- Bump hoverkraft-tech/compose-action from 2.0.2 to 2.2.0 (#189)
- Bump for 2.13.1 Flowfuse Release @hardillb
- fix: Clarify
entries in.env.example
file (#185) @ppawlowski - ci: Wait for containers to build before testing docker compose (#184) @ppawlowski
- Add NR 4.0.8 to cache (#183) @hardillb
- Add node-red editor cache files (#181)
- Update docker-compose.yml (#178)
- feat: Add healthchecks for services in Docker Compose (#167)
- Bump max MQTT packet to 128mb (#176)
- Fix EMQX WS port number (#175)
- Update Node-RED Dockerfile to 3.1.15 (#180) @hardillb
- ci: Do not run test against
branches (#177) @ppawlowski - ci: Add Docker Compose files as assets to a release (#179) @ppawlowski
- feat: Add possibility to run application on custom domain name (#172) @ppawlowski
- docs: Adjust UPGRADE instruction (#170) @ppawlowski
- Ensure the broker service name doesn't change (#168)
- ci: Introduce workflow for testing docker compose (#166)
- Update Node-RED version in Docker compose (#162)
- chore: Refactor docker-compose to simplify installation experience (#160)
- First pass at TeamBroker (#165) @hardillb
- fix: Remove interpolation when creating TLS certificates (#164) @ppawlowski
- Introduce quick-start compose file (#158) @ppawlowski
- Bump Node-RED base container (#156) @hardillb
- Bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 6 (#144) @app/dependabot
- Bump docker/metadata-action from 3 to 5 (#143) @app/dependabot
- Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 3 (#140) @app/dependabot
- Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 3 (#139) @app/dependabot
- Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 3 (#136) @app/dependabot
- Update docker-compose.yml (#154) @hardillb
- Bump to driver-docker 2.7.1 @knolleary
- Lock nginx-proxy to a fixed tag (#151) @hardillb
- Add mount for persistent-storage (#150) @hardillb
- rebrand working dir (#149) @hardillb
- Bump to FlowFuse 2.6.1 @hardillb
- Add storage path to /data (#145) @hardillb
- Bump peter-evans/dockerhub-description from 3 to 4 (#142) @app/dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#137) @app/dependabot
- Enable dependabot for github actions (#135) @ppawlowski
- Ensure ssl-certs dir exists (#131) @hardillb
- bump driver-docker to 2.2.1 @hardillb
- Rename containers in README and build script (#125) @hardillb
- Support npm offline for windows (#126) @hardillb
- NPM Registry cache for offline installs. (#121) @hardillb
- Rename containers 2 (#117) @hardillb
- Fix sync to maintenance branch (#123) @hardillb
- Update versions to 2.0.1 @hardillb
- Push to both container names (#116) @hardillb
- Update to new flowfuse npm scope (#113) @knolleary
- Update containers to NodeJS 18 base (#111) @hardillb
- Update file server and driver-docker npm references (#110) @knolleary
- Update to @flowfuse/nr-launcher (#108) @knolleary
- Bump to FlowFuse v1.13.1 @hardillb
- Bump to FlowForge v1.12.2 @hardillb
- Bump to FlowForge v1.12.1 @hardillb
- ensure acme-companion restarts on failure (#100) @hardillb
- Add note about docker-compose version (#99) @hardillb
- Add step to end of release action to reset maintenance (#98) @hardillb
- Bump to FlowForge v1.10.1
- Add config to set max body size (#93) @hardillb
- Update file-server version (#82) @hardillb
- Only create DB if it doesn't exist (#75) @hardillb
- Ensure DB setup scripts run in the correct order (#74) @hardillb
- Set quota defaults (#70) @hardillb
- Add Context store to docker compose (#66) @hardillb
- No need to symlink python anymore (#67) @hardillb
- Setup File Server (#51) @hardillb
- First pass adding LetsEncrypt support (#42) @hardillb
- Fix path to README.md for docker hub publish (#50) @hardillb
- Update to FlowForge 1.0.1
- Remove FlowForge nodes from /data/package.json (#46) @hardillb
- Pin to Postgres 14 (#44) @hardillb
- Add step to the build action to push README.md (#41) @hardillb
- Fix case in npm authToken (#37) @hardillb
- Set default python location for npm (#36) @hardillb
- Add build tag when installing nr-launcher (#35) @hardillb
- First pass at GH Action to build docker-compose app container (#33) @hardillb
- Fix broker comms http auth path (#27) @hardillb
- add dep @flowforge/nr-project-nodes (#26) @Steve-Mcl
- First pass of adding broker (#24) @hardillb
- Add theme to NR container (#22) @hardillb
- Fix Python for sqlite (#20) @hardillb
- Fix virtual host (#14) @hardillb
- Update project automation (#12) @knolleary
- Fix node red path (#11) @hardillb
- Remove local build script (#9) @hardillb
- Add dev mode compose file (#10) @knolleary
- Add optional npm registy (#7) @hardillb
- Add default host config value of (#6) @hardillb
- Update README.md (#4) @hardillb
- Add project workflow automation (#3) @knolleary
- Dns readme (#2) @hardillb