Releases: FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic
Releases · FenixEdu/fenixedu-academic
FenixEdu Academic - Version 9.0.0
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.4.0
New Feature
- [ACDM-1390] - Store ECTS Grade Conversion
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.3.0
- [ACDM-1282] - Not possible to create registration certificate when not enrolled
- [ACDM-1302] - NPE: Can't create new competence version when there is no last information
- [ACDM-1361] - Competence Management: Some links are missing
- [ACDM-1383] - Missing labels in bundles for ExecutionCourse deletion blockers
- [ACDM-1385] - Students can't sort mobility (outbound) destinations
- [ACDM-1387] - DegreeCurricularPlan duration returns wrong number of years
- [ACDM-1189] - Exemption on Specialization Degree not working
- [ACDM-1364] - Create Person: Check if person exists strictly matches identification number
- [ACDM-1378] - Teacher: order execution courses by period
- [ACDM-1379] - improve room readability when selecting room for extra summary
- [ACDM-1381] - prevent evaluation enrolment to be deleted if present in a marksheet
- [ACDM-1388] - improve mobility excel export
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.2.1
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.2.0
- [ACDM-1276] - Manage Associated Objects - Create Scientific Area throws NPE
- [ACDM-1277] - Manage Associated Objects - Create Competence Course Group
- [ACDM-1292] - Name shown as json object in view mobility agreements functionality
- [ACDM-1345] - It should not be possible to create marksheets with annulated enrolment evaluations
- [ACDM-1349] - WriteStudentAttendingCourse fails silently on duplicate ExecutionCourse despite Registration
- [ACDM-1358] - Exception when listing candidates
- [ACDM-1359] - shift reservation: improvement attends for all registrations should be present
New Feature
- [ACDM-1357] - NPE when exporting to excel degree change candidates
- [ACDM-1375] - some phd documents can't be replaced
- [ACDM-1166] - International registration form requires a password without informing its quality policy
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.1.4
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.1.3
FenixEdu Academic - Version 8.1.2
- [ACDM-1291] - Implement candidacyProcess.Formation deletion