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Releases: GPUOpen-Tools/radeon_memory_visualizer

Radeon Memory Visualizer (RMV) V1.3

20 Jan 20:05
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The Radeon™ Memory Visualizer is part of the Radeon Developer Tool Suite, which can be downloaded from the following location:

V1.3 Changes

  1. DX12 Resource naming.
  2. Bugs/stability fixes.

Radeon Memory Visualizer (RMV) V1.2

21 Jul 16:10
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The Radeon™ Memory Visualizer is part of the Radeon Developer Tool Suite, which can be downloaded from the following location:

V1.2 Changes

  1. Add tooltips showing resource details on the Resource overview pane.
  2. Add range-based address searching for resource tables.
  3. Bugs/stability fixes.

Radeon Memory Visualizer (RMV) V1.1

08 Dec 21:31
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The Radeon™ Memory Visualizer is part of the Radeon Developer Tool Suite, which can be downloaded from the following location:

V1.1 Changes

  1. Add support for showing aliased resources in the allocation overview and allocation explorer panes.
  2. Rework the resource "Filter by size" slider throughout so that the resources are more evenly distributed.
  3. Empty tables show a graphical indication and description as to why the table is empty.
  4. Add "color by commit type" coloring mode.
  5. Add search box and filter by allocation size to the allocation table in the allocation explorer pane.
  6. Show unmapped resource memory in residency donut in the resource details pane.
  7. Bug/stability fixes.

Radeon Memory visualizer (RMV) V1.0

12 May 14:27
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This is the first public release of the Radeon Memory Visualizer. The package has been updated to include the latest RGP and RDP tools.

Windows build:

RMV support is now available in all Adrenaline 2020 Edition drivers 20.5.1 or newer.