This repository holds suggested configuration options to help optimize your code assistant when contributing to Hibiscus Collective projects.
You are more than welcome to use these in your own projects provided that you agree to comply with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please do not forget to include a copy of the LICENSE and an attribution notice in your project.
The attribution notice can be in a separate file, in the README, a combined attributions file, and so on at your discretion. Provided it is explicitly attributed, straightforward to find and distributed with the covered files according to the license, it is all good.
Please use the following text to attribute the project:
This project [
uses/is based on
] the Hibiscus Collective Large language model configuration. These are available on GitHub and used under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. All credit for the original rules goes to Hibiscus Collective and contributors with thanks for sharing their work with the community ❤️The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License covers the following files:
- [list files here]
We modified these files:
- [List files and the nature of the modifications here]
Optionally, you can link to the LICENSE file in your attribution notice directly in place of providing a copy of the license. Note that the this attribution notice is not required in the end product of your project. Ex: If you produce an executable program, service, library, and so on, you do not need to include this notice on your website or in the published artifact. However, if you want to include it, we really appreciate it. That said, it is still required to include this notice when you are distributing your source code the distribution includes covered files.
This work rests on the shoulders of those who have come before and their work is gratefully acknowledged and recognized in the ATTRIBUTION file. If you have authored work that we have included in this project and you have any concerns about the attribution, let us know by contacting us by email. You can find our contact details on our GitHub profile. We will endeavour to rectify the situation promptly.