bl is a command-line interface for the BinaryLane API
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
account Access account commands
action Access action commands
configure Configure access to BinaryLane API
domain Access domain commands
image Access image commands
load-balancer Access load-balancer commands
region Access region commands
server Access server commands
size Access size commands
software Access software commands
ssh-key Access ssh-key commands
version Show the current version
vpc Access vpc commands
usage: bl account [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access account commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
balance Fetch current balance information
get Fetch information about the current account
invoice Access account invoice commands
usage: bl account balance [OPTIONS]
Fetch current balance information
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
usage: bl account get [OPTIONS]
Fetch information about the current account
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
usage: bl account invoice [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access account invoice commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch an invoice
list Fetch invoices
overdue Fetch unpaid failed invoices
usage: bl account invoice get [OPTIONS] INVOICE_ID
Fetch an invoice
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
INVOICE_ID The ID of the invoice to fetch.
usage: bl account invoice list [OPTIONS]
Fetch invoices
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "invoice_id,invoice_numb
-1, --single-column List one invoice_id per line.
Available fields:
invoice_id The ID of the invoice.
invoice_number The invoice number for this invoice.
amount The amount of the invoice in AU$.
tax_code The tax code that was applied to transactions on this
tax The amount of tax (if any) that was charged on the
transactions on this invoice.
created The date in ISO8601 format this invoice was created.
date_due The date in ISO8601 format this invoice is due for
date_overdue The date in ISO8601 format this invoice is considered
paid If this is true the invoice has been paid.
refunded If this is true the payment for this invoice has been
invoice_items The individual items that make up invoice.
reference The reference for this invoice. If this invoice is for
a single service this may identify the service,
otherwise it will be the account reference.
If this is included it indicates the number of failed
attempts at processing payment for this invoice that
have occurred.
invoice_download_url The download URL for the rendered version of the
usage: bl account invoice overdue [OPTIONS]
Fetch unpaid failed invoices
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "invoice_id,invoice_numb
-1, --single-column List one invoice_id per line.
Available fields:
invoice_id The ID of the invoice.
invoice_number The invoice number for this invoice.
amount The amount of the invoice in AU$.
tax_code The tax code that was applied to transactions on this
tax The amount of tax (if any) that was charged on the
transactions on this invoice.
created The date in ISO8601 format this invoice was created.
date_due The date in ISO8601 format this invoice is due for
date_overdue The date in ISO8601 format this invoice is considered
paid If this is true the invoice has been paid.
refunded If this is true the payment for this invoice has been
invoice_items The individual items that make up invoice.
reference The reference for this invoice. If this invoice is for
a single service this may identify the service,
otherwise it will be the account reference.
If this is included it indicates the number of failed
attempts at processing payment for this invoice that
have occurred.
invoice_download_url The download URL for the rendered version of the
usage: bl action [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access action commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch an existing action
list List all actions
proceed Respond to a UserInteractionRequired action
usage: bl action get [OPTIONS] ACTION_ID
Fetch an existing action
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
ACTION_ID The ID of the action to fetch.
usage: bl action list [OPTIONS]
List all actions
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,type,started_at,comp
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
Available fields:
id The ID of this action.
status One of the following values:
in-progress - This action is currently in progress.
completed - This action has successfully completed.
errored - An error was encountered while processing
the action.
type The type of this action.
started_at The timestamp in ISO8601 format of when processing of
this action started.
progress Information about the current progress of the action.
Some actions are divided into 'steps' and this may
also contain information about the current and
completed steps.
completed_at The timestamp in ISO8601 format of when processing of
this action completed. If this value is null the
action is currently in progress.
resource_type The resource type (if any) associated with this
resource_id The resource id of the resource (if any) associated
with this action.
region The region (if any) of the resource associated with
this action.
region_slug The region slug (if any) of the resource associated
with this action.
result_data Returned information from a completed action. For
example: a successful completed 'ping' action will
have the ping value in ms in this field.
blocking_invoice_id If this Action is currently blocked by an invoice that
requires payment this property will be set.
If this is not null the action is waiting on a
response from the user.
usage: bl action proceed [OPTIONS] ACTION_ID --proceed PROCEED
Respond to a UserInteractionRequired action
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
ACTION_ID The ID of the action for which this is a response.
--proceed, --no-proceed
Please see the documentation for each type of
interaction for the effect of providing 'true' or
'false' here.
usage: bl configure [OPTIONS]
Configure access to BinaryLane API
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
usage: bl domain [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access domain commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Create a new domain
delete Delete an existing domain
get Fetch an existing domain
list List all domains
nameservers Access domain nameservers commands
record Access domain record commands
Refresh cached nameserver domain records
usage: bl domain create [OPTIONS] --name NAME [PARAMETERS]
Create a new domain
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--name NAME The domain name to add to the DNS management system.
--ip-address IP_ADDRESS
An optional IPv4 address that will be used to create
an A record for the root domain.
usage: bl domain delete [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME
Delete an existing domain
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
DOMAIN_NAME The name of the domain to delete.
usage: bl domain get [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME
Fetch an existing domain
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
DOMAIN_NAME The name of the domain to fetch.
usage: bl domain list [OPTIONS]
List all domains
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "name,zone_file")
-1, --single-column List one name per line.
Available fields:
name The name of the domain.
current_nameservers The current authoritative name servers for this domain.
zone_file The zone file for the selected domain. If the DNS
records for this domain are not managed locally this is
what the zone file would be if the authority was
delegated to us.
ttl The time to live for records in this domain in seconds.
If the DNS records for this domain are not managed
locally this will be what the TTL would be if the
authority was delegated to us.
usage: bl domain nameservers [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access domain nameservers commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all public nameservers
usage: bl domain nameservers list [OPTIONS]
List all public nameservers
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
usage: bl domain record [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access domain record commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Create a new domain record
delete Delete an existing domain record
get Fetch an existing domain record
list List all domain records for a domain
update Update an existing domain record
usage: bl domain record create [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME [PARAMETERS]
Create a new domain record
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for which the record should be created.
--type TYPE The type of the DNS record. (One of: A, AAAA, CAA,
--name NAME The subdomain for this record. Use @ for records on the
domain itself, and * to create a wildcard record.
--data DATA A general data field that has different functions
depending on the record type.
--priority PRIORITY A priority value that is only relevant for SRV and MX
--port PORT A port value that is only relevant for SRV records.
--ttl TTL This value is the time to live for the record, in
--weight WEIGHT The weight value that is only relevant for SRV records.
--flags FLAGS An unsigned integer between 0-255 that is only relevant
for CAA records.
--tag TAG A parameter tag that is only relevant for CAA records.
usage: bl domain record delete [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME RECORD_ID
Delete an existing domain record
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for which the record should be deleted.
RECORD_ID The ID of the record to delete.
usage: bl domain record get [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME RECORD_ID
Fetch an existing domain record
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for which the record should be fetched.
RECORD_ID The ID of the record to fetch.
usage: bl domain record list [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME [PARAMETERS]
List all domain records for a domain
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,name,type,data")
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for which records should be listed.
