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Running HemeLB on HPC Systems - Lesson Outline |
The Carpentries style works by backward design;
- Identify practical skills to teach
- Design challenges to give opportunity for learners to practice and integrate skills
- Identify what needs to be taught for learners to acquire the skills
Those that wish to learn HemeLB will undoubtedly find weird (and sometimes completely bizarre) ways of doing things. So, be aware of expert awareness gap
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Chris will review material before merging your forked repo with the main repo, and can assist with rewording of material if too dense
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- CW
- Why should I bother about software performance?
- What can I expect to learn from this course?
- How to do a benchmarking and scaling analysis:
- What is benchmarking?
- worth expanding on previous work
- What are the factors that can affect a benchmark?
- How can I perform a benchmark in HemeLB
- What is scaling?
- How can I perform a scaling analysis with HemeLB?
- Use examples of the +300k cores, how was it done?
- EuroHPC Abstract 2020
- (Maybe explanation of MPI/OpenMP (CW))
- What is benchmarking?
- What are the common limitations to getting peak performance:
- Load imbalancing (see slide 84)
- what do beginners need to be aware of (flags to be enabled/disabled?)
- the effects of geometry on performance 2013 paper
- Bottlenecks in one simulation type compared to another
- What bottlenecks were encountered here, and how were they overcome?
- What componetns of built in practices slow simulations down considerably/common pitfalls which, when avoided can greatly enhance speedup
- Visualisation of output, can generation of this lead to bottlenecks?
- Load imbalancing (see slide 84)
- Packages which can be used with HemeLB,
May 24th
- discussion of existing material
- reach consensus/finalise workplan (excluding GPU material) as outlined in
- Plan Sprint 1 May 31st - June 14th
- 01-benchmarking-and-scaling - exercises + content
- 02-hemelb-bottlenecks - exercises
May 24-31 add material
May 31st
- Start Sprint 1
June 14
- Start Sprint 2
- 02-hemelb-bottlenecks - content
- 04-invoking-packages-in-hemelb - explore possibilities
- Start Sprint 2
June 28
- Episodes 01, 02, finished
- Start Sprint 3
- 03-accelerating-hemelb - exercises + content
July 12
- Episode 03 exercises finished
- Start Sprint 4
- 03-accelerating-hemelb - content
- 04-invoking-pacakges-with-hemelb remain
July 26
- Start Sprint 5
- Finish ep 3,4
- Start Sprint 5
August 9
- LEAST PUBLISHABLE UNIT (episodes 1,2,3,4)
- Iron out final details
- Revisit GPU (episode 5)
August 23
- Finalise GPU material