forked from pentaho/pentaho-kettle
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User: Compatibility of Steps
Hiromu Hota edited this page Jan 25, 2018
2 revisions
The list of standard steps here is the same as the one in here.
Name | Category | ID | Executable | Editable | Comments |
Abort | Flow | Abort | Y | Y | |
Add a checksum | Transform | CheckSum | Y | Y | |
Add constants | Transform | Constant | Y | Y | |
Add sequence | Transform | Sequence | Y | Y | |
Add value fields changing sequence | Transform | FieldsChangeSequence | Y | Y | |
Add XML | Transform | AddXML | Y | Y | |
Analytic Query | Statistics | AnalyticQuery | Y | Y | |
Append streams | Flow | Append | Y | Y | |
ARFF Output | Data Mining | Arff Output | |||
Automatic Documentation Output | Output | AutoDoc | Y | Y | |
Avro input | Input | AvroInput | |||
Block this step until steps finish | Flow | BlockUntilStepsFinish | Y | Y | |
Blocking Step | Flow | BlockingStep | Y | Y | |
Calculator | Transform | Calculator | Y | Y | |
Call DB Procedure | Lookup | DBProc | |||
Call Endpoint | BA Server | CallEndpointStep | |||
Change file encoding | Utility | ChangeFileEncoding | |||
Cassandra input | Big Data | CassandraInput | Y | Y | Tested with Cassandra 2.0.7 |
Cassandra output | Big Data | CassandraOutput | Y | Y | Tested with Cassandra 2.0.7 |
Check if a column exists | Lookup | ColumnExists | Y | Y | |
Check if file is locked | Lookup | FileLocked | |||
Check if webservice is available | Lookup | WebServiceAvailable | Y | Y | |
Clone row | Utility | CloneRow | Y | Y | |
Closure Generator | Transform | ClosureGenerator | Y | Y | |
Combination lookup/update | Data Warehouse | CombinationLookup | Y | Y | |
Concat Fields | Transform | ConcatFields | Y | Y | |
Copy rows to result | Job | RowsToResult | Y | Y | |
CouchDB Input | Big Data | CouchDbInput | |||
Credit card validator | Validation | CreditCardValidator | Y | Y | |
CSV file input | Input | CsvInput | Y | Y | |
Data Grid | Input | DataGrid | Y | Y | |
Data Validator | Validation | Validator | Y | Y | |
Database join | Lookup | DBJoin | |||
Database lookup | Lookup | DBLookup | |||
De-serialize from file | Input | CubeInput | |||
Delay row | Utility | Delay | Y | Y | |
Delete | Output | Delete | Y | Y | |
Detect empty stream | Flow | DetectEmptyStream | |||
Dimension lookup/update | Data Warehouse | DimensionLookup | Y | Y | |
Dummy (do nothing) | Flow | Dummy | Y | Y | |
Dynamic SQL row | Lookup | DynamicSQLRow | |||
Edi to XML | Utility | TypeExitEdi2XmlStep | Y | Y | |
ElasticSearch Bulk Insert | Bulk loading | ElasticSearchBulk | |||
Email messages input | Input | MailInput | |||
ESRI Shapefile Reader | Input | ShapeFileReader | |||
ETL Metadata Injection | Flow | MetaInject | Y | Y | |
Execute a process | Utility | ExecProcess | Y | Y | |
Execute row SQL script | Scripting | ExecSQLRow | |||
Execute SQL script | Scripting | ExecSQL | |||
File exists | Lookup | FileExists | Y | Y | |
Filter Rows | Flow | FilterRows | Y | Y ( | |
Fixed file input | Input | FixedInput | Y | Y ( | "Finish" button is mis-labled as "Next" |
Formula | Scripting | Formula | Y | Y | |
Fuzzy match | Lookup | FuzzyMatch | Y | Y | |
Generate random credit card numbers | Input | RandomCCNumberGenerator | Y | Y | |
Generate random value | Input | RandomValue | Y | Y | |
Generate Rows | Input | RowGenerator | Y | Y | |