--type TYPE | Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| A | Map an IPv4 address to a hostname. |
| AAAA | Map an IPv6 address to a hostname. |
| CAA | Restrict which certificate authorities are
permitted to issue certificates for a domain. |
| CNAME | Define an alias for your canonical hostname.
| MX | Define the mail exchanges that handle mail for
the domain. |
| NS | Define the nameservers that manage the domain. |
| SOA | The Start of Authority record for the zone. |
| SRV | Specify a server by hostname and port to handle
a service or services. |
| TXT | Define a string of text that is associated with
a hostname. |
--name NAME Only return records for this subdomain name.
Available fields:
id The ID of this domain record.
type A general data field that has different functions
depending on the record type.
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| A | Map an IPv4 address to a hostname. |
| AAAA | Map an IPv6 address to a hostname. |
| CAA | Restrict which certificate authorities are
permitted to issue certificates for a domain. |
| CNAME | Define an alias for your canonical hostname.
| MX | Define the mail exchanges that handle mail for
the domain. |
| NS | Define the nameservers that manage the domain. |
| SOA | The Start of Authority record for the zone. |
| SRV | Specify a server by hostname and port to handle
a service or services. |
| TXT | Define a string of text that is associated with
a hostname. |
name The subdomain, alias, or service defined by the record.
ttl This value is the time to live for the record in
data Variable data depending on record type.
priority A priority value that is only relevant for SRV and MX
port A port value that is only relevant for SRV records.
weight The weight value that is only relevant for SRV records.
flags An unsigned integer between 0-255 that is only relevant
for CAA records.
tag A parameter tag that is only relevant for CAA records.
usage: bl domain record update [OPTIONS] DOMAIN_NAME RECORD_ID [PARAMETERS]
Update an existing domain record
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
DOMAIN_NAME The domain name for which the record should be updated.
RECORD_ID The ID of the record to update.
--type TYPE The type of the DNS record. (One of: A, AAAA, CAA,
--name NAME The subdomain for this record. Use @ for records on the
domain itself, and * to create a wildcard record.
--data DATA A general data field that has different functions
depending on the record type.
--priority PRIORITY A priority value that is only relevant for SRV and MX
--port PORT A port value that is only relevant for SRV records.
--ttl TTL This value is the time to live for the record, in
--weight WEIGHT The weight value that is only relevant for SRV records.
--flags FLAGS An unsigned integer between 0-255 that is only relevant
for CAA records.
--tag TAG A parameter tag that is only relevant for CAA records.
usage: bl domain refresh-nameserver-cache [OPTIONS]
Refresh cached nameserver domain records
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
Command '['bl', 'domain', 'Refresh', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl image [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access image commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
download Download an existing image
get Fetch an existing image
list List all images
update Update an existing image
usage: bl image download [OPTIONS] IMAGE_ID
Download an existing image
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
IMAGE_ID The ID of the image to download.
usage: bl image get [OPTIONS] IMAGE_ID_OR_SLUG
Fetch an existing image
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
IMAGE_ID_OR_SLUG The ID or Slug (if an operating system) of the image to
usage: bl image list [OPTIONS] [PARAMETERS]
List all images
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
--type TYPE Queries for distribution will include images that have
pre-installed applications. (One of: distribution,
--private, --no-private
Provide 'true' to only list private images. 'false'
has no effect.
Available fields:
id The ID of this image.
name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the operating system version. If this is a backup
image, this is the label of the backup if it exists,
otherwise it is the UTC timestamp of the creation of
the image.
type One of the following values:
custom - An image uploaded by a user.
snapshot - A snapshot. Snapshot creation is not
currently supported so only distribution images will
have this value.
backup - A backup of a server.
public A public image is available to all users. A private
image is available only to the account that created
the image.
regions The slugs of the regions where the image is available
for use.
min_disk_size For a distribution image this is the minimum disk size
in GB required to install the operating system. For a
backup image this is the minimum total disk size in GB
required to restore the backup.
size_gigabytes For a distribution image this is the disk size used in
GB by the operating system on initial install. For a
backup image this is the size of the compressed backup
image in GB.
status One of the following values:
NEW - The image is new.
available - The image is available for use.
pending - The image is pending and is not yet
available for use.
deleted - The image has been deleted and is no
longer available for use.
distribution_info This object may provide further information about the
distribution If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the distribution. If this is a backup image, this
is the name of the distribution the server is using.
full_name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
and version of the distribution. If this is a backup
image, this is the server hostname and label of the
backup if it exists, otherwise it is the server
hostname and UTC timestamp of the creation of the
slug If this is an operating system image this is a slug
which may be used as an alternative to the ID as a
created_at If this is a backup image this is the date and time in
ISO8601 format when the image was created.
description A description that may provide further details or
warnings about the image.
error_message If the image creation failed this may provide further
min_memory_megabytes This is minimum memory in MB necessary to support this
operating system (or the base operating system for a
backup image).
If this is not null the use of this image may incur
surcharges above the base cost of the server. All
costs are in AU$.
backup_info If this image is a backup, this object will provide
further information.
usage: bl image update [OPTIONS] IMAGE_ID [PARAMETERS]
Update an existing image
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
IMAGE_ID The ID of the image to update.
--name NAME Optional: a new display name for this image. Do not
provide to leave the display name unchanged, submit an
empty string to clear the display name.
--locked, --no-locked
Optional: you may choose to lock an individual backup
in which case we will not update that backup until you
unlock it. Do not provide to leave the locked status
usage: bl load-balancer [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access load-balancer commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
availability Fetch load balancer availability and pricing
create Create a new load balancer
delete Cancel an existing load balancer
get Fetch an existing load balancer
list List all load balancers
rule Access load-balancer rule commands
server Access load-balancer server commands
update Update an existing load balancer
usage: bl load-balancer availability [OPTIONS]
Fetch load balancer availability and pricing
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one anycast per line.
Available fields:
anycast If true this is an Anycast load balancer option.
price_monthly Monthly Price in AU$.
price_hourly Hourly price in AU$.
regions The slugs of regions where this load balancer option is
available. If this is an Anycast load balancer option
this will be null.
usage: bl load-balancer create [OPTIONS] --name NAME [PARAMETERS] [+rule ... ]
Create a new load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
--name NAME The hostname of the load balancer.
--server-ids [SERVER_IDS ...]
A list of server IDs to assign to this load balancer.
--region REGION Leave null to create an anycast load balancer.
Forwarding Rules:
The rules that control which traffic the load balancer will forward to
servers in the pool. Leave null to accept a default "HTTP" only forwarding
+rule Required marker at start of each item.
--entry-protocol ENTRY_PROTOCOL
The protocol that traffic must match for this load
balancer to forward traffic according to this rule.
Health Check:
The rules that determine which servers are considered 'healthy' and in the
server pool for the load balancer. Leave this null to accept appropriate
defaults based on the forwarding_rules.
--protocol PROTOCOL Leave null to accept the default HTTP protocol. (One
of: http, https, both)
--path PATH Leave null to accept the default '/' path.
usage: bl load-balancer delete [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID
Cancel an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer to cancel.
usage: bl load-balancer get [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID
Fetch an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer to fetch.
usage: bl load-balancer list [OPTIONS]
List all load balancers
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,name,region,ip")
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
Available fields:
id The ID of the load balancer.
name The hostname of the load balancer.
ip The IPv4 address of the load balancer.
status One of the following values:
new - The load balancer is currently being built and
is not ready to accept connections.
active - The load balancer is available.
errored - The load balancer is in an errored state.
created_at The date and time in ISO8601 format of the creation of
the load balancer.
forwarding_rules The rules that control which traffic the load balancer
will forward to servers in the pool.
health_check The rules that determine which servers are considered
'healthy' and in the server pool for the load balancer.
server_ids The server IDs of the servers that are currently in the
load balancer pool (regardless of their current
region The region the load balancer is located in. If this
value is null the load balancer is an 'AnyCast' load
usage: bl load-balancer rule [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access load-balancer rule commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Add forwarding rules to an existing load balancer
delete Remove forwarding rules from an existing load balancer
usage: bl load-balancer rule create [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID [+rule ... ]
Add forwarding rules to an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer to which forwarding rules
should be added.
