This document provides instructions on how to install mago3D using Docker Compose.
- An environment with Docker installed
- An environment with a localhost certificate installed
- An environment with Git installed (
Start the Docker daemon. For Windows, launch Docker Desktop. For Mac, launch Docker Desktop. For Linux, start the Docker service.
Generate a localhost certificate using mkcert
Run the following command in an elevated PowerShell terminal (as an administrator).winget install mkcert
brew install mkcert
Install the local CA
mkcert -install
Generate the certificate
cd install/infra/traefik/certs mkcert -cert-file default.crt -key-file default.key localhost dev.localhost *.localhost ::1
First, copy the deployed Docker image files to the install directory.
Run the following script to load the related Docker images.
cd install
If you don't have execution permissions, run the following command
chmod +x
Run the following command to create the Docker Network.
docker network create mago3d
Copy the deployed terrain folder to the install/infra/terrain-data directory.
cd install/infra
./ up -d
If you don't have execution permissions, run the following command
chmod +x *.sh
./ up -d
If you want to stop it, run the following command.
./ down
Access the Administration Console and add the following settings.
Account: admin/keycloak
Create the mago3d realm Use the
file to create the realmmaster Select Box -> Create Realm -> upload realm-export.json -> create
Create the mago3d client Use the
files to create the clients.Select Box -> mago3d -> Clients -> Import client -> Upload mago3d-api.json -> Save Select Box -> mago3d -> Clients -> Import client -> Upload mago3d-front.json -> Save
Add the service account role
Select Box -> mago3d -> Clients -> mago3d-api -> Service account roles -> Assign role -> Filter by clients -> select (realm-management) manage-users, (account) manage-account -> Assign
Create the mago3d user
Select Box -> mago3d -> Users -> Add user Username: admin First Name: admin -> Create
Set the password for the mago3d user
Select Box -> mago3d -> Users -> admin -> Credentials -> Set password New password: admin Temporary: OFF -> Save password
Add the role to the mago3d user
Select Box -> mago3d -> Users -> admin -> Role mapping Assign role -> select admin -> Assign
- https://dev.localhost/configrepo/
- Account: git/git
- Add the config repository
- Upload and commit the files located under
cd install/infra/config-data
git init
git checkout -b main
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://dev.localhost/configrepo/git/config.git
git push -u origin main
- Modify the configuration files to fit each environment and commit the changes
- https://dev.localhost/geoserver/
- Account: admin/geoserver
- Create the Workspace
Workspace -> Add new workspace -> Workspace Name: mago3d Namespace URI: https://dev.localhost/geoserver/web/mago3d check Default Workspace -> Save
- Create the Store
Stores -> Add new Store -> Store Type: PostGIS -> Workspace: mago3d Data Store Name: postgis Connection Parameters: host: postgresql port: 5432 database: postgres schema: geoserver user: postgres passwd: postgres -> Save
- https://dev.localhost/grafana/
- Account: admin/admin
- Add the Datasource
Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add data source -> Prometheus -> Select Name: Prometheus URL: http://prometheus:9090 -> Save & Test
- Add the Dashboard
- Add the dashboard using the
file+ -> Import -> Upload JSON File -> jvm-micrometer.json -> Import
cd install/apps
./ up -d
If you don't have execution permissions, run the following command
chmod +x *.sh
./ up -d
If you want to stop it, run the following command.
./ down
cd install/front
./ up -d
If you don't have execution permissions, run the following command
chmod +x *.sh
./ up -d
If you want to stop it, run the following command.
./ down
- https://dev.localhost/user
- Account: admin/admin
- After logging in, access the user page
- https://dev.localhost/admin
- Account: admin/admin
- After logging in, access the admin page