Get data from XML | Input | getXMLData | Y | Y | |
Get File Names | Input | GetFileNames | Y | Y | |
Get files from result | Job | FilesFromResult | |||
Get Files Rows Count | Input | GetFilesRowsCount | Y | Y | |
Get ID from slave server | Transform | GetSlaveSequence | |||
Get repository names | Input | GetRepositoryNames | Y | Y | |
Get rows from result | Job | RowsFromResult | |||
Get Session Variables | BA Server | GetSessionVariableStep | |||
Get SubFolder names | Input | GetSubFolders | Y | Y | |
Get System Info | Input | SystemInfo | Y | Y | |
Get table names | Input | GetTableNames | Y | Y | |
Get Variables | Job | GetVariable | |||
Google Analytics | Input | TypeExitGoogleAnalyticsInputStep | |||
Google Docs Input | Input | ||||
[Greenplum Bulk Loader] | Bulk loading | GPBulkLoader | |||
Greenplum Load | Bulk loading | GPLoad | |||
Group by | Statistics | GroupBy | Y | Y | |
GZIP CSV Input | Input | ParallelGzipCsvInput | |||
Hadoop File Input | Big Data | HadoopFileInputPlugin | Y | Y | *1 |
Hadoop File Output | Big Data | HadoopFileOutputPlugin | Y | Y | *1 |
HBase input | Big Data | HbaseInput | Y | Y | *1 |
HBase output | Big Data | HbaseOutput | Y | Y | *1 |
HBase Row Decoder | Big Data | HBaseRowDecoder | |||
HL7 Input | Input | HL7Input | Y | Y | |
HTTP client | Lookup | HTTP | Y | Y | |
HTTP Post | Lookup | HTTPPOST | Y | Y | |
IBM Websphere MQ Consumer | Input | MQInput | |||
IBM Websphere MQ Producer | Output | MQOutput | |||
Identify last row in a stream | Flow | DetectLastRow | Y | Y | |
If field value is null | Utility | IfNull | Y | Y | |
Infobright Loader | Bulk loading | InfobrightOutput | |||
Ingres VectorWise Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | VectorWiseBulkLoader | |||
Injector | Inline | Injector | |||
Insert / Update | Output | InsertUpdate | Y | Y | |
Java Filter | Flow | JavaFilter | |||
JMS Consumer | Input | JmsInput | |||
JMS Producer | Output | JmsOutput | |||
?Job Executor | Flow | JobExecutor | |||
Join Rows (cartesian product) | Joins | JoinRows | Y | Y ( | |
JSON Input | Input | JsonInput | Y | Y | |
JSON output | Output | JsonOutput | Y | Y | |
Knowledge Flow | Data Mining | KF | |||
LDAP Input | Input | LDAPInput | |||
LDAP Output | Output | LDAPOutput | |||
LDIF Input | Input | LDIFInput | |||
Load file content in memory | Input | LoadFileInput | Y | Y | |
LucidDB Streaming Loader | Bulk loading | LucidDBStreamingLoader | |||
Utility | |||||
Mail Validator | Validation | MailValidator | |||
Mapping (sub-transformation) | Mapping | Mapping | Y | Y | |
Mapping input specification | Mapping | MappingInput | Y | Y | |
Mapping output specification | Mapping | MappingOutput | Y | Y | |
MapReduce Input | Big Data | HadoopEnterPlugin | Y | Y | *1 |
MapReduce Output | Big Data | HadoopExitPlugin | Y | Y | *1 |
MaxMind GeoIP Lookup | Lookup | MaxMindGeoIPLookup | |||
Memory Group by | Statistics | MemoryGroupBy | Y | Y | |
Merge Join | Joins | MergeJoin | Y | Y | |
Merge Rows (diff) | Joins | MergeRows | Y | Y | |
Metadata structure of stream | Utility | StepMetastructure | Y | Y | |
Microsoft Access Input | Input | AccessInput | |||
Microsoft Access Output | Output | AccessOutput | |||
Microsoft Excel Input | Input | ExcelInput | Y | Y | |
Microsoft Excel Output | Output | ExcelOutput | Y | Y | |
Microsoft Excel Writer | Output | TypeExitExcelWriterStep | |||
Modified Java Script Value | Scripting | ScriptValueMod | Y | Y ( | |