Forwarding Rules:
The rules that control which traffic the load balancer will forward to
servers in the pool.
+rule Required marker at start of each item.
--entry-protocol ENTRY_PROTOCOL
The protocol that traffic must match for this load
balancer to forward traffic according to this rule.
usage: bl load-balancer rule delete [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID [+rule ... ]
Remove forwarding rules from an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer for which forwarding rules
should be removed.
Forwarding Rules:
The rules that control which traffic the load balancer will forward to
servers in the pool.
+rule Required marker at start of each item.
--entry-protocol ENTRY_PROTOCOL
The protocol that traffic must match for this load
balancer to forward traffic according to this rule.
usage: bl load-balancer server [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access load-balancer server commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Add servers to an existing load balancer
delete Remove servers from an existing load balancer
usage: bl load-balancer server create [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID --server-ids SERVER_IDS
Add servers to an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer to which servers should be
--server-ids [SERVER_IDS ...]
A list of server IDs.
usage: bl load-balancer server delete [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID --server-ids SERVER_IDS
Remove servers from an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer for which servers should
be removed.
--server-ids [SERVER_IDS ...]
A list of server IDs.
usage: bl load-balancer update [OPTIONS] LOAD_BALANCER_ID --name NAME [PARAMETERS] [+rule ... ]
Update an existing load balancer
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
LOAD_BALANCER_ID The ID of the load balancer to update.
--name NAME The hostname of the load balancer.
--server-ids [SERVER_IDS ...]
A list of server IDs to assign to this load balancer.
Forwarding Rules:
The rules that control which traffic the load balancer will forward to
servers in the pool. Leave null to accept a default "HTTP" only forwarding
+rule Required marker at start of each item.
--entry-protocol ENTRY_PROTOCOL
The protocol that traffic must match for this load
balancer to forward traffic according to this rule.
Health Check:
The rules that determine which servers are considered 'healthy' and in the
server pool for the load balancer. Leave this null to accept appropriate
defaults based on the forwarding_rules.
--protocol PROTOCOL Leave null to accept the default HTTP protocol. (One
of: http, https, both)
--path PATH Leave null to accept the default '/' path.
usage: bl region [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access region commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all regions
usage: bl region list [OPTIONS]
List all regions
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "slug,name")
-1, --single-column List one slug per line.
Available fields:
slug The unique slug for this region.
name The name of this region.
sizes The slugs of the sizes available in this region.
available Whether this region is available for the allocation of
new resources.
features A list of features available for resources in this
name_servers A list of nameservers available for resources in this
usage: bl server [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
action Access server action commands
alert Access server alert commands
backup Access server backup commands
console Fetch the console URLs for a server
create Create a new server
data-usage Access server data-usage commands
delete Cancel an existing server
failover-ip Access server failover-ip commands
feature Access server feature commands
firewall Access server firewall commands
get Fetch an existing server
ipv6-ptr-ns Access server ipv6-ptr-ns commands
kernel Access server kernel commands
list List all servers
metrics Access server metrics commands
snapshot Access server snapshot commands
software List all enabled software for a server
user-data Fetch the currently set UserData for a server
usage: bl server action [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server action commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
add-disk Create an additional disk for a server
attach-backup Attach a backup to a server
Change the advanced features of a server
Change the advanced firewall rules for a server
Change the backup schedule of a server
change-ipv6 Enable or disable IPv6 for a server
Update the IPv6 reverse name servers for a server
change-kernel Change the kernel of a server
Change the management of offsite backup copies
change-network Move a server to an existing network
Change the offsite backup location of a server
change-partner Add, update or remove a partner server for a server
change-port-blocking Change the port blocking for a server
change-reverse-name Change the reverse name for an IPv4 address on a
Enable or disable a separate private network interface
for a server in a VPC
Enable or disable network source and destination
checks for a server in a VPC
Set or update the threshold alerts for a server
change-vpc-ipv4 Change the IPv4 address for a server in a VPC
clone-using-backup Restore a backup of a server to a different existing
delete-disk Delete an additional disk for a server
detach-backup Detach any attached backup from a server
disable-backups Disable backups for an existing server
disable-selinux Disable SE linux for a server
enable-backups Enable two daily backups for an existing server
enable-ipv6 Enable IPv6 for a server
get Fetch an action for a server
is-running Check if a server is running
list List all actions for a server
password-reset Reset the password of a server
ping Attempt to ping a server
power-cycle Power a server off and then on
power-off Power a server off
power-on Power a server on
reboot Request a server perform a reboot
rebuild Rebuild an existing server
rename Rename a server
resize Update the size and related options for a server
resize-disk Alter the size of an existing disk for a server
restore Restore a backup to a server
shutdown Request a server perform a shutdown
take-backup Take a backup of a server
uncancel Revert the cancellation of a server
uptime Check the uptime of a server
usage: bl server action add-disk [OPTIONS] SERVER --size-gigabytes SIZE_GIGABYTES [PARAMETERS]
Create an additional disk for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--size-gigabytes SIZE_GIGABYTES
The size of the new disk in GB. The server must have
at least this much unallocated storage space.
--description DESCRIPTION
An optional description for the disk. If this is null
a default description will be added. Submit an empty
string to prevent the default description being added.
usage: bl server action attach-backup [OPTIONS] SERVER --image IMAGE
Attach a backup to a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--image IMAGE Only attaching backup images is currently supported.
usage: bl server action change-advanced-features [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Change the advanced features of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--enabled-advanced-features [ENABLED_ADVANCED_FEATURES ...]
Do not provide or set to null to keep existing
advanced features. Provide an empty array to disable
all advanced features, otherwise provide an array with
selected advanced features. If provided, any currently
enabled advanced features that aren't included will be
disabled. (One of: emulated-hyperv, emulated-devices,
nested-virt, driver-disk, unset-uuid, local-rtc,
emulated-tpm, cloud-init, qemu-guest-agent, uefi-boot)
--processor-model PROCESSOR_MODEL
Do not provide or set to null to keep existing
processor model.
--automatic-processor-model, --no-automatic-processor-model
Set to true to use best available processor model. If
this is provided the processor_model property must not
be provided.
--machine-type MACHINE_TYPE
Do not provide or set to null to keep existing machine
type. (One of: pc_i440fx_1point5, pc_i440fx_2point11,
pc_i440fx_4point1, pc_i440fx_4point2,
pc_i440fx_5point0, pc_i440fx_5point1)
--automatic-machine-type, --no-automatic-machine-type
Set to true to use best available machine type. If
this is provided the machine_type property must not be
--video-device VIDEO_DEVICE
Do not provide or set to null to keep existing video
device. (One of: cirrus-logic, standard, virtio,
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Change', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-advanced-firewall-rules [OPTIONS] SERVER [+rule ... ]
Change the advanced firewall rules for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
Firewall Rules:
A list of rules for the server. NB: that any existing rules that are not
included will be removed. Submit an empty list to clear all rules.
