We need more contributors if this project is going to succeed. Therefore if you want to contribute please let us know.
You should open up a detailed issue on github containing:
- repeatable steps e.g. create a new npc (with ctrl + n), name it "stan", save npc, app crashes
- the build date e.g. fwm-THIS_NUMBER.jar
- and what desktop environment you are running on e.g. Windows 10
Then you'll have to wait, because it could up to a week for a response from a developer. After you've waited long enough try hopping into the discord (if there is no noticeable change), and posting a message there, most developers check that discord once a day.
- Open a pull request, and title it what you are trying to fix. Then fix it.
This project is still small, just PM james-ehlmann on github
After PM-ing james-ehlmann, remind him that a setup guide for developing is a necessary addition to the software.