The private key of the original node must be exported first! ! !
Prepare the private key for importing the node account. Private key export tutorial, click here.
If you are migrating a node, you can skip this step.
Unzip the downloaded compressed package to overwrite the file of the previous version.
- If you don't need to start the mining pool, you can delete the last parameter: --stratum-address --stratum-port 9880;
- --net main: Specify the main network, the test network can write barnard;
starcoin.exe --net main ^
--disable-metrics true ^
--miner-thread 0 ^
--node-name starcoin-main ^
--data-dir C:\starcoin\data ^
--logger-disable-file true ^
--stratum-address --stratum-port 9880
Connect to the console (premise: the node is running):
starcoin.exe -c \\.\pipe\starcoin\main\starcoin.ipc console
Check the default account on the new node:
account default
If the account is your own, it is over. If the account is wrong, please import the private key and set it as the default account.
Import private key:
% account import -i your_private_key
Set as default account:
% account default your_account