+rule Required marker at start of each item.
--source-addresses SOURCE_ADDRESSES
The source addresses to match for this rule. Each
address may be an individual IPv4 address or a range
in IPv4 CIDR notation.
--destination-addresses DESTINATION_ADDRESSES
The destination addresses to match for this rule. Each
address may be an individual IPv4 address or a range
in IPv4 CIDR notation.
--protocol PROTOCOL The protocol to match for this rule.
--action ACTION The action to take when there is a match on this rule.
--destination-ports DESTINATION_PORTS
The destination ports to match for this rule. Leave
null or empty to match on all ports.
--description DESCRIPTION
A description to assist in identifying this rule.
Commonly used to record the reason for the rule or the
intent behind it, e.g. "Block access to RDP" or "Allow
access from HQ".
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Change', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-backup-schedule [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Change the backup schedule of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--backup-hour-of-day BACKUP_HOUR_OF_DAY
Do not provide a value to keep the current setting.
--backup-day-of-week BACKUP_DAY_OF_WEEK
Sunday is 0, Monday is 1 etc. Do not provide a value
to keep the current setting.
--backup-day-of-month BACKUP_DAY_OF_MONTH
Do not provide a value to keep the current setting.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Change', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-ipv6 [OPTIONS] SERVER --enabled ENABLED
Enable or disable IPv6 for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--enabled, --no-enabled
The desired enabled status of IPv6.
usage: bl server action change-ipv6-reverse-nameservers [OPTIONS] SERVER --ipv6-reverse-nameservers IPV6_REVERSE_NAMESERVERS
Update the IPv6 reverse name servers for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--ipv6-reverse-nameservers [IPV6_REVERSE_NAMESERVERS ...]
A list of all IPv6 reverse name servers for this
server. Any existing reverse name servers that are
omitted from the list will be removed from the server.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Update', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-kernel [OPTIONS] SERVER --kernel KERNEL
Change the kernel of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--kernel KERNEL The ID of the kernel to use.
usage: bl server action change-manage-offsite-backup-copies [OPTIONS] SERVER --manage-offsite-backup-copies MANAGE_OFFSITE_BACKUP_COPIES
Change the management of offsite backup copies
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--manage-offsite-backup-copies, --no-manage-offsite-backup-copies
This only has effect if a custom offsite location is
being used: the internal offsite backup location
always manages copies. If this is true old offsite
backups will be removed once the replacement upload is
complete. If this is false backups must be removed
from the Amazon S3 bucket manually. Amazon will charge
your S3 account at their standard rate for every
backup stored.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Change', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-network [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Move a server to an existing network
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--vpc-id VPC_ID If this is null the server will be moved into the default
public network for the server's region.
usage: bl server action change-offsite-backup-location [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Change the offsite backup location of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--offsite-backup-location OFFSITE_BACKUP_LOCATION
Do not provide or set to null to use the internal
offsite backup location, otherwise this must be a
valid Amazon S3 bucket address. If this is provided
Amazon will charge your S3 account at their standard
rate for every backup stored.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Change', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-partner [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Add, update or remove a partner server for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--partner-server-id PARTNER_SERVER_ID
Leave this null to remove the server partnership. The
partner server must be in the same region as the
target server.
usage: bl server action change-port-blocking [OPTIONS] SERVER --enabled ENABLED
Change the port blocking for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--enabled, --no-enabled
The desired enabled status for port blocking.
usage: bl server action change-reverse-name [OPTIONS] SERVER --ipv4-address IPV4_ADDRESS [PARAMETERS]
Change the reverse name for an IPv4 address on a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--ipv4-address IPV4_ADDRESS
The IPv4 address to set or clear the reverse name for.
--reverse-name REVERSE_NAME
Leave this null to clear the custom reverse name.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'server', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-separate-private-network-interface [OPTIONS] SERVER --enabled ENABLED
Enable or disable a separate private network interface for a server in a VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--enabled, --no-enabled
The desired enabled status of the separate second
network interface.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Enable', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'for', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-source-and-destination-check [OPTIONS] SERVER --enabled ENABLED
Enable or disable network source and destination checks for a server in a VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--enabled, --no-enabled
The desired enabled status of the source and
destination checks for network packets.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Enable', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'checks', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'change-threshold-alerts', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967295.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'Set', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action change-vpc-ipv4 [OPTIONS] SERVER --current-ipv4-address CURRENT_IPV4_ADDRESS --new-ipv4-address NEW_IPV4_ADDRESS
Change the IPv4 address for a server in a VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--current-ipv4-address CURRENT_IPV4_ADDRESS
The existing Ipv4 address for the private VPC network
adapter you wish to change.
--new-ipv4-address NEW_IPV4_ADDRESS
The new Ipv4 address for the private VPC network
usage: bl server action clone-using-backup [OPTIONS] SERVER --image-id IMAGE_ID --target-server-id TARGET_SERVER_ID [PARAMETERS]
Restore a backup of a server to a different existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--image-id IMAGE_ID The ID of the image to clone. Only backup type images
are currently supported. This must be a backup of the
server ID in the action endpoint URL.
--target-server-id TARGET_SERVER_ID
The target server ID. This server's current disks will
be wiped and replaced with the selected backup image.
--name NAME The new hostname for the target server. If this is not
supplied the target server's existing hostname will be
Command '['bl', 'server', 'action', 'server', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server action delete-disk [OPTIONS] SERVER --disk-id DISK_ID
Delete an additional disk for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--disk-id DISK_ID The ID of the existing disk. See server.disks for a list
of IDs.
usage: bl server action detach-backup [OPTIONS] SERVER
Detach any attached backup from a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action disable-backups [OPTIONS] SERVER
Disable backups for an existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action disable-selinux [OPTIONS] SERVER
Disable SE linux for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action enable-backups [OPTIONS] SERVER
Enable two daily backups for an existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action enable-ipv6 [OPTIONS] SERVER
Enable IPv6 for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action get [OPTIONS] SERVER ACTION_ID
Fetch an action for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which the action should
be fetched.
ACTION_ID The ID of the action to fetch.
usage: bl server action is-running [OPTIONS] SERVER
Check if a server is running
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action list [OPTIONS] SERVER
List all actions for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,type,started_at,comp
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which actions should
be listed.
Available fields:
id The ID of this action.
status One of the following values:
in-progress - This action is currently in progress.
completed - This action has successfully completed.
errored - An error was encountered while processing
the action.
type The type of this action.
started_at The timestamp in ISO8601 format of when processing of
this action started.
progress Information about the current progress of the action.
Some actions are divided into 'steps' and this may
also contain information about the current and
completed steps.
completed_at The timestamp in ISO8601 format of when processing of
this action completed. If this value is null the
action is currently in progress.
resource_type The resource type (if any) associated with this
resource_id The resource id of the resource (if any) associated
with this action.
region The region (if any) of the resource associated with
this action.
region_slug The region slug (if any) of the resource associated
with this action.
result_data Returned information from a completed action. For
example: a successful completed 'ping' action will
have the ping value in ms in this field.
blocking_invoice_id If this Action is currently blocked by an invoice that
requires payment this property will be set.
If this is not null the action is waiting on a
response from the user.
usage: bl server action password-reset [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Reset the password of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--username USERNAME The username of the user to change the password.
