#include <obs.h>
.. function:: bool obs_startup(const char *locale, const char *module_config_path, profiler_name_store_t *store) Initializes the OBS core context. :param locale: The locale to use for modules (E.G. "en-US") :param module_config_path: Path to module config storage directory (or *NULL* if none) :param store: The profiler name store for OBS to use or NULL :return: *false* if already initialized or failed to initialize
.. function:: void obs_shutdown(void) Releases all data associated with OBS and terminates the OBS context.
.. function:: bool obs_initialized(void) :return: true if the main OBS context has been initialized
.. function:: uint32_t obs_get_version(void) :return: The current core version
.. function:: const char *obs_get_version_string(void) :return: The current core version string
.. function:: void obs_set_locale(const char *locale) Sets a new locale to use for modules. This will call obs_module_set_locale for each module with the new locale. :param locale: The locale to use for modules
.. function:: const char *obs_get_locale(void) :return: The current locale
.. function:: profiler_name_store_t *obs_get_profiler_name_store(void) :return: The profiler name store (see util/profiler.h) used by OBS, which is either a name store passed to obs_startup, an internal name store, or NULL in case obs_initialized() returns false.
.. function:: int obs_reset_video(struct obs_video_info *ovi) Sets base video output base resolution/fps/format. Note: This data cannot be changed if an output is currently active. Note: The graphics module cannot be changed without fully destroying the OBS context. :param ovi: Pointer to an obs_video_info structure containing the specification of the graphics subsystem, :return: | OBS_VIDEO_SUCCESS - Success | OBS_VIDEO_NOT_SUPPORTED - The adapter lacks capabilities | OBS_VIDEO_INVALID_PARAM - A parameter is invalid | OBS_VIDEO_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE - Video is currently active | OBS_VIDEO_MODULE_NOT_FOUND - The graphics module is not found | OBS_VIDEO_FAIL - Generic failure Relevant data types used with this function:
struct obs_video_info {
* Graphics module to use (usually "libobs-opengl" or "libobs-d3d11")
const char *graphics_module;
uint32_t fps_num; /**< Output FPS numerator */
uint32_t fps_den; /**< Output FPS denominator */
uint32_t base_width; /**< Base compositing width */
uint32_t base_height; /**< Base compositing height */
uint32_t output_width; /**< Output width */
uint32_t output_height; /**< Output height */
enum video_format output_format; /**< Output format */
/** Video adapter index to use (NOTE: avoid for optimus laptops) */
uint32_t adapter;
/** Use shaders to convert to different color formats */
bool gpu_conversion;
enum video_colorspace colorspace; /**< YUV type (if YUV) */
enum video_range_type range; /**< YUV range (if YUV) */
enum obs_scale_type scale_type; /**< How to scale if scaling */
.. function:: bool obs_reset_audio(const struct obs_audio_info *oai) Sets base audio output format/channels/samples/etc. Note: Cannot reset base audio if an output is currently active. :return: *true* if successful, *false* otherwise Relevant data types used with this function:
struct obs_audio_info {
uint32_t samples_per_sec;
enum speaker_layout speakers;
.. function:: bool obs_get_video_info(struct obs_video_info *ovi) Gets the current video settings. :return: *false* if no video
.. function:: bool obs_get_audio_info(struct obs_audio_info *oai) Gets the current audio settings. :return: *false* if no audio
.. function:: bool obs_enum_source_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all source types (inputs, filters, transitions, etc).
.. function:: bool obs_enum_input_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available inputs source types. Inputs are general source inputs (such as capture sources, device sources, etc).
.. function:: bool obs_enum_filter_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available filter source types. Filters are sources that are used to modify the video/audio output of other sources.
.. function:: bool obs_enum_transition_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available transition source types. Transitions are sources used to transition between two or more other sources.
.. function:: bool obs_enum_output_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available output types.
.. function:: bool obs_enum_encoder_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available encoder types.
.. function:: bool obs_enum_service_types(size_t idx, const char **id) Enumerates all available service types.
.. function:: void obs_enum_sources(bool (*enum_proc)(void*, obs_source_t*), void *param) Enumerates all input sources. Callback function returns true to continue enumeration, or false to end enumeration. Use :c:func:`obs_source_get_ref()` or :c:func:`obs_source_get_weak_source()` if you want to retain a reference after obs_enum_sources finishes.