Mondrian Input | Input | MondrianInput | |||
MonetDB Agile Mart | Agile | ||||
MonetDB Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | MonetDBBulkLoader | |||
MongoDB Input | Big Data | MongoDbInput | Y | Y | |
MongoDB Output | Big Data | MongoDbOutput | Y | Y | |
Multiway Merge Join | Joins | MultiwayMergeJoin | |||
MySQL Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | MySQLBulkLoader | |||
Null if... | Utility | NullIf | Y | Y | |
Number range | Transform | NumberRange | Y | Y | |
OLAP Input | Input | OlapInput | |||
OpenERP Object Delete | Delete | OpenERPObjectDelete | |||
OpenERP Object Input | Input | OpenERPObjectInput | |||
OpenERP Object Output | Output | OpenERPObjectOutputImport | |||
Oracle Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | OraBulkLoader | |||
Output steps metrics | Statistics | StepsMetrics | |||
Palo Cell Input | Input | PaloCellInput | |||
Palo Cell Output | Output | PaloCellOutput | |||
Palo Dimension Input | Input | PaloDimInput | |||
Palo Dimension Output | Output | PaloDimOutput | |||
Pentaho Reporting Output | Output | PentahoReportingOutput | Y | Y | |
PostgreSQL Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | PGBulkLoader | |||
Prioritize streams | Flow | PrioritizeStreams | |||
Process files | Utility | ProcessFiles | |||
Properties Output | Output | PropertyOutput | Y | Y | |
Property Input | Input | PropertyInput | |||
R script executor | Statistics | RScriptExecutor | Y | Y | R: 3.3.3, rJava: 0.9-8, webSpoon:, openjdk: 1.8.0_131, in /usr/local/tomcat/native-jni-lib/
Regex Evaluation | Scripting | RegexEval | Y | Y | |
Replace in string | Transform | ReplaceString | Y | Y | |
Reservoir Sampling | Statistics | ReservoirSampling | Y | Y | |
REST Client | Lookup | Rest | Y | Y | |
Row denormaliser | Transform | Denormaliser | Y | Y | |
Row flattener | Transform | Flattener | Y | Y | |
Row Normaliser | Transform | Normaliser | Y | Y | |
RSS Input | Input | RssInput | |||
RSS Output | Output | RssOutput | |||
Rule Executor | Scripting | RuleExecutor | Y | Y | |
Rule Accumulator | Scripting | RuleAccumulator | Y | Y | |
Run SSH commands | Utility | SSH | |||
S3 CSV Input | Input | S3CSVINPUT | Y | Y | |
S3 File Output | Output | S3FileOutputPlugin | Y | Y | |
SAP HANA Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | HanaBulkLoader | |||
Salesforce Delete | Output | SalesforceDelete | |||
Salesforce Input | Input | SalesforceInput | |||
Salesforce Insert | Output | SalesforceInsert | |||
Salesforce Update | Output | SalesforceUpdate | |||
Salesforce Upsert | Output | SalesforceUpsert | |||
Sample rows | Statistics | SampleRows | Y | Y | |
SAP Input | Input | SapInput | |||
SAS Input | Input | SASInput | |||
Script | Experimental | ||||
Secret key generator | Cryptography | SecretKeyGenerator | |||
Select values | Transform | SelectValues | Y | Y | |
Send message to Syslog | Utility | SyslogMessage | |||
Serialize to file | Output | CubeOutput | |||
Set field value | Transform | SetValueField | |||
Set field value to a constant | Transform | SetValueConstant | Y | Y | |
Set files in result | Job | FilesToResult | |||
Set Session Variables | BA Server | SetSessionVariableStep | |||
Set Variables | Job | SetVariable | Y | Y | |
SFTP Put | Experimental | ||||
Simple Mapping | Mapping | SimpleMapping | |||
Single Threader | Flow | SingleThreader | |||