--password PASSWORD If this is provided the specified or default remote
user's account password will be set to this value.
usage: bl server action ping [OPTIONS] SERVER
Attempt to ping a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action power-cycle [OPTIONS] SERVER
Power a server off and then on
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action power-off [OPTIONS] SERVER
Power a server off
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action power-on [OPTIONS] SERVER
Power a server on
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action reboot [OPTIONS] SERVER
Request a server perform a reboot
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action rebuild [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Rebuild an existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--image IMAGE The Operating System ID or slug or Backup image ID to
use as a base for the rebuild.
--name NAME The hostname for the server. Leave null to accept the
auto-generated permalink.
--ssh-keys [SSH_KEYS ...]
This may be either the existing SSH Keys IDs or
--user-data USER_DATA
If provided this will be used to initialise the new
server. This must be left null if the Image does not
support UserData, see DistributionInfo.Features for
more information.
--password PASSWORD If this is provided the default remote user account's
password will be set to this value. If this is null a
random password will be generated and emailed to the
account email address.
usage: bl server action rename [OPTIONS] SERVER --name NAME
Rename a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--name NAME The new hostname of your server, such as
usage: bl server action resize [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS] [+license ... ]
Update the size and related options for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--size SIZE The slug of the selected size. Do not provide to keep
the current size.
--daily-backups DAILY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--weekly-backups WEEKLY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--monthly-backups MONTHLY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--offsite-backups, --no-offsite-backups
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--ipv4-addresses IPV4_ADDRESSES
The total count of IPv4 addresses for this server. If
specified this is the absolute value, not just the
additional IPv4 addresses above what is included in
the size. Leave null to accept the default for the
size if this is a new server or to keep the current
value if this is a resize of an existing server. Must
not exceed the size.ipv4_addresses_max value.
--memory MEMORY The total memory in MB for this server.
--disk DISK The total storage in GB for this server.
--transfer TRANSFER The total transfer per month in TB for this server.
--ipv4-addresses-to-remove [IPV4_ADDRESSES_TO_REMOVE ...]
If you are reducing the number of IPv4 addresses you
must specify which addresses to remove. If you specify
more IPv4 addresses to remove than the number of IPv4
addresses being removed the extra IPv4 addresses will
be re-provisioned with new addresses.
Change Image:
This may be left null to keep the current base image for the server. If
this is provided the server disks will be destroyed and the server will be
rebuilt from the selected image.
--image IMAGE The slug or ID of the selected image. What type of
image is permitted here varies based on the server
--name NAME The hostname for the server. Leave null to accept the
auto-generated permalink.
--ssh-keys [SSH_KEYS ...]
This may be either the existing SSH Keys IDs or
--user-data USER_DATA
If provided this will be used to initialise the new
server. This must be left null if the Image does not
support UserData, see DistributionInfo.Features for
more information.
--password PASSWORD If this is provided the default remote user account's
password will be set to this value. If this is null a
random password will be generated and emailed to the
account email address.
Change Licenses:
This may be left null to keep the current licenses for the server. If this
is provided any licenses that are not included will be removed.
The desired set of licenses.
+license Required marker at start of each item.
--software-id SOFTWARE_ID
The ID of the software to license.
--count COUNT The number of licences.
Pre Action Backup:
Specify this to create a backup before any actions are taken, or leave
null to skip.
--replacement-strategy REPLACEMENT_STRATEGY
The strategy for selecting which backup to replace (if
any). (One of: none, specified, oldest, newest)
--backup-type BACKUP_TYPE
If replacement_strategy is anything other than
'specified', this must be provided. (One of: daily,
weekly, monthly, temporary)
--backup-id-to-replace BACKUP_ID_TO_REPLACE
If replacement_strategy is 'specified' this property
must be set to an existing backup.
--label LABEL An optional label to identify the backup.
usage: bl server action resize-disk [OPTIONS] SERVER --disk-id DISK_ID --size-gigabytes SIZE_GIGABYTES
Alter the size of an existing disk for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--disk-id DISK_ID The ID of the existing disk. See server.disks for a
list of IDs.
--size-gigabytes SIZE_GIGABYTES
The new size of the disk in GB. If increasing the size
of the disk the server must have sufficient
unallocated storage space.
usage: bl server action restore [OPTIONS] SERVER --image IMAGE
Restore a backup to a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
--image IMAGE The ID of the specific backup to use. Snapshots are not
currently supported.
usage: bl server action shutdown [OPTIONS] SERVER
Request a server perform a shutdown
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action take-backup [OPTIONS] SERVER --replacement-strategy REPLACEMENT_STRATEGY [PARAMETERS]
Take a backup of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action
should be performed.
--replacement-strategy REPLACEMENT_STRATEGY
The strategy for selecting which backup to replace (if
any). (One of: none, specified, oldest, newest)
--backup-type BACKUP_TYPE
If replacement_strategy is anything other than
'specified', this must be provided. (One of: daily,
weekly, monthly, temporary)
--backup-id-to-replace BACKUP_ID_TO_REPLACE
If replacement_strategy is 'specified' this property
must be set to an existing backup.
--label LABEL An optional label to identify the backup.
usage: bl server action uncancel [OPTIONS] SERVER
Revert the cancellation of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server action uptime [OPTIONS] SERVER
Check the uptime of a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested action
to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server on which the action should
be performed.
usage: bl server alert [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server alert commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch the currently set threshold alerts for a server
list List any servers that have a current exceeded threshold
Command '['bl', 'server', 'alert', 'get', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 4294967295.
usage: bl server alert list [OPTIONS]
List any servers that have a current exceeded threshold alert
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
Command '['bl', 'server', 'alert', 'alert', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server backup [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server backup commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all backups for a server
upload Upload a backup for a server
usage: bl server backup list [OPTIONS] SERVER
List all backups for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which backups should
be listed.
Available fields:
id The ID of this image.
name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the operating system version. If this is a backup
image, this is the label of the backup if it exists,
otherwise it is the UTC timestamp of the creation of
the image.
type One of the following values:
custom - An image uploaded by a user.
snapshot - A snapshot. Snapshot creation is not
currently supported so only distribution images will
have this value.
backup - A backup of a server.
public A public image is available to all users. A private
image is available only to the account that created
the image.
regions The slugs of the regions where the image is available
for use.
min_disk_size For a distribution image this is the minimum disk size
in GB required to install the operating system. For a
backup image this is the minimum total disk size in GB
required to restore the backup.
size_gigabytes For a distribution image this is the disk size used in
GB by the operating system on initial install. For a
backup image this is the size of the compressed backup
image in GB.
status One of the following values:
NEW - The image is new.
available - The image is available for use.
pending - The image is pending and is not yet
available for use.
deleted - The image has been deleted and is no
longer available for use.
distribution_info This object may provide further information about the
distribution If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the distribution. If this is a backup image, this
is the name of the distribution the server is using.
full_name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
and version of the distribution. If this is a backup
image, this is the server hostname and label of the
backup if it exists, otherwise it is the server
hostname and UTC timestamp of the creation of the
slug If this is an operating system image this is a slug
which may be used as an alternative to the ID as a
created_at If this is a backup image this is the date and time in
ISO8601 format when the image was created.
description A description that may provide further details or
warnings about the image.
error_message If the image creation failed this may provide further
min_memory_megabytes This is minimum memory in MB necessary to support this
operating system (or the base operating system for a
backup image).