.. function:: void obs_enum_scenes(bool (*enum_proc)(void*, obs_source_t*), void *param) Enumerates all scenes. Callback function returns true to continue enumeration, or false to end enumeration. Use :c:func:`obs_source_get_ref()` or :c:func:`obs_source_get_weak_source()` if you want to retain a reference after obs_enum_scenes finishes.
.. function:: void obs_enum_outputs(bool (*enum_proc)(void*, obs_output_t*), void *param) Enumerates outputs.
.. function:: void obs_enum_encoders(bool (*enum_proc)(void*, obs_encoder_t*), void *param) Enumerates encoders.
.. function:: obs_source_t *obs_get_source_by_name(const char *name) Gets a source by its name. Increments the source reference counter, use :c:func:`obs_source_release()` to release it when complete.
.. function:: obs_output_t *obs_get_output_by_name(const char *name) Gets an output by its name. Increments the output reference counter, use :c:func:`obs_output_release()` to release it when complete.
.. function:: obs_encoder_t *obs_get_encoder_by_name(const char *name) Gets an encoder by its name. Increments the encoder reference counter, use :c:func:`obs_encoder_release()` to release it when complete.
.. function:: obs_service_t *obs_get_service_by_name(const char *name) Gets an service by its name. Increments the service reference counter, use :c:func:`obs_service_release()` to release it when complete.
.. function:: obs_data_t *obs_save_source(obs_source_t *source) :return: A new reference to a source's saved data
.. function:: obs_source_t *obs_load_source(obs_data_t *data) :return: A source created from saved data
.. function:: void obs_load_sources(obs_data_array_t *array, obs_load_source_cb cb, void *private_data) Helper function to load active sources from a data array. Relevant data types used with this function:
typedef void (*obs_load_source_cb)(void *private_data, obs_source_t *source);
.. function:: obs_data_array_t *obs_save_sources(void) :return: A data array with the saved data of all active sources
.. function:: obs_data_array_t *obs_save_sources_filtered(obs_save_source_filter_cb cb, void *data) :return: A data array with the saved data of all active sources, filtered by the *cb* function Relevant data types used with this function:
typedef bool (*obs_save_source_filter_cb)(void *data, obs_source_t *source);
.. function:: void obs_enter_graphics(void) Helper function for entering the OBS graphics context.
.. function:: void obs_leave_graphics(void) Helper function for leaving the OBS graphics context.
.. function:: audio_t *obs_get_audio(void) :return: The main audio output handler for this OBS context
.. function:: video_t *obs_get_video(void) :return: The main video output handler for this OBS context
.. function:: void obs_set_output_source(uint32_t channel, obs_source_t *source) Sets the primary output source for a channel.
.. function:: obs_source_t *obs_get_output_source(uint32_t channel) Gets the primary output source for a channel and increments the reference counter for that source. Use :c:func:`obs_source_release()` to release.
.. function:: gs_effect_t *obs_get_base_effect(enum obs_base_effect effect) Returns a commoinly used base effect. :param effect: | Can be one of the following values: | OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT - RGB/YUV | OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT_RECT - RGB/YUV (using texture_rect) | OBS_EFFECT_OPAQUE - RGB/YUV (alpha set to 1.0) | OBS_EFFECT_SOLID - RGB/YUV (solid color only) | OBS_EFFECT_BICUBIC - Bicubic downscale | OBS_EFFECT_LANCZOS - Lanczos downscale | OBS_EFFECT_BILINEAR_LOWRES - Bilinear low resolution downscale | OBS_EFFECT_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA - Premultiplied alpha
.. function:: void obs_render_main_view(void) Renders the main view. Note: This function is deprecated.
.. function:: void obs_render_main_texture(void) Renders the main output texture. Useful for rendering a preview pane of the main output.
.. function:: void obs_set_master_volume(float volume) Sets the master user volume.
.. function:: float obs_get_master_volume(void) :return: The master user volume
.. function:: void obs_enum_audio_monitoring_devices(obs_enum_audio_device_cb cb, void *data) Enumerates audio devices which can be used for audio monitoring. Relevant data types used with this function:
typedef bool (*obs_enum_audio_device_cb)(void *data, const char *name, const char *id);
.. function:: bool obs_set_audio_monitoring_device(const char *name, const char *id) Sets the current audio device for audio monitoring.
.. function:: void obs_get_audio_monitoring_device(const char **name, const char **id) Gets the current audio device for audio monitoring.