Socket reader | Inline | SocketReader | |||
Socket writer | Inline | SocketWriter | |||
Sort rows | Transform | SortRows | Y | Y | |
Sorted Merge | Joins | SortedMerge | |||
Split field to rows | Transform | SplitFieldToRows3 | Y | Y | |
Split Fields | Transform | FieldSplitter | Y | Y | |
Splunk Input | Transform | SplunkInput | |||
Splunk Output | Transform | SplunkOutput | |||
SQL File Output | Output | SQLFileOutput | |||
Stream lookup | Lookup | StreamLookup | Y | Y | |
SSTable Output | Big Data | SSTableOutput | |||
String operations | Transform | StringOperations | Y | Y | |
Strings cut | Transform | StringCut | Y | Y | |
Switch / Case | Flow | SwitchCase | Y | Y | |
Symmetric Cryptography | Cryptography | SymmetricCryptoTrans | |||
Synchronize after merge | Output | SynchronizeAfterMerge | |||
Table Agile Mart | Agile | ||||
Table Compare | Utility | TableCompare | Y | Y | |
Table exists | Lookup | TableExists | Y | Y | |
Table input | Input | TableInput | Y | Y | Tested with MySQL |
Table output | Output | TableOutput | Y | Y | |
Teradata Fastload Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | TeraFast | |||
Teradata TPT Insert Upsert Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | TeraDataBulkLoader | |||
Text file input | Input | TextFileInput | Y | Y | |
Text file output | Output | TextFileOutput | Y | Y | |
Transformation Executor | Flow | Y | Y | ||
Unique rows | Transform | Unique | Y | Y | |
Unique rows (HashSet) | Transform | UniqueRowsByHashSet | Y | Y | |
Univariate Statistics | Statistics | UnivariateStats | Y | Y | |
Update | Output | Update | Y | Y | |
User Defined Java Class | Scripting | UserDefinedJavaClass | Y | Y | |
User Defined Java Expression | Scripting | Janino | Y | Y | |
Value Mapper | Transform | ValueMapper | Y | Y | |
Vertica Bulk Loader | Bulk loading | VerticaBulkLoader | Y | Y | |
Web services lookup | Lookup | WebServiceLookup | Y | Y | |
Knowledge Flow | Data Mining | KF | |||
Write to log | Utility | WriteToLog | Y | Y | |
XBase input | Input | XBaseInput | Y | Y | |
XML Input Stream (StAX) | Input | XMLInputStream | Y | Y | |
XML Join | Joins | XMLJoin | Y | Y | |
XML Output | Output | XMLOutput | Y | Y | |
XSD Validator | Validation | XSDValidator | |||
XSL Transformation | Transform | XSLT | |||
Yaml Input | Input | YamlInput | Y | Y | |
Zip File | Utility | ZipFile |
*1: Tested with a locally deployed Cloudera quickstart VM (5.8)
Non-standard steps include, but not limited to, those in the marketplace.
Name | Category | ID | Executable | Editable | Comments |
Apache Kafka Consumer | Input | KafkaConsumer | Y | Y | |
Apache Kafka Producer | Output | KafkaProducer | Y | Y | |
CKAN DataStore Writer for Pentaho Data Integration | Output | ckan_datastore | Y | Y | |
CPython Script Executor | Statistics | CPythonScriptExecutor | Y* | Y | Cannot make a plot |
Execute R Script | Scripting | PRScript | Y | Y | PRScript: 0.0.4, R: 3.1.1, rJava: 0.9-8, webSpoon:, openjdk: 1.8.0_131, in /usr/local/tomcat/native-jni-lib/
MQTT Subscriber | Input | MQTTSubscriberMeta | Y | Y | |
MQTT Publisher | Output | MQTTPublisherMeta | Y | Y | |
PDI Jira | JiraPlugin | Y | Y | Tested with 0.6.1 | |
Ruby Script | Scripting | TypeExitRubyStep | Y | Y ( | Tested with 1.3.4 |
Rule Engine | Validation | Jare_Rule_Engine_Plugin | Y | Y | |
Rule Engine Client | Validation | Jare_Rule_Engine_Client_Plugin | Y | Y |