If this is not null the use of this image may incur
surcharges above the base cost of the server. All
costs are in AU$.
backup_info If this image is a backup, this object will provide
further information.
usage: bl server backup upload [OPTIONS] SERVER --replacement-strategy REPLACEMENT_STRATEGY --url URL [PARAMETERS]
Upload a backup for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which the backup is
to be uploaded.
--replacement-strategy REPLACEMENT_STRATEGY
The strategy for selecting which backup to replace (if
any). (One of: none, specified, oldest, newest)
--url URL The source URL for the image to upload. Only HTTP and
HTTPS sources are currently supported.
--backup-type BACKUP_TYPE
If replacement_strategy is anything other than
'specified', this must be provided. (One of: daily,
weekly, monthly, temporary)
--backup-id-to-replace BACKUP_ID_TO_REPLACE
If replacement_strategy is 'specified' this property
must be set to an existing backup.
--label LABEL An optional label to identify the backup.
usage: bl server console [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch the console URLs for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which console URLs will
be fetched.
usage: bl server create [OPTIONS] --size SIZE --image IMAGE --region REGION [PARAMETERS] [+license ... ]
Create a new server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
--size SIZE The slug of the selected size.
--image IMAGE The slug or id of the selected operating system.
--region REGION The slug of the selected region.
--name NAME The hostname of your server, such as If not provided, the server
will be created with a random name.
--backups, --no-backups
If true this will enable two daily backups for the
server. Options.daily_backups will override this value
if provided. Setting this to false has no effect.
--ipv6, --no-ipv6 If true this will enable IPv6 for this server.
--vpc-id VPC_ID Leave null to use default (public) network for the
selected region.
--ssh-keys [SSH_KEYS ...]
This may be either the SSH keys Ids or fingerprints.
If this is null or not provided any SSH keys that have
been marked as default will be deployed (if the
operating system supports SSH keys). Submit an empty
array to disable deployment of default keys.
--daily-backups DAILY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--weekly-backups WEEKLY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--monthly-backups MONTHLY_BACKUPS
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--offsite-backups, --no-offsite-backups
Leave null to accept the default for the size if this
is a new server or to keep the current value if this
is a resize of an existing server.
--ipv4-addresses IPV4_ADDRESSES
The total count of IPv4 addresses for this server. If
specified this is the absolute value, not just the
additional IPv4 addresses above what is included in
the size. Leave null to accept the default for the
size if this is a new server or to keep the current
value if this is a resize of an existing server. Must
not exceed the size.ipv4_addresses_max value.
--memory MEMORY The total memory in MB for this server.
--disk DISK The total storage in GB for this server.
--transfer TRANSFER The total transfer per month in TB for this server.
--user-data USER_DATA
If provided this will be used to initialise the new
server. This must be left null if the Image does not
support UserData, see DistributionInfo.Features for
more information.
--port-blocking, --no-port-blocking
Port blocking of outgoing connections for email, SSH
and Remote Desktop (TCP ports 22, 25, and 3389) is
enabled by default for all new servers. If this is
false port blocking will be disabled. Disabling port
blocking is only available to reviewed accounts.
--password PASSWORD If this is provided the default remote user account's
password will be set to this value. If this is null a
random password will be generated and emailed to the
account email address.
The desired set of licenses.
+license Required marker at start of each item.
--software-id SOFTWARE_ID
The ID of the software to license.
--count COUNT The number of licences.
usage: bl server data-usage [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server data-usage commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch the current data usage (Transfer) for a server
list Fetch all current data usage (Transfer) for all servers
usage: bl server data-usage get [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch the current data usage (Transfer) for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The target server id or name.
usage: bl server data-usage list [OPTIONS]
Fetch all current data usage (Transfer) for all servers
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "server_id,expires,trans
-1, --single-column List one server_id per line.
Available fields:
server_id The ID of the server that this data transfer usage
refers to.
expires The date and time in ISO8601 format that the current
billing period expires.
transfer_gigabytes The included data transfer for this server in this
period in GB.
The used data transfer for this server in this period
in GB.
If you have more than one server, please see our data
pooling policy: this value may include excess data
transfer used by other servers or may have 'offloaded'
excess data transfer to other servers with spare
transfer_period_end The date and time in ISO8601 format that the data
transfer limit period ended (if it is completed) or
when it will end (if this is the current period).
usage: bl server delete [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Cancel an existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server to be cancelled.
--reason REASON The reason for cancelling the server.
usage: bl server failover-ip [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server failover-ip commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
available Fetch a list of all failover IPs that are available to be
assigned to a server
get Fetch the failover IPs for a server
update Sets the list of failover IPs that are assigned to a
usage: bl server failover-ip available [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch a list of all failover IPs that are available to be assigned to a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The target server id or name.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'failover-ip', 'assigned', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server failover-ip get [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch the failover IPs for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The target server id or name.
usage: bl server failover-ip update [OPTIONS] SERVER --failover-ips FAILOVER_IPS
Sets the list of failover IPs that are assigned to a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
SERVER The target server id or name.
--failover-ips [FAILOVER_IPS ...]
The list of failover IP addresses to assign to this
server. This overwrites the current list, so any
current failover IP addresses that are omitted will be
removed from the server.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'failover-ip', 'server', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server feature [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server feature commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list Fetch the currently available advanced features for a
usage: bl server feature list [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch the currently available advanced features for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which advanced features
should be listed.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'feature', 'server', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server firewall [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server firewall commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list Fetch all advanced firewall rules for a server
usage: bl server firewall list [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch all advanced firewall rules for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "source_addresses,destin
-1, --single-column List one source_addresses per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which firewall rules
should be listed.
Available fields:
source_addresses The source addresses to match for this rule. Each
address may be an individual IPv4 address or a range
in IPv4 CIDR notation.
The destination addresses to match for this rule. Each
address may be an individual IPv4 address or a range
in IPv4 CIDR notation.
protocol The protocol to match for this rule.
action The action to take when there is a match on this rule.
destination_ports The destination ports to match for this rule. Leave
null or empty to match on all ports.
description A description to assist in identifying this rule.
Commonly used to record the reason for the rule or the
intent behind it, e.g. "Block access to RDP" or "Allow
access from HQ".
usage: bl server get [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch an existing server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server to fetch.
usage: bl server ipv6-ptr-ns [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server ipv6-ptr-ns commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list Fetch all existing IPv6 name server records
update Create new or update existing IPv6 name server records
usage: bl server ipv6-ptr-ns list [OPTIONS]
Fetch all existing IPv6 name server records
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
usage: bl server ipv6-ptr-ns update [OPTIONS] --reverse-nameservers REVERSE_NAMESERVERS
Create new or update existing IPv6 name server records
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--async Do not wait for requested action to complete
--quiet Do not show progress while waiting for requested
action to complete
--reverse-nameservers [REVERSE_NAMESERVERS ...]
A list of all IPv6 reverse name servers for this
server. Any existing reverse name servers that are
omitted from the list will be removed from the server.
usage: bl server kernel [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server kernel commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all available kernels for a server
usage: bl server kernel list [OPTIONS] SERVER
List all available kernels for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,name,version")
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which kernels should
be listed.