.. function:: void obs_add_main_render_callback(void (*draw)(void *param, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy), void *param) void obs_remove_main_render_callback(void (*draw)(void *param, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy), void *param) Adds/removes a main rendering callback. Allows custom rendering to the main stream/recording output.
.. function:: void obs_add_raw_video_callback(const struct video_scale_info *conversion, void (*callback)(void *param, struct video_data *frame), void *param) void obs_remove_raw_video_callback(void (*callback)(void *param, struct video_data *frame), void *param) Adds/removes a raw video callback. Allows the ability to obtain raw video frames without necessarily using an output. :param conversion: Specifies conversion requirements. Can be NULL. :param callback: The callback that receives raw video frames. :param param: The private data associated with the callback.
.. function:: signal_handler_t *obs_get_signal_handler(void) :return: The primary obs signal handler See :ref:`core_signal_handler_reference` for more information on core signals.
.. function:: proc_handler_t *obs_get_proc_handler(void) :return: The primary obs procedure handler
source_create (ptr source)
Called when a source has been created.
source_destroy (ptr source)
Called when a source has been destroyed.
source_remove (ptr source)
Called when a source has been removed (:c:func:`obs_source_remove()` has been called on the source).
source_save (ptr source)
Called when a source is being saved.
source_load (ptr source)
Called when a source is being loaded.
source_activate (ptr source)
Called when a source has been activated in the main view (visible on stream/recording).
source_deactivate (ptr source)
Called when a source has been deactivated from the main view (no longer visible on stream/recording).
source_show (ptr source)
Called when a source is visible on any display and/or on the main view.
source_hide (ptr source)
Called when a source is no longer visible on any display and/or on the main view.
source_rename (ptr source, string new_name, string prev_name)
Called when a source has been renamed.
source_volume (ptr source, in out float volume)
Called when a source's volume has changed.
source_transition_start (ptr source)
Called when a transition has started its transition.
source_transition_video_stop (ptr source)
Called when a transition has stopped its video transitioning.
source_transition_stop (ptr source)
Called when a transition has stopped its transition.
channel_change (int channel, in out ptr source, ptr prev_source)
Called when :c:func:`obs_set_output_source()` has been called.
master_volume (in out float volume)
Called when the master volume has changed.
hotkey_layout_change ()
Called when the hotkey layout has changed.
hotkey_register (ptr hotkey)
Called when a hotkey has been registered.
hotkey_unregister (ptr hotkey)
Called when a hotkey has been unregistered.
hotkey_bindings_changed (ptr hotkey)
Called when a hotkey's bindings has changed.
.. function:: obs_display_t *obs_display_create(const struct gs_init_data *graphics_data) Adds a new window display linked to the main render pipeline. This creates a new swap chain which updates every frame. *(Important note: do not use more than one display widget within the hierarchy of the same base window; this will cause presentation stalls on Macs.)* :param graphics_data: The swap chain initialization data :return: The new display context, or NULL if failed Relevant data types used with this function:
enum gs_color_format {
enum gs_zstencil_format {
struct gs_window {
#if defined(_WIN32)
void *hwnd;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
__unsafe_unretained id view;
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
uint32_t id;
void *display;
struct gs_init_data {
struct gs_window window;
uint32_t cx, cy;
uint32_t num_backbuffers;
enum gs_color_format format;
enum gs_zstencil_format zsformat;
uint32_t adapter;
.. function:: void obs_display_destroy(obs_display_t *display) Destroys a display context.
.. function:: void obs_display_resize(obs_display_t *display, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) Changes the size of a display context.
.. function:: void obs_display_add_draw_callback(obs_display_t *display, void (*draw)(void *param, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy), void *param) Adds a draw callback for a display context, which will be called whenever the display is rendered. :param display: The display context :param draw: The draw callback which is called each time a frame updates :param param: The user data to be associated with this draw callback
.. function:: void obs_display_remove_draw_callback(obs_display_t *display, void (*draw)(void *param, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy), void *param) Removes a draw callback for a display context.
.. function:: void obs_display_set_enabled(obs_display_t *display, bool enable) Enables/disables a display context.
.. function:: bool obs_display_enabled(obs_display_t *display) :return: *true* if the display is enabled, *false* otherwise
.. function:: void obs_display_set_background_color(obs_display_t *display, uint32_t color) Sets the background (clear) color for the display context.