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Attendees: Willow Ahrens, Jim Kitchen, Benjamin Brock, Erik Welch, Isaac Virshup
- Recap of hdf5 pains (Ben)
- Zarr conventions (Isaac) (zarr-developers/zeps#28)
- 2.0 plan (Willow + Erik)
- May scientific python meeting (Isaac) (https://scientific-python.org/summits/developer/2023/)
- hdf5 pains
- Figuring out what dtypes are present in an HDF5 dataset
- C structure (from last meeting) – link
- 2.0
- v1
- What does the in memory implementation need to do?
- Could we go for a fairly simple file format, npz
- If high level, should we define a structure that isn't used?
- E.g. MLIR, TACO – and are these optimizing for the same thing
- Willow: they are all using the same buffers
- Maybe not 1-indexed languages, but basically the same
- Move from design docs to spec
- Willow can follow up on interoprability with Finch
- NASA Grant
- https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/solicitations/roses-2022/amendment-73-f15-high-priority-open-source-science-final-text
- https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/viewrepositorydocument/cmdocumentid=860825/solicitationId=%7BB364DBB8-390B-744D-013F-8F4C304B9A63%7D/viewSolicitationDocument=1/F.15%20HPOSS_Amend73.pdf