Available fields:
id The ID of this kernel.
name This name of this kernel.
version The version (if any) of this kernel.
usage: bl server list [OPTIONS] [PARAMETERS]
List all servers
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
--hostname HOSTNAME Providing a hostname restricts the results to the
server that has this hostname (case insensitive). If
this parameter is provided at most 1 server will be
Available fields:
id The ID of this server.
name The hostname of this server.
memory The memory in MB of this server.
vcpus The number of virtual CPUs of this server.
disk The total disk in GB of this server.
created_at The date and time in ISO8601 format of this server's
initial creation.
status One of the following values:
new - The server is currently in the process of
building and is not yet available for use.
active - The server is available for use.
archive - The server is powered off due to
cancellation or non payment.
off - The server has been powered off, but may be
powered back on.
backup_ids A list of the currently existing backup image IDs for
this server (if any).
features A list of the currently enabled features on this
region The region this server is allocated to.
image The base image used to create this server.
size The currently selected size for this server.
size_slug The slug of the currently selected size for this
networks A list of the networks of the server.
disks A list of the disks that are currently attached to the
backup_settings Detailed backup settings for the server.
failover_ips A list of any assigned failover IP addresses for this
host Summary information about the host of this server.
If this is true the password_reset server action can
be called to change a user's password. If this is
false the password_reset server action will merely
clear the root/administrator password allowing the
password to be changed via the web console.
advanced_features The currently enabled advanced features, machine type
and processor flags.
vpc_id The VPC ID that this server is allocated to. If this
value is null the server is in the default (public)
network for the region.
An object that details the selected options for the
current size.
kernel The currently selected kernel for the server.
next_backup_window The details of the next scheduled backup, if any.
cancelled_at If the server has been cancelled, this is the date and
time in ISO8601 format of that cancellation.
partner_id The server ID of the partner of this server, if one
has been assigned.
permalink A randomly generated two-word identifier assigned to
servers in regions that support this feature.
attached_backup An object that provides details of any backup image
currently attached to the server..
usage: bl server metrics [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server metrics commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch the latest performance and usage data sample set
for a server
list Fetch all of the performance and usage data sample sets
for a server
usage: bl server metrics get [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Fetch the latest performance and usage data sample set for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
SERVER The target server id or name.
--data-interval DATA_INTERVAL
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| five-minute | 5 Minutes |
| half-hour | 30 Minutes |
| four-hour | 4 Hours |
| day | 1 Day |
| week | 7 Days |
| month | 1 Month |
(One of: five-minute, half-hour, four-hour, day,
week, month)
Command '['bl', 'server', 'metrics', 'for', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server metrics list [OPTIONS] SERVER [PARAMETERS]
Fetch all of the performance and usage data sample sets for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "server_id,maximum_memor
-1, --single-column List one server_id per line.
SERVER The target server id or name.
--data-interval DATA_INTERVAL
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| five-minute | 5 Minutes |
| half-hour | 30 Minutes |
| four-hour | 4 Hours |
| day | 1 Day |
| week | 7 Days |
| month | 1 Month |
(One of: five-minute, half-hour, four-hour, day,
week, month)
--start START The start of the window of samples to retrieve,
ISO8601 format (eg 2022-12-30T22:50:00Z). Defaults to
1 week before end for intervals larger than 5 minutes,
or 1 day for 5 minute intervals.
--end END The start of the window of samples to retrieve,
ISO8601 format (eg 2022-12-30T22:50:00Z). Defaults to
1 week or 1 day after start date depending on the
selected data interval (or the current time if start
is not provided). Can't be more than 1 year from
Available fields:
server_id The ID of the server that this sample set refers to.
period The period when this sample set was collected.
average The average values of the samples collected during
this period.
The maximum memory used in MB at any point during this
collection period.
The maximum storage used in GB at any point during
this collection period.
Command '['bl', 'server', 'metrics', 'for', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl server snapshot [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access server snapshot commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all snapshots for a server
usage: bl server snapshot list [OPTIONS] SERVER
List all snapshots for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which snapshots
should be listed.
Available fields:
id The ID of this image.
name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the operating system version. If this is a backup
image, this is the label of the backup if it exists,
otherwise it is the UTC timestamp of the creation of
the image.
type One of the following values:
custom - An image uploaded by a user.
snapshot - A snapshot. Snapshot creation is not
currently supported so only distribution images will
have this value.
backup - A backup of a server.
public A public image is available to all users. A private
image is available only to the account that created
the image.
regions The slugs of the regions where the image is available
for use.
min_disk_size For a distribution image this is the minimum disk size
in GB required to install the operating system. For a
backup image this is the minimum total disk size in GB
required to restore the backup.
size_gigabytes For a distribution image this is the disk size used in
GB by the operating system on initial install. For a
backup image this is the size of the compressed backup
image in GB.
status One of the following values:
NEW - The image is new.
available - The image is available for use.
pending - The image is pending and is not yet
available for use.
deleted - The image has been deleted and is no
longer available for use.
distribution_info This object may provide further information about the
distribution If this is an operating system image, this is the name
of the distribution. If this is a backup image, this
is the name of the distribution the server is using.
full_name If this is an operating system image, this is the name
and version of the distribution. If this is a backup
image, this is the server hostname and label of the
backup if it exists, otherwise it is the server
hostname and UTC timestamp of the creation of the
slug If this is an operating system image this is a slug
which may be used as an alternative to the ID as a
created_at If this is a backup image this is the date and time in
ISO8601 format when the image was created.
description A description that may provide further details or
warnings about the image.
error_message If the image creation failed this may provide further
min_memory_megabytes This is minimum memory in MB necessary to support this
operating system (or the base operating system for a
backup image).
If this is not null the use of this image may incur
surcharges above the base cost of the server. All
costs are in AU$.
backup_info If this image is a backup, this object will provide
further information.
usage: bl server software [OPTIONS] SERVER
List all enabled software for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "licence_count")
-1, --single-column List one licence_count per line.
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which software should
be fetched.
Available fields:
software The currently licensed software.
licence_count The current licence count for the software.
usage: bl server user-data [OPTIONS] SERVER
Fetch the currently set UserData for a server
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SERVER The ID or name of the server for which userdata should be
usage: bl size [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access size commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
list List all available sizes
usage: bl size list [OPTIONS] [PARAMETERS]
List all available sizes
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "slug,size_type,vcpus,vc
-1, --single-column List one slug per line.
--server-id SERVER_ID
If supplied only sizes available for a resize the
specified server will be returned. This parameter is
only available when authenticated.
--image IMAGE If null or not provided regions that support the size
are included in the returned objects regardless of
operating system. If this is provided it must be the
id or slug of an operating system image and will cause
only valid regions for the size and operating system
to be included in the returned objects.
Available fields:
slug The slug of this size.
size_type The type of this size, generally used to differentiate
sizes optimized for different usages.
available If this is false the size is not available for new
regions A list of region slugs where this size is available
regardless of stock.
If this a response to a query that included a selected
operating system this response will only include
regions where that operating system is available on
this size,
otherwise not all regions listed will support all
operating systems on this size.
price_monthly Monthly Price in AU$.
price_hourly Hourly price in AU$.
disk The included storage for this size in GB.
memory The included memory for this size in MB.
transfer The included data transfer for this size in TB.
The excess charged for any transfer above the included
data transfer in AU$ per GB.
vcpus The count of virtual CPUs for this size. See
vcpu_units for a description of how each virtual CPU
maps to the underlying hardware.
vcpu_units This is the unit that the vcpus field counts, e.g.
