This addon provides a way to query your dataset or selected columns using DuckDB WASM database via the Ai assistant chat interface in react-ai-assist.
This addon depends on the following packages:
- react-ai-assist
- duckdb-wasm
- apache-arrow
If you are using tailwindcss, you can install the addon by running:
yarn add react-ai-assist @ai-assist/duckdb @duckdb/duckdb-wasm apache-arrow
Then, you need to add the following to your tailwind.config.js file:
content: [
To use this addon, you need to import the queryDuckDBCallbackMessage
component from the addon and pass the db
object to it.
import { AiAssistant } from 'react-ai-assist';
import { queryDuckDBFunctionDefinition } from '@ai-assist/duckdb';
const myFunctions = [
getValues: (datasetName: string, variableName: string) => {
// get the values of the variable from the dataset,
// the values will be used to create and plot the histogram
return [];
name="My AI Assistant"
With the above code, the AI assistant will be able to query the dataset or selected columns using DuckDB WASM database. Users can prompt the AI assistant to query the dataset or selected columns by asking it to query the dataset or selected columns.
For example:
Query the dataset "my_dataset" and select the top 10 rows of the column "age".