Incremental Merkle Tree is a structure that contains a constant amount of hashes, allows updating a given hash and proving efficiently. Time complexity of both operations is O(log tree_size).
use accumulators::{
merkle_tree::incremental::IncrementalMerkleTree, store::memory::InMemoryStore,
let store = InMemoryStore::new();
let store = Arc::new(store);
let hasher = StarkPoseidonHasher::new(Some(false));
let tree = IncrementalMerkleTree::initialize(16, "0x0".to_string(), hasher, store, None).await?;
let path = tree.get_inclusion_proof(10).await?;
let valid_proof = tree.verify_proof(10, "0x0", &path).await?;
let invalid_proof = tree.verify_proof(10, "0x1", &path).await?;
ARM - M1 Insertion, check code here
N | speed |
10k | 321.26 ms |
1M | 35.413 s |