"core" or "thread".
options Available add-ons (optional features not included in
the base price) for the size. All costs are in AU$ per
month (pro-rated).
description A description of this size.
cpu_description A description of the CPU provided in this size.
storage_description A description of the storage provided in this size.
regions_out_of_stock A list of region slugs where the size is normally
available but is currently not available due to lack
of stock.
usage: bl software [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access software commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
get Fetch existing software
list List all available software
operating-system List all available software for an existing operating
usage: bl software get [OPTIONS] SOFTWARE_ID
Fetch existing software
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
SOFTWARE_ID The ID of the software to fetch.
usage: bl software list [OPTIONS]
List all available software
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
Available fields:
id The ID of this software.
enabled Software that is not enabled is not available to be
added to servers but may be retained by servers that
currently use it.
name The name of this software.
description The description of this software.
The cost for each licence of this software per month
in AU$.
The minimum licences permitted for this software.
The maximum licences permitted for this software.
licence_step_count Licences must be purchased in multiples of this value.
A list of slugs of operating system images that
support this software.
group Software in the same group may not be licensed
usage: bl software operating-system [OPTIONS] OPERATING_SYSTEM_ID_OR_SLUG
List all available software for an existing operating system
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
The ID or slug of the operating system for which
available software should be listed.
Available fields:
id The ID of this software.
enabled Software that is not enabled is not available to be
added to servers but may be retained by servers that
currently use it.
name The name of this software.
description The description of this software.
The cost for each licence of this software per month
in AU$.
The minimum licences permitted for this software.
The maximum licences permitted for this software.
licence_step_count Licences must be purchased in multiples of this value.
A list of slugs of operating system images that
support this software.
group Software in the same group may not be licensed
Command '['bl', 'software', 'system', '--help']' returned non-zero exit status 2.
usage: bl ssh-key [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access ssh-key commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Add a new SSH key
delete Delete an existing SSH key
get Fetch an existing SSH key
list List all SSH keys
update Update an existing SSH key
usage: bl ssh-key create [OPTIONS] --public-key PUBLIC_KEY --name NAME [PARAMETERS]
Add a new SSH key
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--public-key PUBLIC_KEY
The public key in OpenSSH "authorized_keys" format.
--name NAME A name to help you identify the key.
--default, --no-default
Optional: If true this will be added to all new server
installations (if we support SSH Key injection for the
server's operating system).
usage: bl ssh-key delete [OPTIONS] KEY_ID
Delete an existing SSH key
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
KEY_ID The ID or fingerprint of the SSH Key to delete.
usage: bl ssh-key get [OPTIONS] KEY_ID
Fetch an existing SSH key
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
KEY_ID The ID or fingerprint of the SSH Key to fetch.
usage: bl ssh-key list [OPTIONS]
List all SSH keys
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
Available fields:
id The ID of this SSH key.
fingerprint The fingerprint of this SSH key.
public_key The public key of this SSH key.
default If an SSH key is marked as default it will be deployed
to all newly created servers that support SSH keys
unless expressly overridden in the creation request.
name The name of this SSH key. This is used only to aid in
usage: bl ssh-key update [OPTIONS] KEY_ID --name NAME [PARAMETERS]
Update an existing SSH key
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
KEY_ID The ID or fingerprint of the SSH Key to update.
--name NAME A name to help you identify the key.
--default, --no-default
Do not provide or leave null to leave the default
status of the key unchanged.
bl version 0.16.0
usage: bl vpc [OPTIONS] COMMAND
Access vpc commands
--help Display available commands and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
Available Commands:
create Create a new VPC
delete Delete an existing VPC
get Fetch an existing VPC
list List all existing VPCs
members List all members of an existing VPC
patch Update an existing VPC
update Update an existing VPC
usage: bl vpc create [OPTIONS] --name NAME [PARAMETERS] [+route ... ]
Create a new VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--name NAME A name to help identify this VPC.
--ip-range IP_RANGE A private address range that you select during
creation, such as the default value of
Because the virtual network is dedicated to your use,
you may use whatever IP address range you like.
Route Entries:
The route entries that control how network traffic is directed through the
VPC environment.
+route Required marker at start of each item.
--router ROUTER The server that will receive traffic sent to the
destination property in this VPC.
--destination DESTINATION
The destination address for this route entry. This may
be in CIDR format.
--description DESCRIPTION
An optional description for the route.
usage: bl vpc delete [OPTIONS] VPC_ID
Delete an existing VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
VPC_ID The target vpc id.
usage: bl vpc get [OPTIONS] VPC_ID
Fetch an existing VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json] (default:
VPC_ID The target vpc id.
usage: bl vpc list [OPTIONS]
List all existing VPCs
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default: "id,name,ip_range")
-1, --single-column List one id per line.
Available fields:
id The ID of this VPC.
name The name of this VPC.
ip_range The IPv4 range for this VPC in CIDR format.
route_entries The route entries that control how network traffic is
directed through the VPC environment.
usage: bl vpc members [OPTIONS] VPC_ID [PARAMETERS]
List all members of an existing VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
--format FIELD,... Comma-separated list of fields to display. Wildcards
are supported: e.g. --format "*" will
display all fields. (default:
-1, --single-column List one name per line.
VPC_ID The target vpc id.
--resource-type RESOURCE_TYPE
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| server | Server |
| load-balancer | Load Balancer |
| ssh-key | SSH Key |
| vpc | Virtual Private Network |
| image | Backup or Operating System Image |
| registered-domain-name | Registered Domain Name |
(One of: server, load-balancer, ssh-key, vpc, image,
Available fields:
name The name of this VPC member.
resource_type One of the following values:
server - Server
load-balancer - Load Balancer
ssh-key - SSH Key
vpc - Virtual Private Network
image - Backup or Operating System Image
registered-domain-name - Registered Domain Name
resource_id The resource ID of this VPC member.
created_at The date and time in ISO8601 format of this resource's
initial creation.
usage: bl vpc patch [OPTIONS] VPC_ID [PARAMETERS] [+route ... ]
Update an existing VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
VPC_ID The target vpc id.
--name NAME >A name to help identify this VPC. Submit null to
leave unaltered.
Route Entries:
Submit null to leave unaltered, submit an empty list to clear all route
entries. It is not possible to PATCH individual route entries, to alter a
route entry submit the entire list of route entries you wish to save.
+route Required marker at start of each item.
--router ROUTER The server that will receive traffic sent to the
destination property in this VPC.
--destination DESTINATION
The destination address for this route entry. This may
be in CIDR format.
--description DESCRIPTION
An optional description for the route.
usage: bl vpc update [OPTIONS] VPC_ID --name NAME [+route ... ]
Update an existing VPC
--help Display command options and descriptions
--context NAME Name of authentication context to use (default: "bl")
--api-token VALUE API token to use with BinaryLane API
--curl Display API request as a 'curl' command-line
--no-header Display columns without field labels
--output OUTPUT Desired output format [plain, table, tsv, json]
(default: "table")
VPC_ID The target vpc id.
--name NAME A name to help identify this VPC.
Route Entries:
The route entries that control how network traffic is directed through the
VPC environment.
+route Required marker at start of each item.
--router ROUTER The server that will receive traffic sent to the
destination property in this VPC.
--destination DESTINATION
The destination address for this route entry. This may
be in CIDR format.
--description DESCRIPTION
An optional description for the route.