the specified value
listIndex() Returns the index of the first element with the specified value
listIndexAll() listFind()
Returns a LIST of all the indexes of the elements with the specified value
Working with numerical lists
listMaxXXX() Returns the maximum value in the LIST for the XXX type
listMinXXX() Returns the minimum value in the LIST for the XXX type
listSumXXX() Returns the sum of values in the LIST for the XXX type
Fetching elements
listGet(n) Returns the Nth LIST_ELEMENT of a LIST
listGetLast() Returns the last LIST_ELEMENT of a LIST
listSetIterator() Defines a LIST_ITERATOR from a LIST_ELEMENT of a LIST
listNext() Returns the next LIST_ELEMENT of a LIST starting from a LIST_ITERATOR
listPrevious() Returns the previous LIST_ELEMENT of a LIST starting from a LIST_ITERATOR
Fetching elements values
listValueXXX() Returns the element value in the requested type
Testing lists
listAreEqual() Tests if two LISTs contain the same values
Working with lists
listCopy() Returns a copy of the LIST (a full/deep copy as we don't want multiple references to the same values)
listSlice(n, m)
Returns a copy of a slice (i.e.: [n:m]) of a LIST
listFilter() Returns a filtered copy of the LIST according to a user defined function telling if a LIST_ELEMENT should be included or not
listComprehension() listForEach() Returns a new LIST according to a user defined function producing 0-N elements for each LIST_ELEMENT
listConcat() Returns a new LIST with the concatenation of the elements of LIST1 and LIST2
listExtend() Adds a copy of the elements of the second LIST to the end of the first one
listJoin() Moves the elements of the second LIST to the end of the first one
listSplit(n) listHalve() for n = length/2 Cuts a LIST in two parts and returns a pointer to the second part
Changing list order
listSort() Sorts a LIST
listSorted() Returns a sorted copy of a LIST
listSetDefaultSort() Sets the default sorting algorithm
listSortedByInsertion() Returns a sorted copy of a LIST, using an insertion sort algorithm
listSortedByQsort() Returns a sorted copy of a LIST, using a Quicksort algorithm
listReverse() Reverses the order of a LIST
listReversed() Returns a reversed copy of a LIST
listShuffle() Shuffles a LIST
listShuffled() Returns a shuffled copy of a LIST
Lists to arrays conversion
listToArray() Converts a LIST into an ARRAY
listFromArray() Converts an ARRAY into a LIST
listFreeArray() Frees the memory allocated to an ARRAY
Removing elements
listDelNth(n) listDelFirst() for n=0
listDelLast() for n=-1
Removes the element at the specified position
listDelSlice(n, m) Removes the elements at the specified slice
listPopNth(n) listPopFirst() for n=0
listDequeue() for n=0
listPop() for n=-1
Removes the element at the specified position and returns it
(you'll have to free it after use with listClear())
listRemove() Removes the first item with the specified value
listRemoveAll() Removes all the items with the specified value
listRemoveDuplicates() Removes adjacent duplicate items in a sorted LIST
Clearing lists
listClear() listDel()
Removes all the elements of the LIST
Structs handling
listSetStructSize() Sets the size of a STRUCT you want to compare
listSetStructComparator() Sets the function to be used to compare STRUCTs
listSetStructStringer() Sets the function to be used to string STRUCTs
listSetStructPrinter() Sets the function to be used to print STRUCTs to stdout
listSetStructDebugger() Sets the function to be used to debug STRUCTs to stderr
listSetDebugMessagesDisplay() Sets whether or not to print debugging messages to stderr
listSetFatalMallocErrors() Sets whether memory allocation errors are fatal or not
listGetAllocatedMemory() Returns the quantity of allocated/unfreed memory used by this library

Where to go from here?

Interested? Then go to the documentation to learn more about this library and find multiple examples.

Still missing something? Then go to the discussions and tell me!

Encountering an issue? Then report it in the issues section.

Happy with it? Then please help me promote this library.

  • Go, tell it on the mountain(s), over the hills and everywhere!
  • If your code is also on GitHub, reference and co-promote your own creations with the pylists4c topic

Volunteering to contribute? Then check our evolution ideas. For example:

  • Make a package for your favourite operating system
  • Translate the documentation
  • Help with missing features and evolution ideas
  • ...