This folder contains the source of SMT's knowledge base. SMT is part of NASA's Advanced Software Technology Group (ASTG). The online version is deployed to
Contributing to this documentation is straight forward.
- Add or change files in the docs/ folder as necessary.
- [Optional] If you have changes to the (side) navigation, modify mkdocs.yml.
- [Optional] To look at you changes locally, follow our local setup guide.
- Push your changes.
- Changes can be pushed directly to the
branch. - If you want someone else to have a look, consider making a pull request.
- Changes can be pushed directly to the
Deployment is automated with GitHub Actions. The online version is updated for every push to the main
A minimalistic local setup could look like this:
# Setup a virtual environment (in this folder) and activate it
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install mkdocs-material and mkdocs-drawio into that virtual environment
pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-drawio
# Run the built-in development server to look at the documentation locally
mkdocs serve
The (left sidebar) navigation allows for either one file, e.g.
- Home:
or a hierarchy
- Backend work:
- dace development: backend/
- gt4py development: backend/
without an index file. Attempting to add an index file in hierarchy, will throw an error when building.