In a nutshell it boils down to these ideas/values:
- Everyone is deserving of respect and dignity regardless of their place of origin, physical and mental characteristics, sexuality, gender identity, etc. We have a zero tolerance policy for hate speech, bullying, harassment and discrimination. Offenders will be banned, you've been warned.
- Bad people are very rare, bad systems are everywhere. When a mistake is made, we don't point the finger of blame at each other. We seek to discover what we can learn from what happen and improve our systems and processes to prevent it reoccuring. We have a no blame culture and we actively protect it.
- Most people operate in good faith, even if we don't agree. Disagreements are normal, and challenging each other's ideas is encouraged. But we keep things civil and about the idea, not the person. Personal attacks, threats and trolling are not acceptable behaviour however, and will not be tolerated. Refer to point 1 above.
- Feedback is a gift and an opportunity to grow and improve. We don't shy away from giving or receiving feedback, even when it's uncomfortable. That said we strive to be kind and always seek consent before sharing constructive feedback. Good constructive feedback comes from a place of love, and should be intended to help the other person improve. But don't be shy about asking to postpone feedback if you aren't ready to receive it right now, it's okay to not be in the right headspace for it all the time. Be kind to you too.
- We hold each other to the same high standards, regardless of notoriety, role or experience. No one is above the guiding principles and policies governing how we work together. No one gets a pass on breaching them no matter who they are. It also follows that feedback or ideas from less experienced or newer contributors deserve just as serious consideration as those from the project founder.
In a nutshell, don't be a d**k and we'll get along just fine.